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![]() 28 Desnus, 4716
You stand at 3 Lancet Street, a modest home in the Midlands District. It's almost nondescript, except for its bright yellow paint and red door. The windows are dark, except for a little bit of candle light in the front room. As you start to knock, you see another person (or persons), walking up, staring at their own, similar harrow cards. Welcome to the campaign! Feel free to dot here, and begin to walk up there. ![]()
![]() 28 Desnus, 4716
You stand at 3 Lancet Street, a modest home in the Midland District. It's almost nondescript, except for its bright yellow paint and red door. The windows are dark, except for a little bit of candle light in the front room. As you start to knock, you see another person (or persons), walking up, staring at what appear to be harrow cards of their own and looking at the addresses. Welcome to the campaign! Feel free to dot here, and begin to walk up there. ![]()
![]() Greetings, everyone. I am back to gamemastering. It's been a long while since I have run a game. But I'm ready. And I want to run this one. A lot. This game will be for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Anniversary Edition. For everyone living under a rock, this is set in Korvosa, the Gotham City of Pathfinder. We will be using the Pathfinder 1.0 ruleset, we will not be converting during the campaign (although I do intend on playing 2.0, I just don't want to change mid-stream). So, how do you apply and how do you create a character, read further to decide if you want to play! Character Races and Classes:
Any character will follow the Following Rule unless superceded in this post: All characters are restricted to the Core Rulebook PLUS TWO OTHER BOOKS All characters will be made with 20-point buy. Open Books include:
While not specifically an Occult game, Occult Adventures Spiritualist does fit in the campaign for a number of reasons. I will allow the book for that class alone. It's not powerful, but the flavor is right. Details from Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Campaign, and Unchained will be used throughout the campaign, but may not be used in character creation unless stated below. With Approval: Information from Faiths of Balance and Faiths of Purity may be used. As well as any of the "races of..." books for approved races. Just remember, these count against your two book limit. Races allowed:
All other core races are available (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc). Other Races from Advanced Race Guide (does not count against your two book limit): Aasimars, Changelings (Sea Hag is most common), Dhampirs, Sylphs, Tieflings, Undines. NO RACE BUILDER Classes Allowed
We are utilizing background Skills from Pathfinder Unchained, which means that you gain 2 skill points to place into the following skills IN ADDITION TO any skill points you gain for a class and to use for your class skills: Appraise, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics, Perform, Profession, or Sleight of Hand. Traits and campaign traits:
I have checked the Open Game content, and the following is from the Curse of the Crimson Throne Players Guide in 2008, updated again in the hardcover edition (which I hold in my hands). All information is Copyright either 2008 Paizo Publishing, LLC with the authors being James Jacobs and Mike McArtor, OR Copyright 2016 Paizo Publishing, LLC, authors James Jacobs and Mike McArtor. (Rest in Peace Mr. McArtor). Betrayed
Choose one of the following benefits. Hungry for Revenge: You’ve never forgiven Gaedren for his betrayal, and have vowed to make him pay for what he did. Whether that’s seeing him rot in jail or a shallow grave, you hope to taste vengeance someday. Whenever you deal damage with a melee weapon on a creature that is flat-footed, you gain a +1 trait bonus on the damage roll. Reformed Criminal: You’ve given up the life of crime, and managed to talk your way out of any repercussions such as jail time or fines. You’ve told yourself that you would rather leave your past behind, yet the concept of seeing Gaedren Lamm pay for his crimes still appeals to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you. Drug Addict
Choose one of the following benefits. Addicted Friend: The addict is a friend or lover who might or might not have survived the overdose. Your research into the drug scene and local politics has given you a respectable education in street knowledge. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge (local) is a class skill for you. Personal Addiction: You were the addict. You blame Gaedren for your brush with death and hate how his drugs are causing similar problems among other youths. Fortunately, your body recovers quickly from toxins, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws. Framed
Dropout: You were the one accused of the murder. Although you were eventually freed when a friend confronted the fisherman and got the truth, the damage had been done. You were forced to leave your school or church. As a result, you were forced to self-train and promised yourself you would become better at your chosen profession despite the spurning of your peers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, and Spellcraft is a class skill for you. Family Honor: The person who was framed was a family member, perhaps a father or sister. You managed to trick the fisherman into revealing the truth with your skilled tongue. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is a class skill for you. Love Lost
Choose one of the following benefits. All Alone: The murder victim was a lover. With your lover’s death, a part of you died as well, leaving you haunted, grim, and prone to dark musings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you. Orphaned: The murder victim was your only surviving parent. You had to work hard to make ends meet for yourself and any siblings, and often had to scavenge for food. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is a class skill for you. Missing Child
Choose one of the following benefits. Missing Sibling: The missing child is a brother or sister. Although everyone else has given up hope, you believe your sibling still lives. Your constant search for the missing sibling has developed into great skill at rumormongering and finding out information from others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you. Missing Son or Daughter: The missing child is your own son or daughter, a niece or nephew, or a child you were charged with protecting. The child was abducted during a trip to the market or other daily event. Your stubbornness and long hours spent searching for rumors grant you a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. Unhappy Childhood
Choose one of the following benefits. Religious: Today, while on a job for Gaedren, you found a holy symbol of the god you worship, and intrigued by it, you snuck off to attend services. When Gaedren found out, he beat you to within an inch of your life and broke your holy symbol. Your faith let you block out the pain, and you escaped his control and took shelter in the church, where you spent the rest of your youth. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks and Constitution checks to stabilize at negative hit points. Tortured: After you made one too many errors, Gaedren tortured you and left you for dead in a garbage heap. Your scars and memories have motivated you to hone your reaction speed and make you rather jumpy. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves. The remaining traits may be chosen from the list available here, remember, the above traits are the campaign traits thus the campaign traits from the link below may NOT be used.
