The elder brother of Razithine, the late Guildmaster of the Emporium, Kazithine has assumed control of the Emporium and thuis become the most powerful member of his family.
Luckily Kazithine is nothing like his younger, more impulsive brother, instead preferring to handle issues with panache and diplomacy rather than brute force, at least at first. Kazithine favors surgical tactics involving the rapid and overwhelming application of force to gain the advantage and finish any fight r task as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The Zithine family is the founder of the Kasathan Emporium and boasts the privilege of being the second faction within the Epochryphon to become official. A number of strict trade agreements between the Emporium and Solivagus are fulfilled every year and the Emporium has always profitted from involvement with Solivagus' plans.
Actual Kasatha within the Emporium are all linked to the Zithine family in some way and each possesses the ability to return to [CLASSIFIED], the Kasathan homeworld, where they acquire various relics and technological wonders to sell to the other factions.
'Zithine' is technically not a full name, at least not in the Kasatha's native language, Zithine most often preceded by at least eight other names, all separated by apostrophes, and a few letters to designate what we as humans would called a 'first name'. As an example, Kazithine's full name is Argul'Eonis'Veq'Ashul'Raziim'Haleer'Gevok'Fashaad'Kazithine. Needless to say, high Kasathan is a flowery and frustrating language to learn for humans.