
Guardy's page

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I just wanted to tell the folks at Paizo that this lil' nerd here has a very high opinion of them now x'D

I was never able to get a Pen and Paper RPG group together that lasted more than a week (yay gentrification and general lack of peers, lol) and thus could never really justify buying any books instead of borrowing an old DnD core rulebook from my long-suffering neighbor, but the humble bundle changed everything.
And decided my little DnD vs Pathfinder dilemma firmly in favor of the latter, so if I do get a group together eventually, you definitely have a faithful new customer.

I basically just wanted to say thanks for this amazing opportunity - and for all the twitch streaming and stuff, too, because that was a great thing to do.
Giving people the opportunity to get stuff for cheap is always highly appreciated, of course, but actually doing something with that, making it into a bit of an event and getting the new players all hyped up goes a long way, too.