Other Sundry Rules:
Hero points can be spent at any time and do not require an action to use (although the actions they modify consume part of your character's turn as normal). You cannot spend more than 1 hero point during a single round of combat. Whenever a hero point is spent, it can have any one of the following effects. Act Out of Turn: You can spend a hero point to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn. Bonus: If used before a roll is made, a hero point grants you a +8 luck bonus to any one d20 roll. If used after a roll is made, this bonus is reduced to +4. You can use a hero point to grant this bonus to another character, as long as you are in the same location and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of the roll (such as distracting a monster, shouting words of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the check). Hero points spent to aid another character grant only half the listed bonus (+4 before the roll, +2 after the roll). Extra Action: You can spend a hero point on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action this turn. Inspiration: If you feel stuck at one point in the adventure, you can spend a hero point and petition the GM for a hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no information to be gained, the hero point is not spent. Recall: You can spend a hero point to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis. Reroll: You may spend a hero point to reroll any one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse. Special: You can petition the GM to allow a hero point to be used to attempt nearly anything that would normally be almost impossible. Such uses are not guaranteed and should be considered carefully by the GM. Possibilities include casting a single spell that is one level higher than you could normally cast (or a 1st-level spell if you are not a spellcaster), making an attack that blinds a foe or bypasses its damage reduction entirely, or attempting to use Diplomacy to convince a raging dragon to give up its attack. Regardless of the desired action, the attempt should be accompanied by a difficult check or penalty on the attack roll. No additional hero points may be spent on such an attempt, either by the character or her allies. Cheat Death: A character can spend 2 hero points to cheat death. How this plays out is up to the GM, but generally the character is left alive, with negative hit points but stable. For example, a character is about to be slain by a critical hit from an arrow. If the character spends 2 hero points, the GM decides that the arrow pierced the character's holy symbol, reducing the damage enough to prevent him from being killed, and that he made his stabilization roll at the end of his turn. Cheating death is the only way for a character to spend more than 1 hero point in a turn. The character can spend hero points in this way to prevent the death of a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, or special mount, but not another character or NPC. Downtime I am using the following down time rules:
These are the rent prices (with food included for the month)
During downtime, you can also take the following actions: Research: You can spend 1 day and research a topic. This can allow you to utilize knowledge skills you do not have by visiting the university or one of the magical colleges. This also goes towards magical research and other topics. For every 10GP you spend on this, you gain +1, to the town's maximum bonus (which will vary chapter to chapter). Gather information can cost less, usually 2d4gp per two hours, while research takes 8 hours. Train. It takes 5 days to level up wtih a trainer at a rate between 5 and 20 gp per day (depending on district and trainer). Sometimes, if you spend a "research" day during your level, you can shorten that. Some of the higher levels will obviously occur faster, without this training period, due to story reasons. This is okay and is covered by the "narrative epiphany." Other activities: So, you want to form a union? Sure, you can try to be a Solly (that's an insult!). You want to buy a manor? Great! You want to try to gain some additional contacts? Great! You want to invest in the city some way? Perfect! These will occur. Some of them more easily than others, but if you can think of something to do while you're not working, feel free to throw that in. Battle Maps
About your character:
1: The beginning of the campaign starts with the characters being brought together for their hatred of one man, Gaedren Lamm. You were all wronged by him in one way or another, either by being one of his "lambs" (forced child slaves/thieves) or by other reasons. You are so focused on your investigation, so what have you been doing on this front? Using your trait, how were you wronged and how do you see justice being brought to Lamm? 2a: Non-spellcasters or limited spellcasters: Where did you train? If you are from out of town, where are you from? One of the Shoanti tribes or being from Kaer Maga would be excellent, especially if Gaedren sabotaged your caravan home/did something to you to dishonor you in the face of your tribe. Orisini Fencing academy or Endrin Military Academy in Old Korvosa are great, as are the Exemplary Execrables for bards and skill monkeys.Heck, a Varisian gang would be good for a rogue. 2b: Arcane Spellcasters, Wizards: Did you specialize and succeed at the Acadamae, or did you take the generalist approach at the Theumanexus College? Alchemists (Acadamae or University of Korvosa are great choices here). If you are a limited spellcaster, did you mix your training with something from 2a? 2c: Divine Spellcasters: Korvosans follow a number of deities, but Abadar, Sarenrae (healing aspect), Pharasma, Erastil and Gozreh tend to be most worshipped. Shelyn is worshipped, but has little influence in the city, and, of course, the Chelish citizens bring with them Asmodeus. There is a Temple of the Many, with 17 members of the pantheon being included. 2d: Odd Races: especially Dhampir and Changelings: These races prove that the local area is dangerous, as their lineage shows activity of such creatures. Did you know your supernatural parent? Do you fully know what you are? 3: Do you know anyone in the city or have any family in the city? 4: Would you adventure after Gaedren is defeated? Why? 5: Who do you trust and why? 6: Do you have a family? If so, provide the known members of the family. 7: What do you think of the elderly King Eodred and his Chelish Queen, the near-teen, flame-haired Ileosa? Do you think it is scandalous? 8: What do you think of the minor bits of vigilantism? You know of the hero of the people (Blackjack) who is a masked Vigilante, but what do you think of his copycats and the villains that oppose them? 9: Sometimes you need to know someone, obviously your character cannot live in a bubble. So, make two contacts to know, pick one or two contacts from the below list.
Grau Soldado: Drunk, Korvosan Guardsman Pilts Swastel Human, Varisian owner of the Exemplary Execrables in Old Korvosa (theatre troupe)
Vencarlo Orisini, Human (Chelish) owner of Orisini Fencing Academy in Old Korvosa.
Now, to the GM expectations and what I want to see:
The opening scene will have the characters outside of a townhouse on a rainy day at sunset, each looking at a harrow card, realizing each of them has been summoned together. But, before then, they have to realize the card has been received. So, as part of your application, and background, where do you find the harrow card on your person, and how does your character react to the note. "I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him.
![]() Okay folks, I'm actually running two separate games, this is for the interest for weekly a game (except the third Sunday of the month) on Sunday evenings from 8:30 (ish, bedtime for the kiddos) to about 10:30-11:00 PM CST (Chicago time). The sessions are short, I apologize, but this is the time that I have. The campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms approximately around 1372 DR. The campaign, named the Shadow over Lantan, uses some elements from the Second Darkness Adventure Path. The overall feel is something akin to the new Sherlock Holmes, Proto-Girl Genius, and, of course, some horrific Cthulu. The overall arc of the campaign is investigative in nature, although some action is certainly expected along the way. Full information on the Islands of Lantan (as I am using them, canon be thrown out the window) will be provided to people approved for the campaign via email. The campaign's basics are a 20-point buy, with information from Pathfinder (open game content available on the Pathfinder SRD here at Paizo, as well as available through the outside Pathfinder SRD). Currently, the game has two players, but room for up to three more players. Next post will be house rules. ![]()
![]() So, tonight was our inagural session using Roll20 between myself and three other members of the gaming group. One player had to miss, unfortunately. So, our adventure begins in 1372 DR in the Forgotten Realms, on a modified Lantan from an old gamer (information was found on the wayback machine via Candlekeep). I altered it further for my own ends, since it's never been fully described, and started running. So, the characters are (in no order): Lem, the Water Genasi Monk (follower of Lantan sent to evangelize the island)
