GruntLordRyan's page

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Ok here is the Link for my NPC and Locations Doc Hope it works


Nice, I like this I'll be trying them out.

By the way, I'm Making a Compilation list of NPCs and Locations in a google sheet doc.

Here is a link: pWCoEMrg/edit?usp=sharing

It's currently set to Comments. I may set it to allow anyone to edit; I'm just afraid of it being deleted or messed up by someone. it's still a work in progress with about 900 Varisia NPCs

I've been looking all over for a finished version I can use.

I've got a map for a version located here that I found emely_detailed_maps_for_the/

And I found a unfinished one here

I found someone was offering their own pdf version back in 2014

Can anyone help me with this?
I'm mostly just looking for a finished version of the partial one in the beginner box.

I'm just getting back into pathfinder and have been buying and getting PDF versions of Pathinder books over the last year.