Dwarf Wizard

Gulstaff's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Grand Lodge

As the Unchained Summoner is pretty much the same as the Advanced Player's Guide, if I had a Broodmaster Archetype Unchained Summoner, would each of his lesser eidolons get to choose a eidolon subtype, i.e. I could choose one as an Angel and the other as an Azata, or would both have to be the same type?

Grand Lodge

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does anyone know how to determine the random starting ages for the ACG classes?
Do you just go off one of the Parent Classes or will this get errata'd later?

Grand Lodge

I am playing a Synthesist Summoner, and I have taken the 4 Point Weapon Training Evolution for my Eidolon so that I have all Martial and Simple Weapon Proficiency. When I summon my Eidolon would my Summoner be able to use Martial weapons when fused with his eidolon?