The players hadn't had their entire backgrounds made, which I'll probably post most of (minus GM only information). I threw them together using the Order of the Golden Gear, Lantan's official police force and generally loyal to the clergy of Gond. The whole shebang started in Sundrah, the northernmost city in Lantan. They were to travel to Sambar (the capital) at the behest of the high priest of Lantan, with a note that someone with the specialty of Goldmund and that the Lathanderite would be opposed to as well. They agreed, and, since it is near a festival for Gondsmen, they added that an entertainer would be handy to cover to prevent mass panic. They found the catfolk playing at a local bar, and recruited him almost immediately. Travel went smoothly the first day of a five day journey. Unfortunately, the second day a storm rolled in. Talos's fury, as the island nation calls it came crashing violently into the island. The initial parts of the storm weren't all that bad, but the winds began howling, with large hail beginning to pelt into the characters. They eventually found shelter in an old Cairn with a tower on top, likely used by one of the three hobgoblin tribes on Lantan. As they near the Cairn they see a flash of lightning with a flying creature of some sort It was dark, far away, and the details given was that it had wings and a tail, and it was flying in the storm. They found that the Cairn had been built into a hill with sheer sides, at least 20 feet high, but along one side there was a great door, essentially the entire height of the Cairn. The door was slightly ajar, enough for the characters to get inside safely. The main room had four solid stone doors which Lem took immediately to ensuring they were solidly locked (they were). This was a great thing, but the characters were in for a nasty surprise. Eventually, Talos's fury struck a bolt of lightning on the top of the Cairn, and, with a deafening boom, all three of the doors effectively fell off of their hinges. And, with Lem near the northernmost entrance, he found himself ankle deep in water and several dire rats! The party dispatched the dire rats and determined to search deeper into the Cairn. Down the now-not-flooded hall they enter a sacrificial chamber, guarded by two white-face-painted hobgoblins. The hobgoblins don't notice the party until Lem stands directly in the room, and even then one of them didn't notice him! The battle with the hobgoblins went quickly, with Goldmund providing a protection from Evil on Lem, and Cieran providing melee support for the monk. The hobgoblins are dispatched and it is realized that the room is a sacrificial chamber, as there is a cistern filled with ritually carved and dismembered bodies. Also in this room is a hole to the top of the Cairn, a tower to the knowledge of the PC's. Lem climbs quickly to the top of the tower, seeing a magic circle and a Hobgoblin with a painted white face, similarly painted as the hobgoblins in the chamber below. A quick, and decicive battle unfolds, with Lem resisting the sleep spell of the powerful Shaman. Sadly, the monk falls to the shaman after failing to land any blows, while the shaman steps back to use a wand and scorches nearly all the life out of the Monk. Cieran and Goldmund frantically try to reach the top of the rope, only to find a fading magic circle, a very scorched Lem, and no one else. Goldmund heals Lem to consciousness, and, finding no sign of the shaman, climbs to the bottom of the rope, with Goldmund firing an acid dart to cut the rope at the top, hoping to prevent any future attempts to kill the party from above. The party, in dire need of rest, decides to use the sacrificial tables (there are three in the chamber) to rest for the evening. Talos's fury is what Earth calls the storm a Hurricane or Typhoon. End session one. GM Notes:
Spoiler: This game was played over Google + with Roll20 support. Time gaming: approximately 2 hours with a few glitches using roll20 in Google +, reverting to using the hangout for the audio, and Roll20 by itself (I've had glitches in R20 when using audio). Next session is Wednesday 8/15. More development is intended after the first session/mini-advventure, as I wanted to determine whether combat is viable or not for this particular VTT. ![]()
![]() So, with nobody commenting in Off-topic about the Olympics, what has been the biggest surprise so far, or the biggest upset to you? Who are/were you rooting for most in the Olympics? I was rooting for Phelps in Swimming and Pistorius in running. Phelps made what I expected, which was nice. I was very sad to see Pistorius not make the finals. I really wanted to see him in the finals, medal or no medal. Why? He had to work harder than anyone else, and the Carbon Fiber blades he was running on were strictly tested to be no stronger than a normal person's calf. Normal=me. Olympian=Pistorius. He deserved a shot in the last run. I've watched some fun Tennis (good job in the Men's Singles Great Britain!), and watched more women's beach volleyball than I'd like to admit, including the Czech republic/USA fun earlier this afternoon. As a side note: This is more TV than I've watched since the last Olympics. ![]()
![]() What I'm looking for is a Victorian London or something in Venice (unique cities to be sure). The idea is that it's a conspiracy to overthrow the crown/discredit the church type of novel. Trying to keep the timeline sometime in the early industrial revolution or earlier. I've never been super huge on pure historical fiction mysteries, thus my repertoire is not terribly big with them, and it's something I mean to correct. Any ideas? ![]()
![]() What non-gamer food do you like? Gamer food:
Mountain Dew (or other nasty carbonated beverage) Cheetoes Doritos Pizza (anything you can get a Pizza hut or Dominos or Papa Johns) Breadsticks For myself, I like bacon. I like dark chocolate dipped bacon. Outside of that, Spaghetti alla carbonara (tasty bacon & black pepper!). I'm due to have this one soon. From there, it's sushi. ![]()
![]() Honestly, I've been laughing a lot lately due to finding appropriate music from the player's perspective for this AP. Almost all of it is Irish folk or Irish Punk/Rock. The "Boy's of Belfast," parodied to be the Boys of Westcrown. This is great for the resistance. Flogging Molly's "Devil's Dance Floor" is a great interlude song for the Sixfold Trial play. For instrumentals, the "The blood of Cuchulainn" is a great opener... So, what other songs or music would be appropriate, given any genre is good? ![]()
![]() Okay, internal logic here. Follow my logic please, bolding in the appropriate locations. The cost of an Ioun torch is 75 GP.
Okay, so we know from Seeker of Secrets that a dull gray Ioun stone costs 25gp, and costs 12gp 5sp to create one. So the costing line of an Ioun torch is 50GP from ruby dust, 12 gp 5 sp from creating a dull gray ioun stone, and then the cost (according to most magic items) should be doubled (125 gp). Now, please follow the following logic, as I am looking at this for my own games.
Therefore, the cost of the item should relate much more similarly to an Everburning Torch, which is a torch with a continual flame spell cast upon it, which costs 110 gp. Now, the Ioun torch should cost such (market price):
So an arcane Ioun torch would cost 135 gp, whilst a Divine Ioun torch would cost 225gp. So, if you purchase the Ioun stone and cast the spell yourself, your cost is 75 GP (as shown on the actual magic item), if you create everything yourself, then the cost is 62.5 gp (cost of Dull Gray Ioun stone plus 50gp in ruby dust). It just seems unfair that an item so much better than an everburning torch costs so much less. What fighter who wants to hold a greatsword and have a light source at the same time wouldn't spend 35 gp less (based on book cost) to get a this? Nay, I say, I would spend 25 to 50gp more for such an item. ![]()
![]() Thanks all for the Sixfold trial. My character died during the adventure, but now he's got an evil glaive that does his bidding }:) Yes, we've done a LOT of work to get our characters this far, and with only 1 PC death so far, and, as our DM put it, we avoided most of the TPK regions by simply being prepared (rope, lots and lots of rope). Serioiusly, though, the idea that the play led the characters to the Mayor's house, and then into this twisted space was amazing. The space itself was a nice harkening back to some Planescape material I had from back in the day, so I was pleased to see that someone else had my sensibilities. As to specific bits of the adventure:
The assassination attempt and horrible dice for the DM. Hideous Laughter was a wonderful spell dealing with her, and she got the cursed scroll and tore up by an Osyluth. That was fun to see, especially since the Osyluth offered to let us "defend" the assassin. Riiight, that'll happen. We offered to help the Osyluth! The "endgame" of the adventure
Oh, and whatever the heck was guarding the "goal item" of the adventure was mean! Wow! That thing was pretty sick, it had everyone in the party down for a bit (excluding me), and, thankfully, it was still subject to sneak attack damage, otherwise that battle would have gone a lot harder.
Me=invisible rogue=stab quickly and fully=dead critter. The only part of the adventure that throws me off is the glaive.
The thing is evil, crystaline, and intelligent?! Wow. My character is going to have some fun with this! He's a "hellbred," and as such has "evil exception" meaning even though he's good, he can wield evil weapons and he detects as evil. Yes, I'm playing that advantage up :) And yes, he kept the glaive. Our DM was nice enough to let us know about some of the items we missed, and I'm particularly sad about one of the items:
the wand of Restoration with 11 charges... enough for all of us to get healed to full... having someone cast restoration costs boatloads of gold! Anyhoo, the whole adventure required everyone's abilities, and no one character had a significant advantage over the others, but we would have failed without one another. That's the joy of the whole thing, its that our bard, priest and Paladin got taxed to the top of their abilities, while the Rogue/Sorcerer (me) and our Cavalier got beaten many, many times over. We made it out alive, and walked right out the front door, just like we came in. /d ![]()
![]() Yes, I know PaizoCon is going on, but I am working on something for my father. Does anyone know if Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman are going to be at Gen Con Indy this year? My main reason is for autographs for the Leatherbound annotated Chronicles Trilogy for my son. My father has purchased a copy of this, and he would like to have it signed by the authors and present it to him once he is old enough to read it (he swears it'll be his 18th birthday, but I think it'll be sooner). I'd ask over on the WotC boards, but since neither of them work for WotC anymore, I figured it might be best to ask elsewhere. Anyhoo, that's the point of it all. If anyone has an inside track, I'd be happy to know :) Thanks for any info,
![]() Hey all,
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy. The minis I'm specifically looking for are from the 25th anniversary of D&D serise, as well as some chainmail ones.
Okay, it's more than a handfull, but can anyone send me a link to obtain any part of these I'd be very grateful. I'd be ecstatic to find any of them (I wouldn't be able to buy them ALL now, but a handful would be great to paint). Let me know if you find any of these or are aware of them :)
![]() Darkmeer's Shackled City information:
IC thread for Darkmeer's Shackled City is HERE.
I have the old Dungeon Mags and have always wanted to run the Shackled City Campaign. I started with my normal group, but, due to unforseen circumstances (schedules, starting a new job, school, etc.) the game didn't work out. So, I have obtained 2-3 players from the original group who have graciously agreed to play in a modified PF Beta/other 3.5 rules PbP campaign. I'm looking for 2-6 more players for the campaign. This is a 1-20 campaign, and if you decide you would like to leave the campaign, I will respectfully assist your character in leaving the campaign in a mutually agreeable method (death, as another PC's cohort, skipping town, etc.).
General campaign rules (cut 'n' paste of the original rules, so that if I need to recruit or refer back to this later):
FR Racial differences are handled on a case-by-case basis, but for the most part I don't change the PF statistics for any race. 1/2 Drow would be allowed (from Dambrath), but full-blooded drow are not.
