Griffonskrye's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


This isn't a "confusing paladin concept." Nothing in his request is about being a paladin and he has a weird request for it. He's flat out opposing your house rule of no evil characters, and has given you no other option, as a player, he doesn't get to just give you an ultimatum like "it's my only option." He needs to get with the program, whether he's trying to rationalize his evil or not, long and the short of it, he's a chaotic evil antipaladin, literally the divine representation of violence and selfishness in your no-evil party. Tell him he needs to rethink his character concept, or he needs to get packing.

XLordxErebusX wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Gold is useful as conductors for electronics.
im not 100% sure, but I think copper is worth more as a construction material than gold is, for it has a wider application of uses. I could be wrong, though.

It is and it isn't. More applications, but gold has a higher conductivity than copper, and silver about the same. The difference is silver has a longer half life, so it degrades slower that gold does and can hold a stronger charge much longer.