Follower of Szuriel

Grung the Heavy's page

36 posts. Alias of Jing the Bandit.


HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung stands up slowly and grabs one of the torches, lighting it on the others and goes to the previous firepit and attempts to light it.

"Best get this place as lit up as possible. Worst case, we move camp and can see into this camp for any activity...other case, we can see as whatever is causing this stillness comes to silence us and the brightness we offer in the darkness of night." he says grunting before he has the torch properly settled in the fire pit.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

I kinda have to agree, random GM dice rolls tend to confuse and cause pause in me as a player.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Been a week with no posts....i think it's time to force the scene forwards and do a headcount.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung takes a seat around where the firepit was. "Awful quiet..." he said drawing his axe and resting it between his legs. He leaned on it and just listened to the world...waiting.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Where was that while investigating....

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung snorts as he stands up with the extra gear in his pack. "They're pulling a runner. No one leaves behind their means of feeding their men without plans of never returning. Either they felt they were gonna do something suicidal or they didn't want people to think they still lived." he said as he bothered a bit with the pit some more.

He stretched a bit once he seemed done with his work. "Shame the fools couldn't at least us their useful gear. Now I feel like I have to go and gather it proper." he said as he turned about and stared at the others trying to figure out if they'd found anything better besides going into the forest.

"Oi...we supposed to take care of the Bandits first or these idiots?" he asked confused.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

First Perception check of the game!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Grung enters the camp and makes his way to the fire pit. He looks over the cookware and the like and decides that it is still usable so he simply starts packing it back up in his own pack for future use.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Gotcha, right. I am trying to play a more right typical Orc with Grung. Not exactly the smartest guy, over confident, a bit on the lucky side to have survived this long, and a mean streak in him a mile long...and a penchant for trying to prove himself as the big bad guy in the group.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Apologies, I didn't mean to hold up with that post and only realize now it caused a pause.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung heard Vruhag coming before he saw him and had a bit of a evil grin upon his face. He licked his lips as he listened to the two bark at each other a bit before came the two words that he was waiting for.

He let his blood boil over for a brief moment as Vruhag said the word out and landed his hands solidly on the gate.

Strength check to open or lift the gate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

He heaved and pushed with his might, not caring that if he was patient, he'd be rewarded with it's opening on his own.

If the gate lifted or opened:

Grung grunted and pushed with his eagerness to leave. He knew he'd not stay in front long as he could easily be out paced by his fellow orcs. But the itch for battle and the desire to be outside these walls was too much for almost any orc to bear for long and his Regiment had beared it long enough.

Once opened, he let out a guttural roar before stomping out of keep.

Yes...I wasted a round of rage, I think given the description of how orcs handle being pinned up in the barracks is much akin to starved dogs locked in their kennels...they would hurt themselves if allowed to get out even one millisecond sooner.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Apologies, that is my situation as well.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung looked upon the Commander and smiled a bit, tusks showing heavily. It is true that this orc had earned his spot in the keep but he still was not his leader. He licked his lips hungrily for the battle to come. "Of course I am boisterous, death has not come to claim me yet but has issued me an errand. I walk tall and will drink of the blood of my enemies soon that not cause to be Boisterous?" he said with some emphasis on the last word.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung slams the door wide open at the words seek and destroy. That was all he needed to hear, almost forgetting the need for the location to meet. He paused, heard, and was over run by the feral Orc in his attempt to be the first one out.

He cursed and stomped after Shattertooth claiming rights to first kill and nonsense that would soon be forgotten before they arrived at their mission proper.

He strode through the encampment singing loudly and proudly something along the lines of "The Orcs go marching one by one hurrah hurrah" in Orcish as he makes his way to the front gate eager to get out of this stifling environment and into the wilds and the woods.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

~nods~ Good good, gives me something to strive for long term...of possible Adamantine Full-plate. Or Mithral...or one of each...who knows.

Hmm...I feel like Foreasian and Eliasi would be more benefitical long term...well s%*$e, I might need them in order to 'challenge' other human empires to duels.

~stares~ Do I got full on Orcy or do I go....I need to be able to insult everyone in their native language.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

There is more people in our Regiment than just us yeah? I'm going under that assumption as a Regiment would be rather small with like 8 peeps in it and two animals.

Also, I know there is no magic but is there rare metals still like Mithral and Adamantine?

