About Maeneta the Axe-Caller====================
Maeneta the Axe-Caller is a half-giant warrior dedicated to the perfection of mind and body. Raised in an order of psychic warriors, Maeneta has long been able to call forth weapons from time and space and used them to great effect.
At the same time, Maeneta has a curse; his half-sister has fallen by the wayside into a life of debauchery and villainy. Determined to raise her from where she had fallen, Maeneta left the order so that he could track her down. It took almost a year and when he eventually found her, she was involved with an extremist sect of Calistran worship. Maeneta was greatly angered by what he was as abuse of her body of the highest order and for the first time in his life, he lost control. He summoned an enormous greataxe and with it, he laid into those who were around her. Blood and gore flew across the room and when he recovered, everyone had either fled or died to his blade. His half-sister, truly fearing what he would do, screamed and fled the room. Slowed by his size and exhaustion, Maeneta attempted to follow her but she lost him in the crowds after several minutes. Disgusted by his loss of self-control, Maeneta himself began a downward spiral. Without the support of his brethren, he began to fight for survival at first and then for sport. He began to revel in the cruelty and lived for the baying of the crowds as he brought his astral greataxe down onto a great number of foes. It didn't take long for a criminal by the name of Ghazi to take notice of his skills and Maeneta found himself acting as an enforcer by day and prizefighter by night. Maeneta was lost in a reverie of blood, alcohol and women and lost much of his discipline. One night, after a particularly bloody battle, Maeneta was celebrating his win with a night of drinking and loose women. He had grown increasingly rough, and took to taking what he wanted. As he and his battle-brothers stumbled from one tavern to another, they spotted a priestess walking quietly down the other side of the road. With a raucous roar, one of his battle-brothers loped across the street and hauled her hood back. "Look what I caught," he roared in jest, hauling the woman over his shoulder. In one gut-wrenching moment Maeneta realised that the woman was his half-sister. His battle-brother deposited his half-sister in front of them. "Who wants to go first?" one of the others said with a rowdy laugh. Where once his half-sister had looked at him in fear, now there was only disgust. Transfixed by the holy symbol of Desna on her breast, Maeneta didn't even register that he'd called his astral greataxe. "Maeneta?" one of the group said, moments before the half-giant started swinging. Two fell to his blade before the rest had registered that the half-giant had begun to fight. Without weapons, most of the group was massacred. Two escaped, one grievously injured, by sacrificing the others. "Ghazi will hear of this, half-giant, you're a dead man!" They fled as Maeneta roared in anger. He turned to look at his half-sister, who hadn't fled this time. Releasing his greataxe, he leant down to scoop her up from the street. They spent weeks together, going over what had happened since that fateful night where Maeneta had first lost control. After fleeing into the night, his half-sister had fallen across the stairs of a Desnan temple. They women there had looked after her and nursed her back to health. In payment, she had dedicated her life to the goddess. She spent several weeks helping Maeneta bring himself back to a semblance of his previous self-control although it would take much longer in order to be able to master what he had known previously. Almost two months after the fight in the street, Maeneta was returning home with groceries to find their rented room door ajar. Dropping the shopping, he summoned the greataxe once more and kicked the door open. On the living room floor lay his sister, her heart pierced by a single dagger. Pinned to her breast by the dagger was a single, blood-stained note. Now we're even. - G Instead of losing control, Maeneta's world solidified as though looking through crystal. He had purpose now; he would rid the city of Ghazi. ====================
HP: 10 of 10:
Level 1: 1d8 = 8 + 1 (Con) + 1 (FC) = 10 Speed: 30 feet Favored Class: Psychic Warrior:
Level 1: +1 hit point Giant Blood: Half-giants count as both human and humanoid (giant) for any race-related effects. Low-light Vision: Half-giants can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Fire Acclimated: Half-giants receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects. Powerful Build: The physical stature of half-giants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a half-giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a CM bonus or for CM defense, the half-giant is treated as one size larger if doing so advantageous to him. A half-giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size can affect him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. These benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size accordingly. ====================
Initiative: +3:
-1 (Dex) + 4 (Feat) = +3 Base Attack Bonus: +0 Combat Maneuver Bonus: +4:
0 (BAB) + 3 (Str) + 1 (Size) = +4 Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+3 / x2), provokes AoO
stomp, 1/day (manifester level 1, DC 10) ====================
Armor Class, regular: 15:
10 (Base) - 1 (Dex) + 6 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 15 Armor Class, Force Screen: 19:
10 (Base) - 1 (Dex) + 6 (Armor) + 4 (Shield) = 19 Armor Class, Force Screen & Thicken Skin: 20:
10 (Base) - 1 (Dex) + 6 (Armor) + 4 (Shield) + 1 (Power) = 20 Flat-footed AC, regular: 16:
10 (Base) + 6 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 16 Flat-footed AC, Thicken Skin: 17:
10 (Base) + 6 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) +1 (Power) = 17 Touch AC: 9:
10 (Base) - 1 (Dex) = 9 Combat Maneuver Defense: 13:
10 (Base) + 3 (Str) - 1 (Dex) + 1 (Size) = 13 Fortitude Save: +3:
2 (Base) + 1 (Con) = +3 Reflex Save: -1:
0 (Base) - 1 (Dex) = -1 Will Save: +3:
0 (Base) + 3 (Wis) = +3 ====================
Acrobatics: -1:
-1 (Mod) – 4 (ACP) = -5 Autohypnosis: +7:
1 (Rank) + 3 (CS) + 3 (Mod) = +7 Climb: +3:
3 (Mod) – 4 (ACP) = -1 Diplomacy: 0:
0 (Mod) = +0 Knowledge (psionics): +4:
1 (Rank) + 3 (CS) + 0 (Mod) = +4 Perception: +7:
1 (Rank) + 3 (CS) + 3 (Mod) = +7 Ride: -1:
-1 (Mod) – 4 (ACP) = -5 Spellcraft: +4:
1 (Rank) + 3 (CS) + 0 (Mod) = +4 Swim: +3:
3 (Mod) – 4 (ACP) = -1 Survival: +4:
4 (Racial) + 3 (Mod) = +7 ====================