Those races with +2 ECL start with 500 xp and take a -2 to all checks, saves, and abilities until 2500 xp Those races with +3 ECL start with 0 xp and take a -3 penalty to all checks, abilities, and saves until 3000 xp. (See xp chart below) Those races with a Racial Class adjust specially (Gnolls, Lizardfolk, Centaurs, Wemics). The last level of their racial class concurs with the first level of a normal class, in order to save time on conversion and adjust for the +1 ECL. There are instances where I'll diverge from that rule of thumb, so let me know if you would like consideration (that is not a guarantee of anything). No outsiders will be using these racial classes. The regions will be restricted (I'll set up a list here, but figure that Tethyr is the farthest north, and Dambrath/Golden Water is the farthest east). You will be allowed the standard gear from each region that you would normally be allowed, and a few regions are extras that I wrote to allow for some more variation in the campaign. Also, if you are a planetouched, there are MORE regions for you to choose from, as I think the 3.5 PGtF did a huge disservice to the planetouched the way they handled core regions (I'd argue for some of the other races as well, but that's another story for another day).
The Jungles of Chult (FRCS 103) (Races: Humans, Wild Dwarves, Lizardfolk, Aarakocras, Fire Genasi, Wild Elves, Raptorans, and Avariels). Religions are Ubtao, Aerdrie Faenya, Thard Harr, or Fenmarel Mestarine.
Mezro (FRCS 104 Sub region of Chult) This is primarily where the Outcast sorcerous bloodlines of Chult come from, this does not necessarily Fort Belurian (FRCS 104 Sub region of Chult) This is a place to have someone from the Sword Coast, be it Human, Shield Dwarf, Moon ELf, Rock Gnome, Half-Elves, Lightfood Halflings, and even Half-Orcs. Religions include Tymora, Lathander, Mystra, Tempus, and the Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Halfling Pantheons. Thindol (SK 128) Races include Humans, Gold Dwarves, Lizardfolk, Goliaths. Religions include that of Savras, Talona, Ubtao, Umberlee, and the Goliath Pantheon (Tching Mountains) Samarach (SK 116) Races: Humans, Raptoran. Religions include Leira, Aerdrie Faenya, and the Raptoran Pantheon. The Tashalar (SK 124) Races: Humans, Lizardfolk, Niomus along the coastal waters' cliffs. Religions: Chauntea, Malar, Savras, Talona, Waukeen (Savras and Waukeen being most common) Cauldron Region (Dungeon Magazine, me, various other sources, including referencing the Grand History of the Realms) Races: Humans, Lizardfolk, Rock Gnomes, Gold Dwarves Religions: Helm, Lathander, Selune, Savras, Chauntea, Malar, Talona, Waukeen, Tempus. Evermeet (FRCS 146) Race and Religions: Pick an elf, any elf, Elven Pantheon. Lantan (FRCS 148) Humans and Gnomes inhabit this island almost exclusively devoted to Gond. Moonshae Isles (FRCS 148) Races: Humans, Moon Elves, Half-Elves, Lightfoot and Stout Halflings, Gold and Shield Dwarves. Religions include Chauntea (Earthmother aspect), Tempus Nimbral (FRCS 150) Humans, Half Elves, Moon Elves. Religions include Mystra and Azuth Tharsult (PgTF 18, and PgTF Errata) Humans, air and Water Genasi. Ilmater, Selune, Tyr, Valkur, and Waukeen are worshipped here. Calimshan (FRCS 155) Humans, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Half-Elves, Tieflings, Genasi of all stripes, and Sendasti. Religions include Tyr (Anachtyr), Azuth, Talos (Bhaelros), Ibrandul, Ilmater, Shar, and Sharess. The Lake of Steam (FRCS 151) Humans, Any Dwarf, Any Elf, Any Halfling, Gnome, Orcs, Half-Orcs, Planetouched, Lizardfolk, Half-Ogres, and Half-Elves. All Deities are represented here. Tethyr (FRCS 157) Humans, Lightfoot Halflings, a few wood elves. Helm, Ilmater, Siamorphe, Torm, and Tyr are worshipped here. Wealdath (FRCS 158) Wood Elves and other Fey (Centaurs), Gnolls as well. Elven Pantheon and the Seelie and Unseelie Courts hold sway here. Chondalwood (SS 176) Centaurs, Wild Elves, Ghostwise Halflings, and half-ogres. Religions include Rillafane Rallathil, Sheely Peryroyl, Urogalan, Silvanus, Mielikki, or Lurue. Dambrath (SS 94) Half-Drow, Half-Elf, Gnoll or Human. Religion includes Loviatar, with hidden cults to Ilmater and other deities. The Forest of Amtar (SS 96) Wild Elves, who primarily revere Rillafane Rallathil The Gate of Iron Fangs (SS 97) Gnolls, Fire Genasi, and Tieflings. Religions include Kossuth, Loviatar, or even Yeenoghu. Swagdar (SS, can't recall the page). Humans and outcast half-Drow Religions: Malar (master of the hunt aspect), Eilistrae. Rethild (FRCS 198, mention in SK) Lizardfolk. Halruaa (SS 124) Humans, Lizardfolk, Gold Dwarves, Stout and Lightfoot Halflings. Religions include Mystra, Azuth, Velsharoon, and Savras. Lapaliiya/The Lapal League (SK 98) Humans, Rock Gnomes, Wild Dwarves. Religions include Talos, Denir, Chauntea, Eldath, Garl Glittergold, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Lliira, Selune, Silvanus, Tempus, Tiamat, Umberlee, and Waukeen. Luiren (SS 142) Halflings. Halfling Pantheon. The Shaar (SS & FRCS 197) Gnolls, Humans, Thri Kreen, Wemics, Wild Elves, and Ghostwise Halflings. Akadi, Mask, Malar, Mask, Shar, Tempus, Nobanion. The Great Rift (SS 160) Gold Dwarves who revere the Dwarven Pantheon Channath Vale Ghostwise & Strongheart Halflings who revere the Halfling Pantheon. Zakkhara (Dragon classics article, homebrew info). Humans, Sendasti, Pevishan, Blickish. This is primarily an arabian nights type of area, and I would prefer to not see clerics from this region, as my personal knowledge of the region is limited. Skill Tricks: Purchaseable by any character, and requiring 2 skill points to do: (these are from Spycraft, and are OGC as far as I know.)
Unarmed Proficiency (yes, 2 skill points)
I had originally required XP for magic items, but I no longer require that. Feats: NO to Collegiate Wizard. Ever.
Personal Lieutenant
Requirement: Level 3 Benefit: You gain a cohort with a level equal to your level -3 (at level 3 you gain a personal lieutenant of an NPC class). You must pay and treat them well, otherwise they will leave you. The cohort may be any of the core 11 classes or NPC classes, and is not as strong as a normal PC, only using 20 points to build. Special: This stacks with the cohort gained through the Leadership feat, allowing 2 cohorts. Let me know in advance if you are looking into this feat. Reckless Offensive
Tightening Guard
Action Dice will be used in the Campaign, gaining them as follows:
A couple of feats related to this:
The following feats are adapted from FantasyCraft (in order, Black Cat is B's Blessing, Fortune favors the bold becomes Lucky Hero, Lucky Break becomes Tymora's Luck. These have been tweaked from their original versions, and the rules are similar, but not exactly the same. Beshaba's Blessing
Lucky Hero (not the regional feat)
Tymora's Luck
The world will be the Forgotten Realms. Specifically, MY Forgotten Realms. Most everything up to 1372 is considered Canon, anything beyond that is up to the players, although some events will be used if you travel far enough. I'll allow the following extra races: 1/2 Drow (swapping low-light vision for 60 feet of darkvision, otherwise the same as a half-elf), any Genasi, Aasimar, or Tiefling as they are written, but I'll be lowering all of their ECL's by 1, making them ECL 0. No subraces further than that (as in all dwarves, regardless of subrace, are just pathfinder vanilla dwarves, there aren't 50 different species of elf, etc. This is to accelerate the character generation, not hinder creativity, as I'm personally fond of the extra subraces, but want to make this easy on everyone (especially ME). You can call yourself whatever kind of elf, dwarf, or gnome you want, but it's all the same to me.