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung snorts a bit and shakes his head as he starts to hear yelling, the pounding of feet, and the gathering of arms and armor. He opened one eye lazily, looked around seeing the stirring of the orcs that only a call to arms could inspire such energy.

He stood up, shook the jug in his hand and chugged down the rest of the ale before throwing the jug to the side to shatter on the wall. He dragged his arm over his maw, pulling away the spittle and dripped ale as he began sleepily walking over to the Armory.

He began pulling and shoving orcs out of his way to get to his gear. "Get your soddin ass out of my way before I decide to use you as my weapon." he said as he kicked at one of the smaller recruits.

He began strapping the scale mail onto his body before at last picking up and hefting the overly large axe and attaching the cord to it from his waist. He looked down at the bit of axe poking out to the side. He never had worked too hard to gather himself the materials needed for a right proper axe for battle, instead having picked this one up off the body of an orc who was far to small for the large weapon. Even his armor was second, possibly even third hand and only his skill at the forge had managed to adjust the mail to fit his larger profile.

Despite being the armorer for the regiment, he wore some of the poorest fitting and least kept of the group. Grung had been waiting, gathering the pieces of the armors he wished to forge into the proper suit to one day dawn and from there he'd strike fear forever as an impenetrable incarnation of death.

He stepped to the door and waited on his Leader to step out before he'd make his way out.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung kept to the lounge more often that not. Given that the Regiment had been relieved of duty for the evening, Grung's particular chair was surrounded by an extra drug or two of ale.

He had already fallen asleep, half drank jug of ale still clutched tightly in his meaty fist when the knock was rattled off and the call to arms was given.

Perception+sleep condition: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (8) - 6 = 2

The sound was like a tickling to his ear, almost as if a fly had gotten in and pestered aggressively at him in particular. He snorted and rolled over a bit.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Not to step on thy toes or try and adjust you but the Orcs companion book came out and personally I love Wolves in the Pathfinder setup but they also produced the Warcat as a featured beast that Orcs tend to use and keep around. Shattertooth has one as well, so I was curious if knew about the Warcat before making your decision or if you overlooked it.

It could even been a bonding bit for your character and the primal character that you two share a close relationship with your beast friend?

Edit: Given that this is a world where Humans and Orcs only exist at this point...Orcs really only have languages given in the monster dialects. Are we assuming that Goblin and Giant have become Orc dialects? Or can we use our higher Int to have human languages available to us and if so what Human languages still exist?

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

~scratches chin~

Hmmm...I think I will drop the Profession (Trapper), I do have Profession (Soldier) at 4, so I'll just pop it up to 5 if that's alright.

And use the adjusted points to slightly buff my Survival skill, and put a rank in Ride and Acrobatics so it isn't two giant negative stats.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

We are getting 5 free Ranks (So 5 points placed) in two different skills (for a total of 10 points..but must be spent in 2 skills of the background variety)

:P You make me wanna take Prof Brewer A. To try and minimize my negative and B. Since I have such a hard time getting drunk, trying to create brew that make even my poor guy drunk.

I'm gonna take Craft Armor for one of my Rank 5 skills (Personally I think someone in our group should have it and Grung needs armor the worst so once he finds a suit of full-plate he'll at least be able to begin working on it to re-suit it for his own purposes.)

I'm leaning trapper to give him a good chance of being able to help provide food for the Regiment (I think pretty much every Orc has to be able to not only fight but also provide some service...and self-sufficiency is good.)

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

~blinks~ Oooo...twisted, me like. I like fear checks to a degree, as it adds a sense of hopelessness/overwhelming superiority to the battlefield that sometimes doesn't get relayed by pure number of deaths and the like.

Were we doing background skills as well? If, so I believe you were assigning those as well, yes?

Also, I know that pretty much all races other than Orcs and Humans have died out (Or really, maybe literally all races other than Orcs and Humans in this situation) but how about the rest of the combatable world? Are we still seeing the occasional dragon, what about them angry ass owlbears hiding up in my woods? What do we as Orcs ride? I'm hungry, I wanna eat things!

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Congratulations then, but don't rush out of the honeymoon on our account.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

After quick recount/roster checking, all orcs(Or orc by products) have checked and all but Vruhag have mentioned something about posting activity (At this point though, it's been agreed upon by i believe a unanimous decision 1/day, 1/weekend is accepted and reasonable)

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

I think we are still missing two Orcs to check in from being accepted.

