Hobgoblin Sergeant

Greith's page

48 posts. Alias of Tange Free.

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Hey there. hoping this is the right spot for this thread.

I'm in a game that my buddy runs and I'm playing an Arcanist. It's a pretty power crunchy group, and while I'm not typically that into super-crunching my characters, I've gotten a little tired of falling behind in efficiency. So I've determined that the perfect thing for my character to do is create a magic item to increase the DC of one of his Exploits. Flame Arc. The idea is to make a Spark Glove, like Colonel Roy Mustang in Fullmetal Alchemist that would provide a +1 to the DC of his Flame Arc exploit. I just don't know how to cost this item or what requirements it would have beyond Craft Wondrous Item. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Hey guys.

Just started working on running this campaign for a group of 4 players. I always ask the players questions about their characters when coming up with them. But with this AP, there's so many special themes going on that I have too many that I want to ask them.

The few questions that I have already are as follows:

-What does your faith mean to you?

-Do you think others are intrinsically good or evil?

What are some other questions you think I should ask them about their characters?