
Grommush's page

57 posts. Alias of Jereru.


AC 14(12), T 10(8), FF 14(12) | F +7(+9), R +2, W +4(+6) (+2 vs Fear and Emotion| CMB +5(+7), CMD 15 | Init +0 | Speed 40ft | F +8(+10), R +2, W +4(+6) | Perc +5, SM +0 (Darkvision)


HP 13(15) | Damage 0 | Bloodrage 8/8


CG Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | Status: Ok

About Grommush

Intro, Defense & Offense:

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist, Spelleater) 1

CG Humanoid (Human, Orc)


Speed 40 ft
Initiative: +0

STR 18 (+4) (16 Base +2 Race) 22 (+6) when enraged
DEX 10 (+0)
CON 16 (+3) 20 (+5) when enraged
INT 08 (-1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+1)

AC 14, Touch 10, Flat-Footed 14 (10 Base +4 Armor +0 Dex)
-2 when enraged
HP 13 (10+3 Con)
+2 when enraged
Fort +7 (2 Base +3 Con +2 Luck)
+2 when enraged
Ref +2 (0 Base +0 Dex +2 Luck)
Will +4 (0 Base +0 Wis +2 Luck +2 Familiar)
+2 when enraged
+2 vs Fear and Emotions
CMD 15 (10 Base +1 BAB +4 Str +0 Dex)

Falchion +5 2d4+6 S (18-20)x2
(To Hit: +1 BAB +4 Str)
(Damage: +6 Strx1.5)
Power Attack: -1 to hit, +3 damage
Combat Expertise: -1 to hit, +1 AC

Falchion (Enraged) +7 2d4+9 S (18-20)x2
(To Hit: +1 BAB +6 Str)
(Damage: +9 Strx1.5)
Power Attack: -1 to hit, +3 damage

Cestus +5 1d4+4 B/P (19-20)x2
(To Hit: +1 BAB +4 Str)
(Damage: +4 Str)
Power Attack: -1 to hit, +2 damage
Combat Expertise: -1 to hit, +1 AC

Cestus (Enraged) +7 1d4+6 B/P (19-20)x2
(To Hit: +1 BAB +6 Str)
(Damage: +6 Str)
Power Attack: -1 to hit, +2 damage


CMB: +5
+2 when enraged

Class & Race Features:

BLOODRAGER FEATURES (Primalist, Spelleater)
Bloodline Arcane
Bloodline Power: Disruptive Rage (Su)
Bloodline Familiar Stingy the Hedgehog
Bloodrage (Su) 8 rounds/day
Fast Movement (Ex)

Favoured Class Bonus (Class): +1 rounds of rage per day

+2 Str
Low-light Vision
Skilled +1 skill rank per level. Replaces Darkvision.
His days spent aboard different ships have taught Grom a wide array of skills, and opened his mind for learning through the realisation that Golarion is a huge and diverse place.
Son of a Witch Gain the Endurance feat. Replaces Intimidating.
Grom belongs to a lineage powerful in the crafts of magic, though the way he manifested this power was not as expected.
Orc Blood Count as Human and Orc.
Sacred Tattoo +1 luck bonus to all saves. Replaces Orc Ferocity.
At birth, Grom's mom granted him some magical protection, expecting him to inherit her magical crafts.
Dusksight When using a ranged attack, reroll dim light cover miss chance. Replaces Weapon Familiarity and grants Low-light Vision.
Grom wasn't granted with Darkvision as some other half-orcs, but his night vision is still better than a human's.

Traits & Feats:

Fate’s Favored (Faith)
Karma likes Grom. Even when it doesn't seem so, there's always a good reason why things happen, and it's usually in Grom's favor.
Enduring Stoicism (Campaign)
Grom is not easily scared. Consciously or not, he's usually more curious than any other thing. Coupled with his huge bulk and frightful visage, it's usually others who end up terrified.