Please create an alias to place your character into. I'll be using this alias (Darkmeer) to post all of the campaign information.
The year will be 1371 (meaning that neither the Shades nor Bane have returned). I ask for two replies per week, and in many cases you can predispose your character to me or another player if you know you are going to be unavailable during a period of time (especially if there is plot based information that will be set up that you can read later, this also goes for if you go on vacation or other extended trip).
As to posting (and posting etiquette). I will be posting for sure every Sunday night and Thursday evening/Friday Morning (Central United States time). I hope this allows everyone a chance to post between those days, and will not allow the game to lag. If something comes up in a spoiler, I will try to reply to it within a day. If you do not post for two consecutive posts of mine, I will take temporary control of the character to not allow lag. This will be done quicker if there is a combat involved. After 4 weeks of inactivity, your character will be a GMPC until the next available time to remove the character, and a new player will replace them. ![]()
![]() So, the thought crossed my addled mind this evening about secondary character classes. Y'know, mostly from the splatbooks WotC put out. So, my thought was about players playing the general roles of the "primary" types, but using a different character class.
So, going with that I'm going to propose a "B-Team" of non-NPC character classes and concepts that don't mix with the above, or do something completely different. I'm leaving every book I own on the table here, so there's going to be lots of thoughts. Fighter= Human Knight. Pretty simple here, and I like the idea of a human knight in shining armor (i.e. Galahad). Cleric= Half-Elf Healer from Minis Handbook. I really like this class, and it works better than Cleric for some clergies. Wizard= This was tough. I actually don't know, but I favor a Warlock, and I like the tormented aspect of a Hellbred. So, Hellbred Warlock it is. Rogue= This is an easy choice for me, I LOVED the Beguiler, and it's only natural to make this a gnome. Bard= Again, losing spells, but focusing on the buffing of allies, you end up with a Marshall, and I'm fond of the D&D miniatures marshall, so I'll go Dwarven Marshall. So, what's your B-team? What do you think of MY B-team? Any other thoughts or ideas to play with the above ideas? This isn't optimization, but an exercise to see what else can be effective in a dungeon environment. Here's hoping I've sparked an idea with the fellow players out there, and I'll try to discuss this again tomorrow. /d ![]()
![]() Eleasis 15, 1371 DR. It's odd that the group received a letter from Kerri Dundragon, a merchant you've had dealings with in the past, especially while in the Dales and Cormyr. The merchant is known for fair work, and her trade consortium stretches from as far east as the Dales to the westernmost areas of The North. The night is cool, odd for summer, but not unpleasant. Walking into the East Gate in Tilverton from the Moonsea Ride, the two Purple Dragons on duty inquire as to your business, and allow you to pass with little fanfare. Finding the Windlord's Rest is quite simple, actually. You, like most folk, go to the old location, which is now an inn known as Jonstyl's banner, run by a limping dwarven woman. A pair of gnomish runners, almost instinctively knowing where you were intending to go, guide you through the winding streets to what seems to be the southermost section of town. There, as they show you, is the Windlord's Rest. Upon entering the rest, you are greeted by an elderly gnome, who interoduces himself as Thungor Trilbane. He's balding, but has a very nicely kept beard and eyebrows you'd swear were fuzzy caterpillars. He greets you warmly, and inquires as to your reservation. Upon hearing that you are here to meet with Kerri Dundragon, he promptly asks you to follow him. He walks through several winding passages, and the taller of you duck under a few beams, but eventually you walk into a nicely lit home-like building. Sitting in the room is Kerri. She acknowledges your presence, and finishes writing on her coster notes before speaking. Thungor excuses himself at this point, and lets you know that breakfast is served promptly at sunup, for those that are awake. "Well met, friends, Greene." Kerri says, with a worried look on her face. "I fear that your assistance may be required with some... problems along the Northride, as well as along the Tethyamar Trail. It seems that things best kept underground are coming up to the surface." At that time, from another room, one of the stout folk, a dwarven woman of modest proportions for a dwarf, comes in. "Are these the folk you have called, Kerri?" She asks. "Yes, Umil, they are." She says, turning back to your group, "Allow me to introduce Umil Brightblade, of Anathar's Dell. She, as well as her family, are good friends of mine, and they have been supplying my silver trade bars for the past 10 years. Unfortunately, we've run across a problem lately." "Damn right we've run across a problem Kerri! We've run across the darkest of the dark. The Drow are on the surface! Not only that, they're raiding anything going through the Shadow Gap. What's worse is that it may be some form of territory war, as we've been attacked as much as we have found drow bodies, killed by their own murderous bretheren. This is horrible, and, I believe, a sign of things to come. The Dell is currently safe, as we're about two days' ride north of the "problem" in the Shadow Gap, but who knows if one side wins if they will start scouring the lands north and south of the Gap." "Calm down, Umil. These folk are going to help." Taking a deep breath, Kerri begins, "About two months ago, a caravan of mine that always trades with the dwarves of the Dell was accosted by some dark elves. The first group merely inquired if others of their dark skinned bretheren had been seen near the area, but the second group had nothing but murder on their mind. In both cases, my caravan was outnumbered 3 to 1. Usually, we have no problems with 10 or so folks on the caravan route along the Northride, but this was different. Two of their number survived, and fled the caravan, making it to the Dell, and past the cats, at daybreak. Exhausted and bleeding, they fell to the ground, thankfully being found by one of Umil's cousins. They were able to relate what had happened. Something sinister is going on. The Drow should not be on the surface, and whatever has brought them to the surface needs to be stopped. My company cannot work without trade bars, and the Dell cannot survive without some of the trade that I bring in. You see our quandry." Umil interrupts, "So, will ye help us, or do we gotta find someone else to help?" ![]()
![]() This is the discussion thread for Darkmeer's Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (and possibly more) PbP game. Post your completed character here, and once all 10 of us are ready, I'll get the initial post up in the PbP section for the adventure(s). This thread will be noted in my profile, in case we ever need it. /d ![]()
![]() I don't like Drow. However, with the PFRPG, there are some interesting things going on that make this personally reviled race something I'm interested in running. So, based on that, I have converted of the Expedition to the Demonweb Pits to PF, and I'm looking for players, four to eight, to be exact. Rules are simple:
Hero Points:
Characters obtain these during each of the "phases" of the adventure, and I'll also be handing these out. Remember, I get to have these as well (I gain them differently than you, but suffice to say I start at the next step higher than your characters).
A couple of feats related to this:
The following feats are adapted from FantasyCraft (in order, Black Cat is B's Blessing, Fortune favors the bold becomes Lucky Hero, Lucky Break becomes Tymora's Luck. These have been tweaked from their original versions, and the rules are similar, but not exactly the same. Beshaba's Blessing
Lucky Hero (not the regional feat)
Tymora's Luck
The world will be the Forgotten Realms.
The year will be 1371 (meaning that neither the Shades nor Bane have returned). If there is interest past the Expedition, I will run the City of the Spider Queen at the end, as an add on to the campaign (I find level 12 to be MUCH more appropriate for the start of CotSQ). As to posting (and posting etiquette). I will be posting for sure every Sunday night and Thursday evening/Friday Morning (Central United States time). I hope this allows everyone a chance to post between those days, and will not allow the game to lag. If something comes up in a spoiler, I will try to reply to it within a day. If you do not post for two consecutive posts of mine, I will take temporary control of the character to not allow lag. This will be done quicker if there is a combat involved. Please create an alias to place your character into. I'll be using an alias (DM_Darkmeer) to post all of the campaign information.
