Gryphonheart's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


OOHH!!! Construct armor looks very interesting. Especially since I'm a crafter so it fits with my creating stuff. The soulbound shell is interesting too, especially since we're in a desert setting. Living monolith is also very interesting. Object posession a bit less tho, since you can't speak, and therefore cast unless you have silent casting I'd imagine. All in all tho, lots of nice ideas to bring to my DM. Thanks a bunch guys and gals ;)

Oh! I didn't know that about the hp for golems. I'll check out vampires as well. Thanks for the info. This gives me a blueprint of what's doable if I ever decide to go the golem route anyways ;)

Hello all. I have a question I would like to run by you fine gents and ladies.

I currently play a metal oracle in a game. I love my character, he's really fun to play. But, I have crap constitution (8). The story is, I lost part of my life force in a deal to escape the grasp of the Umbral dragon that had enslaved my family in the shadow realm (I'm a fetchling). Now, I'm trying to think of ways to change that. There are, of course, the classics like items and books to up my con. But my DM said, as a joke, that I could become a lich. Then I'd use my very nice charisma score instead.

Now, he meant it as a joke, but it got me thinking. What if I could change my body, somehow? I'm a crafter character (feats, skills and such) so "crafting" myself a body isn't such a ridiculous idea. What if I could craft a custom golem body, for example. I mean, sure the lich option is available, but I'm no necromancer, and not at all evil. So it doesn't really fit. So making myself a new body (golem, warforged, something else?) is an idea I'd like to run by him. But, I have no idea if it's at all possible already, in the worlds of pathfinder, or if we'd have to custom the hell out of this.

So what I'm asking for is advice on how to proceed. Either with already established rules I haven't found, or with ideas you guys and gals may have on how to do this.

Peace out ;)

Wow, some very nice ideas for the alchemist. Thanks guys! I think I'll be able to give her something she likes ;)

And sorry for the late reply. As the WoW orcs say, work work work.

Peace out ;)

chaoseffect wrote:

I think the mask is really powerful, but perhaps not too powerful if you're running a high powered game; plus the cleric is support, so now he has some limited offense to help out in a pinch. Not sure how I would price that though.

For the alchemist how about a recipe for an unstable bomb upgrade that lets him deal his full bomb damage to those in his splash range instead of splash damage x times per day (and he can maybe use extract slots to increase this number)?

I rechecked the item to make sure, and yeah it was too much because of the +2 to caster level. A +1 to caster level ioun stone is 30000 gold. I want an item around 70000 gold and the spells alone amount to about 63000. So I removed the bonus to caster level and made it that the item has a caster level of 9 (minimum for the spells), but if the wearer is a follower of Nethys, they use their own caster level instead for the item's level. That gives it a slight boost that isn't too powerful imo (they're lvl 8 atm, might be 9th or 10th by the time they find it) and it allows the item to remain useful at higher levels as well.

I'm not running a high powered game exactly. They're actually less powerful than most of our usual games. Most of them don't have magic items at all, since the world is recovering from a magical cataclysm that "shut down" magic for thousands of years. But they are the heroes that found the sanctuary of the gods, where they hid when the cataclysm came. They woke them up and basically brought back magic to the world. Magic had started to come back, but only very low power stuff. So they are special in that regard. This has limited the whole buying tons of magical items and becoming uber early on, as I've experienced early on in many games. So right now, they are lacking. Which is why I'm making this special dungeon with great perils, but great rewards inside. They will be powerful with those items, yes, but what they don't know is that time passes differently inside this dungeon. So when they come out, years will have passed. And war will be at full speed outside. There will be plenty of strong people to contend with them, more magical items from crafting for the wars, and people that would love nothing more than to steal those powerful items they just got.

As for your suggestion for the alchemist, she hits almost all the time, so that would be a fairly weak reward. But thanks anyways.

Work got cancelled, so I had time to work on this some more.

Thanks all for the feedback. It has given me some ideas.

One thing I remembered about the cleric is the fact he had an armor made half white/half black, to represent Nethys. So I thought why not follow that idea some more. Here's my idea:

Mask of Nethys

This mask is a perfect representation of the mask of Nethys, god of magic. Wearing it allows you to use spell-like abilities at your caster level, each once per day. Following in the footsteps of Nethys, the mask has two aspects; It’s divine powers (white side) follow a protective theme, while the arcane powers (black side) follow a destruction theme.

Arcane spells :
1st - Magic Missile
2nd - Flaming Sphere
3rd - Ice Spears
4th - Ball Lightning
5th - Acidic Spray

Divine spells :
1st - Shield of Faith
2nd - Resist Energy
3rd - Cure Serious Wounds
4th - Blessing of Fervor
5th - Spell Resistance

Also, if a follower of Nethys, your caster level is treated as two higher for the purpose of casting spells (up to a maximum of CL 20). If you have no spellcasting ability, this effect grants you no benefit.
Your alignment appears to be true neutral while you wear this mask.

What do you guys think? Overpowered? Underpowered? Just right? Other?

