Gromroir is an old man now, even by dwarven standards, but when he was younger, he spent hours experimenting, trying to create more efficient and better methods of, well, everything.
the majority of these experiments failed, but eventually, he developed the technology to create his magnum opus, the Myrmidon armour. equipped with tearing claws, dwarven steel, a magitech cannon (basic attack magic with manual activation installed into both arms), additional graviy boots (walk on walls and ceiling no problem) and an excellent heads up display, with knowledge of the weaknesses and strengths of all know enemies of dwarf-kind. it was perfect.
He spent the next century and change patroling the deep tunnels, with his unit, the Aegis of Nirnrum, named for their famous defense of the cities gate Had to rebuild the old girl from scratch after that, until they were all torn and battered enough to be removed from the front lines. get him drunk enough, though, and he will relive his glory days in a booming, laughing voice.
after the Aegis retired, he went back to artificing, mostly mining are ore refinement work, and he became something of a curmudgeon. he was settled comfortably into his role as the clan eccentric, when the clanlord summoned him, she had just received word of a royal order to execute an enemy of dwarfkind. he was sent out to fulfil what he believed was a mission to protect the dwarven people, then... this debacle happened...