I hope to have the game started on Sunday, September 20. Character recruitment stays open until then. ![]()
![]() Okay, I've looked through my collection twice now (and my collection is quite extensive). I'm hoping someone else has seen this spell, as I'm at a loss. I believe the spell is "Forcestaff" and I think it's a Wizard/Sorcerer evocation or conjuration spell somewhere between 4th and 6th level. Has anyone else seen this spell (and please note source, as I cannot find it). I'd swear it's a WotC spell, but I just can't find it right now, nor can I find it on their 3.5 complete spell list, making this even MORE fun. I hope I'm just not imagining that I've read that spell (as well as remembering artwork where a wizard is standing with the staff forming in front of him horizontally). Thanks to all in advance for your efforts, /d ![]()
![]() I'm curious if there are any BASE classes that in D&D or other d20 products that you haven't played but would like to. My list is pretty simple:
Dragon Compendium:
What are the classes you'd like to play? ![]()
![]() 1 Kythorn, 1372 DR. You all have come to the city of Tashluta, for various reasons. There, you have found work guarding a caravan owned by Balthasar Malveen, a human of Tashalan origin, to the border city of Cauldron, in the Delphim Mountains. It will be a long journey, taking about 7 weeks, and with that there is a pay scale that is at 150gp once the caravan has arrived in Cauldron. Balthasar has many friends along the way, and has many guards due to the fact that you will all be going through the Black Jungles and across the Tashan Gap, reputed to be filled with the vile scaled folk known as Yuan-Ti, let alone the carniverous apes, plants, and dinosaurs you may encounter along the way. All food and lodging expenses while with the caravan are covered, and you will provide some light guard duties as the caravan will stop every few days to hold open-air markets in some of the smaller towns. Balthasar brings each of you together in the early evening (5pm):
Kystaa is lizardfolk without a tail, wearing scale mail and toting both a dagger and a longsword. Given the typical reception scaled races receive throughout the Tashalar, it is odd to see one working with a caravan, especially one bound for the border region near the Black Jungles. And yes, Balthasar, try as he might, cannot pronounce Kystaa. "This is Thammarazs Haversack, from across the seas, although I can't tell you where from, as I tend to travel merely along the Chultan Penninsula myself. He seems nice enough, and he has told me he knows how to use that dreadful looking blade he calls a 'Pata.'" Thammarazs Havaraszk, a human with a paler skin tone than most you see this far south, stands before you with a furtive look about hiim. He carries at his side a strange, gauntlet-like contraption with a shortsword strapped to the end that you can only guess is the Pata. Otherwise, he seems unassuming. "This is Dreav Mistcaller, Master of the Lady of Illusion. I believe that his nature as deflective of the true nature of things will come in quite handy, as we do want to avoid conflicts where we can. Dreav is draped in light green robes with a silver lined green cloak. The robes extend over Dreav's head and the full mask with green tinted glass eye sockets conceals all of Dreav's features. All in all, the only thing that makes Dreav stand out against any other cleric of Leira is the scimitar. Dreav keeps his ancestral scimitar on his belt at all times.
![]() I figured I might as well plug the campaign (it's in the Gamer Connection at the moment).
Anyhoo, we have openings in arcane, divine, and roguish pursuits right now. /d ![]()
![]() House Rules: Part one. This will be set in the Forgotten Realms, specifically in the Hazur mountains on the eastern edge of the Tashan Gap, just north of the Black Jungles. Here are some of the basics of character creation:
Set gold amounts. Arcane classes: 100 gp plus spellbook and/or bonded item, Divine Classes: 125 gp, Martial Classes: 175gp, Aesthetic Classes: 40 gp (includes battle Dancer and Monk), Roguish classes: 125 gp. Set HP: max HP at first level, add 1/2 your hit die every even level, 1/2 your hit die +1 every odd level. (Of course, this is in addition to adding your CON modifier). Most any class you can imagine is "legal" in the campaign as follows:
Races include many from official sources, but there are many that would also be allowed:
All +0 ECL races start with 1500 XP, allowing characters to scribe scrolls, etc. and may go down to 1000 xp for such
The regions will be restricted (I'll set up a list here, but figure that Tethyr is the farthest north, and Dambrath/Golden Water is the farthest east). You will be allowed the standard gear from each region that you would normally be allowed, and a few regions are extras that I wrote to allow for some more variation in the campaign. Also, if you are a planetouched, there are MORE regions for you to choose from, as I think the 3.5 PGtF did a huge disservice to the planetouched the way they handled core regions (I'd argue for some of the other races as well, but that's another story for another day). Regions allowed (along with races and suggested religions):
The Jungles of Chult (FRCS 103) (Races: Humans, Wild Dwarves, Lizardfolk, Aarakocras, Fire Genasi, Wild Elves, Raptorans, and Avariels). Religions are Ubtao, Aerdrie Faenya, Thard Harr, or Fenmarel Mestarine. Mezro (FRCS 104 Sub region of Chult) This is primarily where the Outcast sorcerous bloodlines of Chult come from, this does not necessarily Fort Belurian (FRCS 104 Sub region of Chult) This is a place to have someone from the Sword Coast, be it Human, Shield Dwarf, Moon ELf, Rock Gnome, Half-Elves, Lightfood Halflings, and even Half-Orcs. Religions include Tymora, Lathander, Mystra, Tempus, and the Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Halfling Pantheons. Thindol (SK 128) Races include Humans, Gold Dwarves, Lizardfolk, Goliaths. Religions include that of Savras, Talona, Ubtao, Umberlee, and the Goliath Pantheon (Tching Mountains) Samarach (SK 116) Races: Humans, Raptoran. Religions include Leira, Aerdrie Faenya, and the Raptoran Pantheon. The Tashalar (SK 124) Races: Humans, Lizardfolk, Niomus along the coastal waters' cliffs. Religions: Chauntea, Malar, Savras, Talona, Waukeen (Savras and Waukeen being most common) Cauldron Region (Dungeon Magazine, me, various other sources, including referencing the Grand History of the Realms) Races: Humans, Lizardfolk, Rock Gnomes, Gold Dwarves Religions: Helm, Lathander, Selune, Savras, Chauntea, Malar, Talona, Waukeen, Tempus. Evermeet (FRCS 146) Race and Religions: Pick an elf, any elf, Elven Pantheon. Lantan (FRCS 148) Humans and Gnomes inhabit this island almost exclusively devoted to Gond. Moonshae Isles[b] (FRCS 148) Races: Humans, Moon Elves, Half-Elves, Lightfoot and Stout Halflings, Gold and Shield Dwarves. Religions include Chauntea (Earthmother aspect), Tempus [b]Nimbral (FRCS 150) Humans, Half Elves, Moon Elves. Religions include Mystra and Azuth Tharsult (PgTF 18, and PgTF Errata) Humans, air and Water Genasi. Ilmater, Selune, Tyr, Valkur, and Waukeen are worshipped here. Calimshan (FRCS 155) Humans, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Half-Elves, Tieflings, Genasi of all stripes, and Sendasti. Religions include Tyr (Anachtyr), Azuth, Talos (Bhaelros), Ibrandul, Ilmater, Shar, and Sharess. The Lake of Steam (FRCS 151) Humans, Any Dwarf, Any Elf, Any Halfling, Gnome, Orcs, Half-Orcs, Planetouched, Lizardfolk, Half-Ogres, and Half-Elves. All Deities are represented here. Tethyr (FRCS 157) Humans, Lightfoot Halflings, a few wood elves. Helm, Ilmater, Siamorphe, Torm, and Tyr are worshipped here. Wealdath (FRCS 158) Wood Elves and other Fey (Centaurs), Gnolls as well. Elven Pantheon and the Seelie and Unseelie Courts hold sway here. Chondalwood (SS 176) Centaurs, Wild Elves, Ghostwise Halflings, and half-ogres. Religions include Rillafane Rallathil, Sheely Peryroyl, Urogalan, Silvanus, Mielikki, or Lurue. Dambrath (SS 94) Half-Drow, Half-Elf, Gnoll or Human. Religion includes Loviatar, with hidden cults to Ilmater and other deities. The Forest of Amtar (SS 96) Wild Elves, who primarily revere Rillafane Rallathil The Gate of Iron Fangs (SS 97) Gnolls, Fire Genasi, and Tieflings. Religions include Kossuth, Loviatar, or even Yeenoghu. Swagdar (SS, can't recall the page). Humans and outcast half-Drow Religions: Malar (master of the hunt aspect), Eilistrae. Rethild (FRCS 198, mention in SK) Lizardfolk. Halruaa (SS 124) Humans, Lizardfolk, Gold Dwarves, Stout and Lightfoot Halflings. Religions include Mystra, Azuth, Velsharoon, and Savras. Lapaliiya/The Lapal League (SK 98) Humans, Rock Gnomes, Wild Dwarves. Religions include Talos, Denir, Chauntea, Eldath, Garl Glittergold, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Lliira, Selune, Silvanus, Tempus, Tiamat, Umberlee, and Waukeen. Luiren (SS 142) Halflings. Halfling Pantheon. The Shaar (SS & FRCS 197) Gnolls, Humans, Thri Kreen, Wemics, Wild Elves, and Ghostwise Halflings. Akadi, Mask, Malar, Mask, Shar, Tempus, Nobanion. The Great Rift (SS 160) Gold Dwarves who revere the Dwarven Pantheon Channath Vale Ghostwise & Strongheart Halflings who revere the Halfling Pantheon. Zakkhara (Dragon classics article, homebrew info). Humans, Sendasti, Pevishan, Blickish. This is primarily an arabian nights type of area, and I would prefer to not see clerics from this region, as my personal knowledge of the region is limited. Action Dice will be used in the Campaign, gaining them as follows:
