Grimbad_Terribilis's page

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I really like the image of body block; grabbing an enemy and using him to shield block is amazing both mechanically and from a flavor perspective.

Drag looks like a decent skill feat; at expert athletics, maybe level 4?

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Thank you for creating these feats, I really like them!
They are reproduced below because I'm lazy and want to look at them in the Paizo forums without visiting the GITP forums.

First, some symbols and rules to frame the feats properly:

Symbols wrote:

◈ Single Action

◈◈ Two-Action Activity
◈◈◈ Three-Action Activity
⟐ Free Action
⤾ Reaction
Grapple rules:

Grapple ◈ [Attack]

Requirements You have at least one free hand. Your target cannot be more than one size larger than you.
You attempt to grab an opponent with your free hand.
Attempt an Athletics check against their Fortitude DC.
You can also Grapple to keep your hold on a creature you already grabbed.
Critical Success Your opponent is restrained until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes.

Success Your opponent is grabbed until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes.

Failure You fail to grab your opponent. If you already had the opponent grabbed or restrained using a Grapple, those conditions on that creature end.

Critical Failure If you already had the opponent grabbed or restrained, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the Grapple action against you, or force you to fall and land prone.

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Drag ◈ [Attack]
Make an athletics check against the fortitude dc against someone you have grabbed.
If you succeed You stride half your speed and place that opponent next to you in a square of your choosing.

Possible changes wrote:

No grapple check

No attack trait
Other traits
Full speed

Not sure what level or even if it should be a class feat or skill feat. Intended class or classes is barbarian and monk.

Body block ◈ [Attack]
Roll a grapple check against an opponent you already grapple. If you succeed you are treated as if you had taken the raise a shield action. As a reaction when you take damage you can reduce the damage by half your level and that opponent takes an equal amount.

Possible changes wrote:

No grapple check

No attack trait
Other traits
Full speed

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Feats for comparison:
Whirling Throw (Monk 6)
Leading Dance (Swashbuckler 4)

Thanks for the conversion, it seems well-thought out.

A minor observation:

Warlock Invocations wrote:

Starting at 1st level and every even-numbered level, you gain a new Invocation Spell. Your Invocation Spells are of the tradition of

your Patron, allowing you to be trained in that tradition’s spell attack rolls and spell DCs. You are able to cast all of your
Invocations as spontaneous inherit spells, but still have all the component costs associated with the spells (e.g. material,
somatic, verbal, and focus). You do not have a limited number of spells per day for your invocations, but your invocations are
not heightened either, unless stated otherwise in a feat or ability.

You can replace the bolded text by stating your invocation spells are Innate spells that you can cast at will.