Ramoska Arkminos

Griff Olar's page

351 posts. Alias of Pepsininja.

Organized Play Character

Stage Magician
The Exchange Nivla Dee Nilbog

Male 1/2 Orc Swashbuckler / 1 [HP=12/12] [AC=17:T=14: FF=13]] Fort+2, Reflex+7, Will+1, Perc+4 (33 posts)


Ramoska Arkminos
Griff Olar

MAN! 1/2 Orc WIZARD 11 [hp 94/94] [AC 17() [T 13() F 15()]] Fort +10 Reflex +8 Will +11(13), Perc 15
active spells:
(351 posts)