Special Training Bonuses:
Experience table
![]() So, I've noticed something about Wild Shape. It is very cool, and works exaclty like some spell effects (beast, elemental, and plant shapes...). Which led me to tinker with an old standby class that I really enjoy playing. The Master of Many Forms, which I really enjoy as a Player and a DM, if for no other reason than to pull something strange out of my hat. I looked at the PrC, and I decided that it really didn't fit the Pathfinder RPG design scope, so I gave some design a try. This takes a couple of things away from the MMF, namely Aberrations and Oozes (which I found unsavory), but there are some things I opened up that the original MMF did not. The biggest difference is the number of levels, which I cut to 5, and entry is as early as 11th level, not 6th. I also jumped right to a Large Dragon form at the end. This is about right compared to a Wizard, and I cut the duration of that ability as one could easily abuse it (no matter what). The giant form ability is dead on for the original PrC, and no further advancement with it is really needed, IMO. Here we go:
The Class:
Skills: Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Fly, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (arcana), Linguistics, Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, Swim 4+Int Modifier skill points per level Level 1: Greater wild shape: alter self, and include gills (water breathing)
Greater Wild Shape (su): This ability is the core of the MMF. At each level the MMF gains the ability to use either a Wild shape an extra time per day, or a Greater Wild shape 1/day (i.e. a Druid 10/MMF 5 would be able to wild shape 4 times per day plus 5 greater wild shapes, or may convert any number of wild shapes into normal wild shapes for a maximum of 9 wild shapes per day and 0 greater wild shapes).
If using a Wild Shape, the duration stacks with druid levels, if using a Greater Wild Shape, the duration is based only on MMF levels. (i.e. a 10th level druid/5th level MMF can Wild Shape for 15 hours, but may only utilize a greater wild shape for 5 hours, and the pinnacle ability for 2.5 hours.). I hope you enjoy, I sure did. Critique/Tear apart as necessary. Point out specific abuses or better translations as necessary. Does this fit the same niche well? Also, naming the class... Trying to stay OGL-ish here, so Master Shaper? /d ![]()
![]() So, I played the fighter last night.
So, in the first combat, I bit the dust. Now, I understand where this could be a bad review from that point, but this is a playtest, and I am happy to report that he performed exactly as I'd hoped, and better, actually. The real thing that did him in was the Critical Hit deck (3 con loss with 52 points of damage +18 hp lost from the con loss (Organ Scramble), means pain for the dwarf), a plain critical hit was survivable (albeit painful). Until this point, he had been able to use a class skill, Knowledge (Engineering), and had made perception checks that made me happy. The other part of this is the Dwarven resistances allowed him to make some dicey Will saves, and with the Dwarven Wisdom, he was able to survive a bit longer against the onslaught of magical abilities against him. The good of it all was that his melee damage output was CONSISTENT. I was very pleased with that, as I was worried that although his damage was higher, his output would be severely hampered by grapples, trips, or other things he wasn't geared towards (thus a couple of the defensive choices to eliminate that problem). So, overall, I'm happy with him. Does it mean that everyone will be? Nope. But MY view of the fighter is the "regular Joe" who wants to be something more. You get to high levels by fighting smart, not just hacking at the front line. This proved it. If the dwarf had stayed at the canon, he would have been mostly fine. If he were foolish, as he was, he died. So, I can't down him on that basis. My only thoughts are merely echoes: Give Fighters Perception as a class skill. I'd also argue for Sense Motive to avoid being feinted on a lot. If you want to give them "special abilities," something similar to Dragon 310's "Specialist Fighters" article might make them happy. As to the whole Alpha 2: We (as a group) agreed that the Lethality from the Player versus Monster/NPC abilities were roughy equal, rather than lopsided one way or the other at this level. This makes it much more fun, with the lethality increased (and man that Critical hit deck really does hurt!). /d P.S. When the fighter was "scrambled" I nearly fell onto the floor laughing because it was such a fluke! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, I know the magazines are going away, I'll deal with it. I have one last thing to request from you... Put your numbers in the last magazine. I mean the number of subscribers pre- and post- announcement. I want the naysayers to be quiet. I want them to hear that there are a good number of us upset, and it's not some lousy "5%" of the D&D population... I thank you for reading, Darkmeer ![]()
![]() This is really a thank you thread. Thank you to everyone who posts here. This community is a large and amazing one. Everyone is civil, polite (okay, not all the time, but we all are humans), and generally open here. What amazes me is that several of us post some fairly personal things on these here boards (I'm one of them). What's more amazing is the show of support for all of us. Just tonight, I read about someone losing one's brother, words of encouragement for me and my family, reminded myself to ask how F2K's child is, and read about someone's possible adoption (and sure to be ensuing legal battles). What's amazing is the rounds and rounds of support and want to encourage that we, as gamers, as a community, and a family give to one another. To paraphrase from Snorter:
snorter wrote:
I know a few states, and sides of the ocean, but I think I can safely say we are all friends. /d ![]()
![]() Hey all, I've started the Shackled City for my group, alternating adventures with one of our other DM's (for the Annoying Prince...). We are utilizing the Spycraft 2.0 system for characters and altering the creatures & such for the system as necessary. The City is set in the Delphin Mountains of the Tashalar in the Forgotten Realms (I found this a much more amicable location). Sasserine is Tashluta, and there are other things that you'll see along the way. As of the introduction, our characters are:
Dorian spent much of his early life trying to fit into a birthright that, in the end, did not make him happy. His Elven grandfather was a well-respected elder tribesman, and his daughter Alyssa was a sweet and gentle soul. His mother had always been a healer and she made yearly trips to the outlying villages in Tethyr to provide help to the poor. During one of those sojourns, she treated a young handsome human who had been injured rescuing a group of children from a dangerous rockslide. They became enamored and spent several nights of passion together before she had to leave, the result being Dorian. Her father was furious, of course, but he loved Alyssa and grudgingly accepted the child into the family, as much as a wood elf can.
