
Greytalon's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Thraxus wrote:
I treat speaking as a "non-action." Effectively a free action that can be done anytime. The only limit I place on it is in commbat is how much a player can say in 6 seconds.

My characters luckily have the ability to speak as quickly as the Micro-Machine guy even if I do not :D

So let me get this straight, Immediate and Swift actions both of which consume more time, energy and effort than a free action, only the Immediate action can be performed out of turn, with speech being the exception? Barbarian plummeting to his doom screams, "Someone please save me! I am surely going to die unless some one helps me! Will no one heed my cries?" allowable as a free action-(no more than a few sentences)yet cannot enter rage instead ,something that consumes no time at all according to RaW? When can common sense be used in a round? Is it a standard or full round action? My point being this, in no place does it state that speech is the only exception to the rule(that I could find) and is only one of four actions listed under Free Actions descriptor. Why can't something that takes no time at all be allowed anytime? I understand allowing for initiative i.e. (has yet to act at all) and being surprised but beyond that...

P.S. Just read contradiction in book under Actions types, "Free Actions consume very small amount of time and effort," while under Free Actions title it states, "free actions don't take any time at all, yet there may be a limit to the number of free actions you can perform in a turn." What's up with this?

Yes but lets say Barbarian has yet to enter rage and is knocked off 100' cliff during the giant's turn who pushed him. What DM, as a free action, wouldn't allow him to enter rage prior to hitting the very jagged rocks at the bottom and possibly allowing him to survive?

I'm wondering how to do a conversion of 3.5 to Pathfinder Core in regards to this encounter, Zev Ravenka dr20/vorpal vs Pathfinder Paladin's smite stating: Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. An ability we know 3.5 Paladins did not possess.