FEATS (EitR Feat Taxes)
Endurance (Half-Orc Bonus)


Armor Check Penalty: -2

Skill Points: (4 -1 Int +1 Skilled) = 4
Acrobatics: -2 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Bluff: 1 (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)
Climb: 6 (1 Rank +4 STR +3 Class -2 ACP)
Diplomacy: 1 (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)
Disable Device: -2 (Untr) (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Disguise: 1 (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)
Escape Artist: -2 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Fly: -2 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Heal: 0 (0 Rank +0 WIS +0 Class)
Intimidate: 6 (1 Rank +1 CHA +3 Class +1 Trait)
Kn Arcana: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Dungeoneering: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Local: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nature: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Planes: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Religion: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Perception: 4 (1 Rank +0 WIS +3 Class)
Ride: -2 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Sense Motive: 0 (0 Rank +0 WIS +0 Class)
Spellcraft: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Stealth: -2 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Survival: 4 (1 Rank +0 WIS +3 Class)
Swim: 2 (0 Rank +4 STR +0 Class -2 ACP)
Use Magic Device: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)

Skill Points: 2
Appraise: -1 (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Craft: -1 (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Handle Animal: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)
Kn Engineering: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Geography: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn History: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nobility: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Linguistics: 0 (Untr) (1 Rank -1 INT +0 Class)
Perform: 1 (0 Rank +1 CHA +0 Class)
Profession: Sailor 1 (Untr) (1 Rank +0 WIS +0 Class)
Sleight of Hand: -2 (Untr) (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)


Spell Book

No spells yet.

Stingy, the Hedgehog Familiar:

Protector Archetype Familiar
N Diminutive Magical Beast
Init +3 Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +9
AC 19, Touch 17, Flat-Footed 16 (+3 Dex, +4 Size, +2 Natural Armor)
HP 6(7)
Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +1
Speed 20ft
- No active attacks (see Spiny Defense)
Space 1ft Reach 0ft
Str 1 Dex 16 Con 6 Int 6 Wis 12 Cha 7
BAB +0 CMB -2 CMD 4 (+4 vs Trip)
Feats Athletics, Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes.
Skills Climb +9, Perception +5, Stealth +19, Survival +2, Swim +5
Familiar Abilities
Protector Archetype
+2 to Master’s Will Save
Natural Armor +1
Int 6
Spiny Defense (Ex)
Spell Catalyst (Su)
Loyal Bodyguard (Ex)
Share Spells
Empathic Link (Su)


Falchion 75 gp (8 lb)
Leather Lamellar 60 gp (25 lb)
Cestus 5 gp (1 lb)
Dagger 2 gp (1 lb)
Canteen 2 gp (1 lb)
Belt Pouch 1 gp (.5 lb)

Backpack 2 gp (2 lb)
Traveler’s Outfit 1 gp (5 lb)

Total Weight: 43.5/100 lb (Light Load)

Cash: 32 gp / 0 sp


Hazy memories...
A kid... An angry mother... The disappointment... Hatred... Rejection. Some coins change hands, and the kid is taken away... He cries but he's not heard... The family is no more.

Hazy memories...
A pirate ship, sailing faraway waters... A big guy trying to keep balance... The First Mate shouts some orders and the sailors move to their positions. The big sailor feels uneasy... One ship boards another and sailors fight... Grom fights but he doesn't know why. He doesn't want to fight, but that's orders.

Hazy memories...
A circle of men laughing... Grom feels bad... He doesn't understand and asks... The men laugh louder. Grom flees and cries... Everybody laughs at him... He hears the same words once and again. Thick. Slow. Bonehead.

Hazy memories...
A small man... He treats Grom kindly. The man defends Grom when others insult him... Grom defends the man when others attack him... The man says one word that makes Grom happy. Friend.

Build at 10th level:

"No plan resists contact with the enemy."
Things might change depending on what happens in the campaign, but that's mostly what I have in mind.

Endurance (Half-Orc Bonus)
Die Hard
Fast Healer
Raging Vitality
Iron Will (Bloodline Feat)
Arcane Strike
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative (Bloodline Feat)

Class Features
Bloodline Power Exchange for Familiar
Bloodline Power Exchange for two Rage Powers (Lesser Beast Totem and other TBD)
Bloodline Power (auto-cast Haste or Displacement when entering Rage)

So mostly getting Fast Heal and magic defenses while hitting hard. I would love to squeeze Cornugon Smash but don't know what to leave behind.