Jamus Hainard

Gwn Lwc's page

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Turelus wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

What is this? (i.e. where is this announcement in layman's terms for those who have never used any of this and have no clue what these acronyms are? :) )

Edit: went on the software's website and now I have +2 to my knowledge check... Q: what about those who already own various modules and APs from Paizo? will we be able to port those into this? or is this similar to Herolab in the sense that all the content must be purchased again from the software provider? (I'm thinking: if I want to run my old Legacy of Fire AP with this, do I have to buy the AP again???)

You would have to purchase it all again via the Virtual Table Top (VTT) companies. Be aware though that you don't need the official Paizo material to play games with these VTT's as OGL licence means some community items can be created for use without payment.

I know Fantasy Grounds are however working to make the Paizo products a much higher quality and include tokens, art and non-OGL text within them.

Saw the announcement on Facebook and came her to ask this very question as the comments didn't help. So my understanding then, is, that since I own nearly all of the hardback rulebooks (except the ACG), and Bestiaries, and 5 Adventure Paths, I would have to buy all of them again in order to run them through Fantasy Grounds or d20pro? In addition to paying a fee to use the VTT?

I'm sorry, but that's just not affordable for a lot of people. This reminds me of Hero Labs charging the full price of a book to buy the license for their generator. How the hell is someone supposed to afford buying the actual product, and the VTT product? God forbid they're buying the Hero Lab product too!

Do all of the players have to buy these products too? So each person in a game has to buy the rulebooks in order to use them? Or can one person share their books with others in the game?

If people have to rebuy everything they've already bought, especially those who have been longtime subscribers to Paizo, I just don't know if this will pick up. I mean, even if you could link your account to the Paizo website to verify purchases won't really help, because lots of people don't buy through Paizo, or even from a website at all!

I would love to find a good VTT thats easy to use, as I'm forced to Skype into a game with my cousins nowdays and it's kind of inconvenient, but as much as I would like a VTT, I dislike having to rebuy everything even more.