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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Star Voter Season 6

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't remember the specific things I really liked, but I do know that I saw a fair number of items that didn't make the top 32 that gave me a much more jazzed feeling than many of the items that did make the top 32. I'm a little disappointed by the overall crop of top 32 items (given the universe of items I reviewed in voting).

Star Voter Season 6

Cool stuff with the salt theme ... and the salt crust (for walking on water) is particularly useful.

Star Voter Season 6

Neat stuff. Potentially useful in lots of situations, but the consumable nature of the item wouldn't unbalance a game. Best part: the theme that it's soap and that the soap is used to "scrub away" the visual that's actually there to see what's beyond. (And the option of making it one-way or two-way is a cool touch.)

Star Voter Season 6

I voted many, many times, and there were a few types of items that seemed to be very popular as themes. One was a device (sometimes a knob, others a window) that could be affixed to a wall to create an opening; those I found pretty cool. Another was boots that allowed the wearer to shake the ground (maybe with some other effects rolled in); those didn't pique my interest. So, I was not a huge fan of these -- just didn't push the button.

Star Voter Season 6

This is just freakin' cool. Good stuff.

Star Voter Season 6

I'm looking at the top 32 in order. So far, I like this one most. Useful, but not excessively-useful (not overpowered), and a cool aesthetic. Thumbs up.

Initially, I was very interested in this adventure path. Extreme settings (e.g., Chult, "The Unapproachable East") have long interested me. The Russian connection and the winter aspect spoke to me. I was even considering restarting my subscription, because of this AP.

However, in my mind, the Russian connection went too far with this adventure: st-Die. I would have found this kind of genre-bending cool when I was much younger. (Who DIDN'T was a raygun from "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks"?) But, this is too much for me today.

There's a chance I'll purchase some of the adventures in this path, but only individual ones that -- on their own -- interest me ... and definitely not "Rasputin Must Die".