
Gryndle Slitherfins's page

25 posts. Alias of Agent Eclipse.


| HP: 71/71 | Hero Point: 1/1 |AC: 23* | F: 11 R: 13 W: 9* | Perc: +9 (Darkvision) Stealth: +12| Speed 30ft | Active conditions:


Sharkkin Goblin Swashbuckler 5

About Gryndle Slitherfins

Gryndle Slitherfins
Goblin swashbuckler 5 Advanced Player's Guide, 83
CN, Small, Goblin, Humanoid
Perception +9 (+10 to initiative rolls.); darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +13 (+14 to initiative rolls., Successes to Balance are critical successes instead.), Athletics +9 (+10 to initiative rolls.), Deception +11 (+12 to initiative rolls.), Diplomacy +11 (+12 to initiative rolls.), Intimidation +13, Sailing Lore +7, Stealth +11 (+12 to initiative rolls.), Thievery +11
Str 14 (+2), Dex 19 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 18 (+4)
Other Items +1 leather, +1 striking dogslicer, backpack, brass ear, caltrops, chalks (10), climbing kit, compass, crowbar, flint and steel, grappling hook, thieves' tools, torchs (5), waterskins (5), purse (1 gp; 4 cp)
AC 23 (24 vs. hazards); Fort +11; Ref +13; Will +9; +1 vs. hazards
HP 71 Hero Points 1
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] +1 striking dogslicer +14 (backstabber, agile, finesse, goblin, magical), Damage 2d6+2 S
Braggart You boast, taunt, and psychologically needle your foes. You are trained in Intimidation. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you successfully Demoralize a foe.
Confident Finisher [1] (finisher, swashbuckler) You gain an elegant finishing attack you can make when you have panache. The finisher trait is described on page 87. You gain the Confident Finisher action.
Confident Finisher
You make an incredibly graceful attack, piercing your foe’s defenses. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that would apply your precise strike damage, with the following failure effect.
Failure You deal half your precise strike damage to the target. This damage type is that of the weapon or unarmed attack you used for the Strike.
Opportune Riposte [R] (swashbuckler) Trigger A foe within your reach critically fails a Strike against you. Effect You turn the tables on foes who fumble, capitalizing immediately on their mistake. You gain the Opportune Riposte reaction.
Opportune Riposte
You take advantage of an opening from your enemy’s fumbled attack. You either make a melee Strike against the triggering foe or attempt to Disarm it of the weapon it used for the Strike.
Panache You care as much about the way you accomplish something as whether you actually accomplish it in the first place. When you perform an action with particular bravado, you can leverage this moment of verve to perform spectacular, deadly maneuvers. This state of flair is called panache, and you are either in a state of panache or you are not.
You gain panache by successfully performing the skill check associated with specific actions that have a bit of flair, including Tumble Through (Core Rulebook 240) and additional actions determined by your swashbuckler’s style (see below). At the GM’s discretion, after succeeding at a check to perform a particularly daring action, such as swinging on a chandelier or sliding down a drapery, you also gain panache if your result is high enough (typically the very hard DC for your level, but the GM can choose a different threshold).
While you have panache, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speeds and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Tumble Through or to take any actions that give you panache due to your style. The precise strike class feature (page 85) also causes you to deal extra precision damage while you have panache. Powerful finisher actions, including Confident Finisher (page 85), can be used only while you have panache and cause you to lose your panache.
Normally, you gain and use panache only in combat encounters; when an encounter ends, you lose panache.
Precise Strike You strike with flair. When you have panache and you Strike with an agile or finesse melee weapon or agile or finesse unarmed attack, you deal 2 additional precision damage. If the strike is part of a finisher, the additional damage is 2d6 precision damage instead.
As your swashbuckler level increases, so does your additional damage for precise strike. Increase the amount of additional damage on a Strike and the number of additional dice on a finisher by one at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.
Feats Assurance, Dueling Parry, Goblin Weapon Familiarity, Intimidating Glare, Steady Balance, Toughness, Tumble Behind, Twitchy, Underwater Marauder, You're Next
Other Abilities weapon expertise

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