The back up character is a Longbow wielding Ranger (Guide/Skirmisher). He won't take the place of the Scout Master but will work under him as his long range assistant/person who makes sure the group remains hidden at large.

No name at present as he's just a concept for if Grung dies. I thought about taking Craft Bow with him but didn't wanna step on Gara's toes. (I'm not sure how big the Regiment is so I don't know if they'd have two bowyers.)

He won't have the same kind of killing power the other Ranged characters got but he'l be able to nail em to the wall from about 200 out. (Got him that fancy monocle to get rid of the first -2 for distance.) So...that'll be someone wandering around.

I like Guruka's thought about offering their character's opinion of the others. It would probably help settle us in on how people team up and such in game.

I'll try to put such info up once the other two Orcs check in.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung's not as stupid cousin...Really he's just a random Orc:

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 3) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 4) = 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 2) = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 2) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 3) = 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 6) = 20

Jeebus while that nat 18 would be nice...those other scores just ain't gonna happen.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 3) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 4) = 16
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 6) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 4) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 2) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 5) = 13

Literal runt

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 3) = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 5) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 3) = 7
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 3) = 17
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 3) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 5) = 18

Eh, standard Orc who died on his first raid.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 5) = 16
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 5) = 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 6) = 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 1) = 7
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 5) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 1) = 13

Chewed on his own axe and cut his tongue off...

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 5) = 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 4) = 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 2) = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 2) = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 2) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 1) = 9

Average Orc who Died after angering a larger orc.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 3) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 2) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 2) = 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 6) = 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 2) = 12

Strong Orc is Strong....and likely dead or used for combat training by giving him a bit stick.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 2) = 15 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 1) = 14 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 5) = 16 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 3) = 16 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 5) = 16 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 5) = 20 16

Pretty good orc...~stares~....One more roll.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 4) = 17
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 4) = 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 4) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 5) = 17
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 2) = 17
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 3) = 10

Reasonable Orc...but his big brother was pretty good compared to him.

You gonna be as poor as Grung...seriously, you better be a better scrounger.:

Starting gold: 5d6 + 5d6 + 5d6 + 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 2, 6) + (2, 2, 4, 1, 4) + (1, 4, 4, 2, 4) + (5, 4, 5, 5, 4) = 68

I would've taken the First roll but I would be a combat twink with little personality at all and that bothers me. Never makes a fun character to play. 8 rolls to get a playable RNG dependant stat block. (I could be less picky of course and rock one of the others...but as previously stated Versatility is really useful on the battlefield.)

Just facepalm at how much better off this back-up character will be...gear/balance. I mean the point buy is a little worse but not really terrible at all.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

If allowed I would be very pleased with rolling some stats and setting up a back-up character juuuuuusssstttttt in case that is more Tactically sound.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Personally, I could probably do a two a day at most....but one a day is more reasonable (with 1 a weekend being the norm.) However if we agree to such as a group...I'd like to see it actually happen. (Lotta campaigns start strong and slowly slack. I know RL happens...hell it's happened hard for me recently but otherwise I feel it shouldn't be a challenge to dip in, and take the fifteen minutes to make some kind of post.)

That's just me....

Hmm...I wouldn't mind a back-up option to be available. This guy I'm running is honestly a bit on the squish side (I got like next to no AC and not a full Barb so death could happen semi easily depending on a decent lance crit >.>)

If you have ever met my character from my at Table game named Thrask the Trandoshan....I've semi got a death wish for my characters. But for the grace of godly dice rolls has he survived.

But, I am not saying I'm nuts or anything of the like or a threat to a good campaign...just I sometimes put my characters in deadly situations just to watch em scramble to survive. I prolly won't be using Call Out till my Armor situation is sitting a bit prettier. (Honestly 16/15 is not terrible in non magic campaign but 20/19 is a lot better >.>)

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

But I don't wanna be a fungus....

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

My assumption is that this is going to be a very brutal and nasty campaign filled with character deaths given there is no magical healing. "I know that there is an adjustment to the heal skill to slightly make up for this" but I doubt we're raising dead.

Should we go ahead and do a bit of work to build a back up character that is already in the Regiment so that the transition from dead man to new character goes a bit more smoothly or do you have an in game concept you're planning to eagerly use?