Thanks in advance, once again ;)

Hey everyone. I need your help.

I'm DMing a game in a modified Golarion world. Now I ain't very experienced with DMing but the players enjoy the game, which is great for my self esteem. But they do have a few comments to tell me from time to time. One of them is the lack of magical items to date. And that's fairly true, they don't have much. So I figured I'd give them a big dungeon with great rewards at the end of each level (5 in total, for a party of 5). Now finding a weapon for the inquisitor, paladin and gunslinger was fairly easy. But the alchemist and cleric... I can't find something worthwhile to give them.

See, the weapons I built for the paladin, inquisitor and gunslinger have names, are theme based (+2 Furyborn undead bane Katana for the Pharasma inquisitor for example) and good to great synergy with their characters. But I can't, for the life of me, figure out what to give to the alchemist or the cleric.

So the alchemist loves her bombs. She mostly uses that and gives some potion support as well. She's also headed towards item creation. Now I wanted to give each of them a great weapon but I can't find something good for her. Any ideas? Maybe something other than a weapon, but still special? I don't want to give her a +X to int item, for example, when I'm giving the inquisitor a +2 Furyborn undead bane Katana. The +X to int would be great for her sure, but it's freaking BORING.

As for the cleric, he's a support/healing cleric mostly. He loves to do shield other and such to his allies and heal where needed, and use his spells intelligently. And trust me, the player is a braniac so he's good at that. His domains are Rune and Magic, being under Nethys, god of magic. Now, since he rarely fights himself, I find making a weapon for him hard. Any ideas?

I hope this is enough info for you all to help me if possible. For additional info: the average price of the items is around 70,000 gold.

As for myself, I may not check back on this thread till tomorrow, due to work and stuff. So please be patient if you ask a question.

Thanks in advance everyone.

Peace out.

Ok I tried converting Delvahine myself. I basically took the succubus from the bestiary and added the 6 levels of Bard and 5 levels of Dominant. I used my own judgment as to what skills she'd have raised and additional spells she would have known and such.

Please let me know what you think and if I've made mistakes. Thanks.

Movie plot spoiler:
Delvahine CR 15

Female succubus bard 6/dominant 5 (Beastiary 68, Plot & Poison 3.5 ed pg 66)
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good; Perception +30

AC 29, touch 16, flat-footed 23 (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 198 (11d8+8d10+106)
Fort +11, Ref +18, Will +19
DR 10/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, fire, poison;
Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 18

Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Melee +1 wounding whip +23/+18/+13 (1d3+3 plus 1 Con) and
claw +16 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks energy drain, profane gift, bardic performance 25rds/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence +2, inspire courage +2, suggestion), binding whip, deadly whip, penetrating whip

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant—detect good, tongues
At will—charm monster (DC 25), detect thoughts (DC 23), ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), suggestion (DC 25), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vampiric touch
1/day—dominate person (DC 27), summon (level 3, 1 babau 50%)

Spells Known (CL 11th) (remove 2 from DC's if Eagle's splendor is inactive)
4th (4/day)—dominate person (DC 28), freedom of movement, greater invisibility
3rd (7/day)—confusion (DC 28), dispel magic, displacement, summon monster III
2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafness (DC 25), cure moderate wounds, eagle’s splendor, mirror image, hold person (DC 26)
1st (8/day)—charm person (DC 25), cure light wounds, grease (DC 24), hideous laughter (DC 25), Undetectabe alignment, Silent Image (DC 24)
0 (At Will)—ghost sound (DC 23), mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic

Str 15, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 32 (36)
Base Atk +15; CMB +17; CMD 33
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Hover, Impressive Demonstration, Spell Focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (whip)

Skills Bluff +38 (40), Diplomacy +30 (32), Disguise +30 (32), Escape Artist
+23, Fly +25, Intimidate +27 (29), Knowledge (Arcana) +17,
Knowledge (local) +25, Knowledge (Planes) +17,
Perception +30, Perform (Dance) +24 (26), Sense Motive +20,
Spellcraft +8, Stealth +22;
Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic; tongues,
telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (alter self, Small or Medium humanoid), enchantment specialization, well-versed, lore master 1/day, versatile performance
Gear +2 glamered mithral shirt, +1 wounding whip, amulet of health +4, gloves of Dexterity +4

Special Abilities

Energy Drain (Su) A succubus drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before the succubus can use this ability. The succubus’s kiss bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another act of passion from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 22 Will save to negate the suggestion. The DC is 22 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. These save DCs are Charisma-based.

Profane Gift (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a succubus may grant a profane gift to a willing humanoid creature by touching it for 1 full round. The target gains a +2 profane bonus to an ability score of his choice. A single creature may have no more than one profane gift from a succubus at a time. As long as the profane gift persists, the succubus can communicate telepathically with the target across any distance (and may use her suggestion spell-like ability through it). A profane gift is removed by dispel evil or dispel chaos. The succubus can remove it as well as a free action (causing 2d6 Charisma drain to the victim, no save).

Agonizing Touch (Su) Delvahine can cause pain in a foe by making a touch attack, as part of a successful grapple check, or with any spell delivered by touch. The foe takes 1d3 points of nonlethal damage when so touched—Delvahine cannot add her Strength
bonus to this damage. The target may make a DC 26 (28 with eagle's splendor active) Fortitude save to negate this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Binding Whip (Ex) Delvahine can attempt to bind a Large or smaller foe within 5 feet with her whip by making a melee touch attack. If successful, she attempts to make a DC 15 Use Rope check as a free action; on a success, the foe is entangled and she can no
longer use the whip to attack. An entangled foe takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to his Dexterity. A DC 25 Strength check or an Escape Artist check opposed by her Use Rope check frees the creature. Attempts to cast spells while entangled require
the caster to make a Concentration check.

Deadly Whip (Ex) When Delvahine attacks a foe with a whip, she may choose to deal normal damage with it rather than nonlethal damage. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she uses a whip in combat.

Enchantment Specialization (Ex) Delvahine is particularly adept at casting confusion. The spell save DC for this spell is increased by 1, and she gains a +1 competence bonus on level checks to overcome spell resistance with it.

Impressive Demonstration (Ex) Delvahine can use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent as a move action rather than as a standard action. This feat is from Plot & Poison, page 93.

Penetrating Whip (Ex) When attacking with a whip, Delvahine ignores the restriction on being able to only damage creatures with a +1 natural armor bonus or +3 armor bonus or less—she can damage foes of any armor level with her whip.

How does one proceed for conversion? I'm about to start part 5 for my group but have been relying on Grandfather's conversions. I'd like to learn how to do em proper tho so I can continue myself. Is there info on how to do this somewhere?


Evil Lincoln wrote:
Gryphonheart wrote:

Hey all. Quick question. My party, comprised of a paladin, a rogue, a barbarian, an eldritch knight and a cleric, is actually considering taking on the camps of ogres, giants and all around the fortress. I think they're crazy, but just in case...

Has anyone had to run a party through that? What about if they try at night and coup de grace the sleeping ones? Or find some tactic I'm not thinking of... They would gain a lot of xp if they somehow manage to do that, but I'd imagine those in the fortress would object somehow. The xp might give them an unfair advantage over the remaining monsters and adventures. On the other hand, if they actually do find a way, should I not let them try and reap in the rewards?

Thoughts? I don't really like telling a party no just because, but it seems possibly game breaking.


The Rocs are your friends. In daylight, they can see VERY far or fly overhead.

At night, use the night wyverns.

This is a bivouaced giant army. Sneaking up on them is not a very good idea.

Now, a really ingenious party could account for this, and plan to use the army's response against them... but if the plan doesn't account for a logical alert response from the army, you may crush them in good conscience.

Crush them in good conscience. I like that ;)

I'll find a way to keep them from committing suicide. Rocs and night wyverns will help. The fact that they are a neutral and evil party does make for some challenging DMing tho. Giving a reason for the LE paladin to "help" people is a challenge. His god (Asmodeus) had to send a few messages in the past to guide him along. (yes I allow paladins of all deities. I hate anti-pal conceps)

While the Ogres might be stupid enough to not have night watch, the giants are smart enough to set up a night watch. And the night wyverns might catch the flying barbarian (Dragonborn with feats I invented for him to fly) and snack on him in the sky while the others watch from afar XD

Thanks. I'm getting plenty of ideas now.


Hey all. Quick question. My party, comprised of a paladin, a rogue, a barbarian, an eldritch knight and a cleric, is actually considering taking on the camps of ogres, giants and all around the fortress. I think they're crazy, but just in case...

Has anyone had to run a party through that? What about if they try at night and coup de grace the sleeping ones? Or find some tactic I'm not thinking of... They would gain a lot of xp if they somehow manage to do that, but I'd imagine those in the fortress would object somehow. The xp might give them an unfair advantage over the remaining monsters and adventures. On the other hand, if they actually do find a way, should I not let them try and reap in the rewards?

Thoughts? I don't really like telling a party no just because, but it seems possibly game breaking.


Si il y a des bouttes que t'as de la misère à comprendre pour la traduction, écris-moi... Shu en plein dedans ces aventures.

Je suis sur Facebook - Daniel Morency... Check dans le "Montreal Roleplayer's Group"


Merci de l'offre. J'ai pas mal tout traduit de la 2e aventure deja ;)

The Grandfather wrote:

My players and I are well into FotSG and I have converted all the monsters not available in the PF Bestiary and all NPCs to PRPG.

You can check the conversions out here .

I will apreciate any feedback and help spotting errors.

Hey there. I'm a fairly new gm and truly appreciate these conversions that you have done. I got the 2-3-4 ones and hope you'll do 5 and 6 too. I'd try to do them myself but I'm still learning and am afraid of screwing them up and I'm already busy translating descriptions into french, as I live in Quebec city and my group ain't too great in English. Translating on the fly is NOT fun.

I'd have sent you a private message, but there does not seem to have this function in these messageboards. Anyways, thanks again.