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wraithstrike wrote:
Ivan Blanco Catalán wrote:

Hey guys, I've been working in a web application useful for Druids...

It's free and I'd love you helping me inprove it. If you see an error or something missing...

There is no way to account for magic items such as a +2 amulet of mighty fist.

I also notice you have AC listed, but there is no way to account for the wildshape armor that a druid might have.

Thank you, this is hugely useful!

Everything seems to have an extra +1 attack bonus, however. Take a 4th-level druid as a boar w/STR 10. Medium creature, so STR+2=12. BAB=+3, STR bonus = +1, so the attack should be at +4, but the gore shows as +5. Same with all the rest as well. Is there a +1 I'm not aware of?

Spook205 wrote:

I'd have us give a lot of money to a poor person and then rob him (since now he's rich and obviously the 'rich don't mind' having their property stolen), just to make a point.

I'd also ask them to continually classify just how much money a person had to possess in order to be 'rich' in their estimations.

Maybe suggest they set up a weigh in station 'You must be exactly this heavy for us to rob you.'

Monte Python, to the point!

Alton Nimblewit wrote:
Has anyone else ever gone through grief after a permadeath?

The closest I came was when my L15 CG Mystic Theurge was turned LE by a cursed alter. He was a happy-go-lucky charmer (party face), a devoted family man with an egg on the way (long story), but with his magic and Diplomatic skills could easily become a very nasty Evil Overlord. A real death of the mind.

LibraryRPGamer wrote:
Furthermore, the Inquisitor is not proficient with bows (as they are a martial weapon) so you would have to waste a feat anyways to get the proficiency…the same feat cost as getting Rapid Shot for the crossbow.

In point of fact:

SRD wrote:
An inquisitor is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of her deity.

Given that, no Archons for clerics of chaotic gods and no Azata for lawfuls.

BlueAria wrote:
As a note earth glide only works on unworked stone so if caves and natural environments only

This does not appear to be the case for earth elementals:

PRD wrote:
Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing earth elemental can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If protected against fire damage, it can even glide through lava. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence.

The Sorc and Oracle SU abilities for some bloodlines/mysteries have that restriction, however.

Prawn wrote:

Talonhawke wrote:
it uses up a whole 5ft square when placed down which makes it climable once you can feel around a bit.

I don't like this interpretation. If it uses the whole 5 ft square, they could walk around on top of the wall, or put a ladder up there or something. This seems to go against the idea of the wall being very very thin.

If the wall can support weight from the top, you could put a ladder up there. Think of a ladder with inverted horseshoe hooks on the bottom of the legs. Could put a firing platform on the top, too (something that looked like a capital Pi). I'm not sure how you'd get it up there that wouldn't make it pointless, however.

Why would you want to use a higher-level spell slot from Spontaneous Class A to cast a spell that you could spontaneously cast using Class B's slots anyways?

The main coolness of mixing spontaneous and non-spontaneous casters in MT is that you effectively increase your spells known in the spontaneous class. Memorize a bunch of different one-off spells in your non-spontaneous slots, then if you need one more than once, use the other class to re-cast.

Abraham spalding wrote:
The same could be said for anyone considering mystic theurge.

That's true if you're considering it from L1.

If you're already C3W3 (or C3S4), though, you may as well go MT, since you're advancing two full caster classes. If you're already C3B4, however, either one of the existing classes seem strictly better to continue, since otherwise you're advancing one full caster and one 3/4 caster.

If you're determined to have some Bard and be a MT, you're better off as C3B1W3MT* than C3B4MT*, since you're going to have more and higher-level arcane spells at the cost of 18 skill points and a couple unexciting bard special abilities.

Abraham spalding wrote:
"Grazno wrote:
You have to think subtlety, not power. You always have something worthwhile to do even if not always something game-changing.

Surprisingly its that last part on why the bard makes such a great mystic theurge.


It takes the pain out of being a mystic theurge.

It also takes the point out of being a mystic theurge ;).

Suppose you've already got C3 B4 (so you qualify). You're going to consider the next four levels (say). If you simply take them as Cleric, you get 4d8HP, +3BAB, 2d6 more channeling power, and (probably) another couple domain powers. Take 4 levels of MT, you get 4d6 HP (4 HP less), +2 BAB (1 less than above), and access to two L3 Bard spells. Are two L3 Bard spells/day worth 4 HP, +1BAB, 2d6 channeling, +1 fort, and two domain powers?

You've already made the caster level sacrifice and it still looks to me like you're better off admitting error and continuing on in one of the two classes you've already got. Since the only benefit to being a MT is being able to cast spells from two classes, it seems nuts to choose a qualifying class that's mostly about things other than casting spells!

I can't see why there are so many recommendations of "bard" for the arcane. The whole point of the MT is that you get lots of spells. You don't get anything else. The bard's an okay spellcaster for someone with a 3/4 BAB and a d8 HD, but sucks for someone with a 1/2BAB and d6. Who cares about armor if you should never be visible in striking range anyways?

The MT has casting stamina and lots of different choices. You have to think subtlety, not power. You always have something worthwhile to do even if not always something game-changing.

I'm running a C3(luck+travel)S4(Draconic)MT3 at the moment. The high CHA for the sorc means lots of channeling (he's also the "face"). The luck and travel powers are good without lots of cleric levels. My strategy is to always buff (or summon), and almost never attack, so I can remain invisible the whole combat (being very fragile).

Bobson wrote:

Swimming across a river, no matter how hard it is, is not a distraction from swimming across a river.

Is climbing a wall a distraction from climbing a wall? My DM thinks it should be, since if you fall, you'll take damage and (therefore) you're in danger.

Wow! I'm glad were not the only ones to find it unclear :). Thanks for the help!

Donning a shield takes "one move action". Does that mean donning a shield that you're otherwise holding in your hand, or donning a shield that's stowed on your back?

That is, if you've got your shield stowed in the standard way, does it take one move action to unstow it, and another to strap it to your arm, or one move action to move it from your back to "in use"?