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

That...would make me so happy >.>

But as much as it makes me happy it would also semi be a kick in the nuts to our Dex monkeys in the group to a degree. (I mean Ranged combat is still super lethal but this would make Martial Str based character perhaps too versatile/strong....but maybe that's just me.)

Ranged characters do eventually get the goods to be able to rock that Bow in melee combat making them pretty versatile and nasty as if that was available in a feat like format I'd want it to be around the same time that Rangers can be that nasty.

So tossing that in as an option at like...6th level or 9th would be semi reasonable...imo

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

I took a quick peek at the nonsense that is Hurling weapons...after reading the provided info Shattertooth....Just ouch. Yea, not worth it in almost any manner. I can see why it's an option (You can save a tiny bit of feats via not having to go Deadly Aim instead to still get boosted damage) but dang...just too rough to pull as a High Str low Dex character.

The guarded stance is probably my safest bet and attempt to keep the character alive.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Fair Assessment of Grung...But I read that post and went...YEP, got an Idea I've been wanting to work in...sadly the gold did not fully agree with such idea as I have super s+#%e armor >.<

Hopefully he'll survive the first raid to possibly give me a chance of finding a full plate wearing beast of a human to have reworked into something Grung can use.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

And switching to two handed fighter....MURDER.
Dear sweet lord that would be a huge damage upgrade O.o

Adjusting aim >.>

There is one thing I don't care much for that is about this axe and that's that it doesn't have brace. But maybe I'm picturing something different in a manner than what it actually is (I am assuming something along the lines of This but nastier axe given the nature it makes go...yea, I could brace that O.o

Edit:So question as someone who does not ever make a does two handed thrower work? I mean are you using Dex to aim or Str...I could see both as being viable...but rules wise I'm unclear.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

GUH....vital strike+Furious Finish on a weapon like this...I mean at the highest tier of this weapon nonsense that's just stupid nasty.

Still I mean I know you'd only be able to do it once then instant fatigued but s&&$e you could clear 100 damage as a friggin finale O.o

If someone got lucky, crit'd and pulled that nonsense on a mounted combatant and easily cleared the poor enemy's health pool + that of the horses health pool...would you allow a scenic description of literally bisecting both of them for just the insanity?

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Grung would avoid tournaments/fights like the plague.

Mostly because he'd probably end up killing the other person on accident from the rage.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

~Stares~ Would this Butchering Axe be considered an Orcish weapon? Asking for a friend >.>

Like it's a two handed weapon so strength and a half plus 3d6...I mean SWOON. GM would you consider this an Orc weapon given it was a creation of Orc smiths or would you still require the Exotic Weapon prof?

~Stares at character concept and debates switching to two handed fighter....~

Man...this weird like I never have the whole...options thing in combat. I get very niche very quick with most of my characters as I never have fighter levels...what is this brand new world I've found.

HP: 45/45 (R53/53) | AC:16[R15] T: 11[R10] FF: 15[R13] | Fort: +9 | Ref: +1 | Will: -1 (R+1)| Perception: +4 Initiative: +1 Rage 8/9 Sp 25ft

Has appeared~!!!

  • Grung the Heavy, as he has come to be called, is possibly the largest of the group (In terms of being well fed and heavily muscled. He actually wears some of the lightest armour of the group at present because he's not found someone's armor that is close enough in his size to be refitted.)
  • Does not have his own mount and has never owned a mount for more than a week. He steals Horses from the dead that he makes and as such has no real formal training in ride (Really need to fix this going forwards if we get some riding Worgs.)
  • Drinks more than he should to hide his fear of being too weak and being left behind by the Regiment.
  • Became a part of the Regiment by saving a member of the Regiment in the throws of battle with the vile human army.
  • Would be willing to work into play that relationship with another PC (Though understandable given how I used the setup for the Solider Writing Prompt if no one wants to have such an orc to owe their continued life to)

Going forwards, it's gonna be all fighter levels.
[Possible Feats]
Power Attack
Grudge Fighter
Tenacious Survivor)
Greater Cleave
Surprise Follow Thru
Improved Surprise Follow Thru
Cleaving Finish
Improved Cleaving Finish)

I'm not a hundred percent sure where I'm going with this character but there are really kinda two options....after Power attack and Grudge Fighter. I'm also tempted to take Skill Focus Intimidate to be able to really be able to force someone to focus on me so a certain rogue or bowman can lay into them without worry.

Grung is quite possibly gonna die very very violently O.o