The History of Nystar of Ilmater
Hamar El-Birakki
DM’s Intro (then I leave this journal to the noble KnightErrantJR, with a few notes):
D’tri enters the city of Cauldron from the East Gate, having evaded pursuit this far from the Lapal League for weeks now. He is searching for a quiet place to sleep for the evening, when he hears cries for help. The trio of Dorian, Nystar, and Hamar see a gentleman being beaten in an alley, by three ruffians, although one is watching for them. Dorian smoothly draws his bow and fires at the lookout, dropping him with one shot. One of the other thugs sees what happened, and begins to flee, just when a bald man (d’tri) comes in to block their way out. Hamar deftly disarms one of the thugs while D’tri trips him when he tries to drag his fallen ally from the fray. Just then the guards arrive, and the group introduces themselves, their captives, and their “rescued” person, one Ruphus Llaro of the Church of Helm in Cauldron. ![]()
![]() Over in the "what happened to your campaign" thread (in campaign journals), it was mentioned that my son, "Grey" we shall call him, has leukemia (Acute Lymphocitic Leukemia). It was requested by a few forum members that I give an update... I am obligated to do so, as it was requested, and I have a minute. One thing to remember: when I say Counts in this thread, I am speaking of White Blood Counts, Red Blood Counts, Platelets, and Absolute Neutrophil Count (a type of White Blood Cell). For those of us who don't know: Leukemia is cancer of the white blood cells, where they just keep replicating themselves without end, killing off all the good blood cells. The cure rate, depending on source, is 85-95% (NO parent will tell you that the rate is acceptable, period.).
So, from the top... Feb 12: ER visit for Grey, with his mother, fever 105. The doc sent us home... Using Tylenol & Ibuprofen to bring it down (this angers me now, looking back). Grey gets sick & better depending on the day, then says he doesn't want to walk every now & then (I figured it was typical behavior to some extent, until he started screaming when I made him walk). He got better for about 2 weeks (During which March 7, My second son was born). He got excited, and life was good, until the fevers started coming and going again. Eventually, after 3 doctor visits, Grey went to the doctor on March 31 (I saw the pale horse that day, and hell followed with him). The doc was a sub, and my wife and mother brought Grey to where I work, to go to lunch while we waited on blood test results. We got the call after I had left work, and was driving to the nearest fast food restaurant to get something for us to eat. We get that call from the doctor I hope NOBODY I know ever hears: "Hi this is x from the clinic, the doctor would like to see you. When you get here the doctor will see you." The world stops. We get the diagnosis. Mother & my wife start crying (I had lost a dear friend to bone cancer June '05, I was not about to cry b/c Grey was, and is, still alive). We go to Hell. April 2, my son's birthday. In the hospital. We were supposed to go to Barnes' hospital in St. Louis on the first, but Grey was not stable enough to make the trip. He would've bled out well before we got there (I know, I've read the labs, and used to work at the hospital he is being treated at, so I know what I'm reading). We spend from March 31 at 1:30 pm until April 28 at 7:30pm in the hospital (there was no greater 25th birthday present than getting my son home, none). We go home for about a week and a half, just seeing him withering (and he had Rhodavirus <diarrhea> during his last week and a half of our hospital stay, rivers and lakes of the stuff). And he gets a staph infection from a mediport they had put in him in St. Louis.
To the present...
That brings us up to date. And here's the rules that I try my very absolute hardest to follow every day, so that I appear normal (I work in the public eye) at work and home.
Just remember, the rules come in threes. Thank you for reading, and for those of you who wanted an update, here it is. If this needs removed, I'll gladly do so, or if it would be more proper in Campaign Journals, that is fine as well, as it's a real, ongoing thing. gotta go,
![]() Session 1, Part 1. We have arrived at the Barony of Eor. We headed straight for the Baron's fortress, as he was a friend of the Prince's. We spoke to some guards, as to not be seen entering the main part of the keep. We notice that there are many merchants in the courtyard, apparently awaiting an audience.
We entered a private audience chamber, meeting up with John the Baron, and Brunis the High Priest of the barony. He was greatly relieved to see me alive, as he had heard rumors about the Witching Castle. We confirmed all of them. What's worse, he had no troops to spare, as he had problems with Banditry in the south portions of the barony. These bandits had been attacking the various caravans heading around a massive swamp near the Village of Waycombe. Adding to that, one of the caravans was carrying a piece of the legendary Dragon Slayer Lance. This lance, as the legends go, cut through dragons like butter, and was able to be broken into 3 parts. The head, made of superior quality mithril, could be used as an effective dagger, the Shaft broke down to be used as a bracer, and the butt of the lance could be used as a compass to find the other 2 parts. One of the caravans was carrying th butt of the lance. John points out that he sent 30 men under the able leadership of Thorsh Brumen into the area, and has not heard from them. At this point, Krig and Duncan are eager to point out that we may be headed that direction, and ask the Baron if it would be acceptable to question the merchants. As Raymond is recognizable as the prince, John recommends that he go and speak to Master Pariak, the court wizard. Krig and Duncan head into the main hall, where they see 4 priests praying for safety and protection from evil, as well as many merchants. John and Brunis accompany them, while Raymond goes around the side entrance to get to the wizard's chamber. As Krig and Duncan enter, in order to provide a distraction for the prince, Krig jumps onto the table and shouts "Your Savior has Arrived." This causes much commotion as the various merchants begin to shout out their fears. As they do this Sir Duncan, in a very frightening tone, yells "QUIET, ONE AT A TIME" and his hand drifts towards his Longsword. This shuts them up quite nicely. A few merchants begin by saying that they fear the road, and don't want to go back. One merchant is particularly arrogant, saying that the Baron can't keep his own lands tame, and that all the mercenaries he used were the best money could buy, and that the brigands beat them without using any magic. Cutting through his arrogance, Duncan and Krig quickly find out that the brigands seemed to be pursuing the guarts, perhaps to take prisoners. In all the stories, the attacks were preceded by a man asking for directions. Duncan, ever the military man, asked 3 simple questions of the arrogant fool: Race, Weapons, Armor (said as statements). They found that the attackers were Human, used simple swords and Leather armors, and NO MAGIC was seen at the attack points. At this point, as the priests file out, an incoming priest screams "May the protections over this place fail and Evil triumph!" At this point, a Pillar of flames flies from his hands directly across Krig, Duncan, and several of the Merchants. As the spell is cast, his hood flies open, revealing a greasy-haired human with a scar down his face that Krig and Duncan immediately see is Mordrin. The gout of flame drops Krig to the ground in a charred mass, while is taken aback. As Mordrin leaves the room, Duncan attempts (poorly) to throw his sword into Mordrin, knowing his duty is to protect the prince before chasing Mordrin into a likely trap. ******At the same time, Prince Milifrast/Raymond is meeting with Master Pariak************ Going to the door, not wanting to deal with a trap, Raymond knocks on the door with the tip of his staff. The old man says that he has been expecting Raymond, and to knock again. Raymond knocks again and finds himself in a large, open room that is much larger than what should fit in the keep. He provides a wealth of information about the Dragon Slaying Lance, and would like to send some gifts along with us. He hasn't had time to organize them as he would like, so he asks Raymond to find his dog, who is tearing things up downstairs. "All you have to do is scratch 'im right behind the ears." Raymond agrees and is instantly teleported to the area, with the command word being Pariak to return with the
The area reaks of brimstone. Walking down the dark, sooty hallway, Raymond casts light on his staff in order to see better. Opening the door ahead of him, he sees a wild-looking hound that has deep red eyes that seem to glow in the dark. The hound is snarling as Raymond begins talking in a smooth, quiet tone "Here puppy puppy puppy, good puppy" After some seriously tense moments, the hound walks over to Raymond, and Raymond scratches him behind his ears. Soon, the both of them are in Pariak's study again. Pariak gives Raymond a Ring of Safety, a Potion of Heroism (of some sort), and a Potion of elasticity. At this point, Pariak says something is severely wrong, and that Raymond should go see my friends. Raymond enters the main hall as Brunis is raising a poor merchant from the dead, and has just healed Krig. One word describes what happens: Mordrin. At this point, comparing notes, we tell the Baron that we will be glad to stop the bandits. And we continue with Session 1, Part 2 soon.
About Cerys EndarionCerys Fiona Riannon Vincere Endarion
Chronicle Sheets: