The Lusty Fools can loot a necklace with a hag's eye gemstone from Crooked Maggie's corpse, as well as a belt purse containing 6 potions of cure serious wounds (CL 5th, heals 3d8+5 hp), 33 gold pounds (coins, English gp), and 50 silver schillings (English sp)....
Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote: Hags still count as people for Hold person ; humanoid is in the title.. though Im sure it has SR anyway
Round 3; Final Roundination
Nacht looked completely surprised a green-being that spoke like the holy-being. it was... intriguing. perhaps that would allow Nacht to savor this particular kill? As if his body reacted to the call, the tensile strength of his muscles bulged more than normal and the Scales of Ry'leh empowered him with unholy might.
[dice=Multi Lead Greater Ant Keenstar]1d20+7; 2d6+5
[dice=Multi Lead Greater Ant Gladius]1d20+6; 1d8+4
[dice=Multi Lead Greater Ant Kukri]1d20+6; 1d6+4
[dice=Multi Lead Greater Ant Kukri]1d20+6; 1d6+4
Lay into the hag
[dice=Confirm Multi Lead Greater Ant Kukri]1d20+6; 1d6+4
The hag gives voice to a bloodcurdling shriek as Nacht finishes her with a flurry of swift blade strokes!
She collapses, bleeding profusely and twitching....
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote: Hisao, now with something to actually hit, flanks with Paddy and stabs twice with supernatural speed.
[dice=VenomFang flank]1d20+8+2;1d6+2+1d6+2d6
[dice=Ki VenomFang flank]1d20+8+2;1d6+2+1d6+2d6
YYYEEEEEOOOOWWWWCH!!! Sneaky!! But....the foe that stabbed me remains invisible!? No minor magic, that be!
The first thrust stabs deep into the hag's side.... She instinctively dodges the second unseen attack....
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote: I'll get you, my Pretty!
The hag nearly dodges, but Tyr's aim is just true enough to catch her on the heel as she tries to evade his lobbed firebomb, and the blast is skillfully sculpted so as to avoid his companions surrounding the hag!
AAAAAAAGHHH!!! Curse your firebombs, alchemist!! I'll wear your eyeballs on a necklace of your guts for that!!
Reflex save vs DC?? firebomb 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 fails, no doubt....
The hag is burnt for 19 fire damage!
Kiyu Amunatus wrote: Hold Person DC16 Will.
"Be still." Kiyu commands simply.
Since Kiyu's last round didn't trigger she'd go on delay, so she acts immediately after the hag.
-Posted with Wayfinder
The hag cackles with glee! HAHAHAHAHAHAHEEE!! I'm no "person" by the laws of that spell, my sweet! But I'm flattered! You see, I be what wizards and sages classify as a "monstrous humanoid".... Your minor magics can only paralyze normal humanoids, dearie!
Round 3
The source of the disembodied voice is revealed as Crooked Maggie appears--a hunchbacked, wart-mottled, green-skinned old crone standing as tall as a tall man, with horrible, talon-like claws--and rakes at Paddy with both claws!
Claw 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 deals 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 slashing plus 2 Strength damage (DC 16 Fortitude negates Str damage)
Claw 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31 deals 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 slashing plus 2 Strength damage (DC 16 Fortitude negates Str damage)
Paddy wrote: Paddy dashes to cut off the hag, his sword flashing as he moves.
not sure if i can make it to attack her, but will roll anyways in case
[dice=attack] 1d20+9; 1d6+5
Paddy is near enough to Kiyu and the hag to step between them with a single move, but the hag nimbly dodges his thrust with Greenthorne....
In English: Ah! So ye can see old Crooked Maggie, can ye!? *Gasp!* Ye wear a robe of eyes!? Now THAT will make an even prettier gown for Crooked Maggie!
The hag literally drools as she ogles Paddy's eye-covered tunic....
Rynjin wrote: I would imagine Crooked Maggie, secure in her nigh undetectability, would use Accelerated Stealth and take the -5 to move at 25 feet per round instead of 15.
Of course I would! What he said, Mister GM!
Unseen by all save Paddy, who's magic robe of eyes reveals to him both the invisible hag, and the invisible ninja, Hisao, Crooked Maggie would be within a 5-ft step of Kiyu by now....
This voice seems to come from somewhere nearby....

Bog hydra wrote: William Striker wrote: William couldn't see a thing, he strained his neck and looked side to side but saw no foe.
"What are you guys looking at?"
He waited in place, champion pawed at the ground and they both looked on in confusion as there allies fought some unseen ally. Suddenly the bog hydra burst forth... "OH! I found it!"
The young knight wheels his horse around and brings his lance up to face the monster. "YOU! BEAST! LETS FIGHT!" Challenge
Champion hurtles forward and the dynamic duo crash into the hydra with the force of thunderstorm before prancing away.
[dice=PA Charge]1d20+14 [dice=Damage]6d6+57
KRAKA--POOOWWWW!!! Thunder seems to rip the heavens and a bolt of lightning briefly illuminates the landscape along with the thunderclap that sounds as the lance of thunderbolts pierces the great beast's chest!
The bog hydra emits a terrible cacophony of screams as it topples over with the lance of thunderbolts impaling it like a boar on a spit!
HOOOONNNK!!! x5!!!
Wailing in English: Oh, nooooo!!! My bonny, bonny Milly is all run through on that mean lad's pointy stick, she is! Well, I'll avenge her death, if she don't heal up even from being impaled as she is!
Round 2!
Scuttling closer to Kiyu.... Stealth 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (15) + 33 = 48 for 15 ft closer.... 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (13) + 33 = 46 15 ft closer....
She is now only 40 ft from Kiyu....
Paddy wrote: realizing his friends cannot see the hag as she approaches, Paddy draws his bow and shoots at her.
she's right there...
[dice=bow] 1d20+7; 1d6
Paddy then moves up 30'
Paddy's arrow finds its invisible mark! She grunts in pain.... YEEOW!!
Round 1
Creeping closer to The Lusty Fools invisibly and passing without leaving a trace, Crooked Maggie stealthily skips 30 feet closer to the road and the party.... Stealth checks for two moves....1d20 + 33 ⇒ (14) + 33 = 47 for 15 ft....1d20 + 33 ⇒ (17) + 33 = 50 another 15 ft....
She heads toward the vulnerable-looking witch at the center or near the rear of the marching order....
Oooh! This pretty brown skin will make Crooked Maggie a fine new mask and gown, it will!
Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote: Ahh I didnt even notice the posts above.. tats what I get for not scrolling up. Don't forget Paddy negates invisibility.
Correct.... Hag's stealth check vs Paddy is only 22, rather than 62....
Stealth with invisibility 1d20 + 53 ⇒ (9) + 53 = 62
Init 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21