British Diver

Goln "Goon" Leapstep's page

60 posts. Organized Play character for Arronfel.


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Liberty's Edge

Too bad, John! If I wasn't just now moving from Sylva to Asheville, we coulda been carpool buddies! Either way, welcome to the society!

Liberty's Edge

I can see where people might powergame the hell out of some of these classes the way you all are saying, but as someone who is far too lazy to research good ways to munchkin a character, I enjoy the fun ways these can be played

The arcane bloodrager I played was fun, even if there was very little he could do just yet, but I'm really excited about the shaman, who's only weakness is the lack of repeat uses of hexes (I think taking additional hex as a feat at least once will be necessary) will increase the need for a non-spellcasting or special abilities in combat.

Also, I'm surprised everyone is writing off the brawler. It's a monk who loses ki abilities to have you choice of feats as you need them. Build them with a bunch of base feats, then become a grappler, spring-attacker, tripper, disarmer, sunderer... whatever you need, on the fly. I could see a lot of power in that build. Besides, you get cool monk stuff without worrying about Wis during your stat allocation.
I'll be trying one out soon, and we'll see how it goes

Liberty's Edge

Hey folks! Did I hear something here about a friday GM class? I will most certainly attend!
Also, if anyone has time off next week (15th-19th) with the exception of thursday, I will be free and available for some games.
I hope to see you all soon! ACE, here I come!

Liberty's Edge

So, I clicked on those links to Warhorn, and it would seem that my password has been randomly changed without me knowing it, and therefor, I cannot sign in... Still, I thinking of "being sick" on the 13th and coming out to ACE

Liberty's Edge

I know, I know, it's been forever, and no, I'm not even going to attempt to get caught up on this posts I've missed here.
I'm sorry I've been gone, what with job and school, I figured it would just depress me to come in here and talk about the game I had no time to play.
SO! Here's what's changed. My schedule is now more solid, and while I still can't fit in Saturday nights, I CAN make a regular event on friday nights, if anyone would be interested in having some games then.

ALSO, I have talked about this in the past with a few of you, but I've been making strides towards getting a chapter of the Pathfinder society in Sylva/Cullowhee/Western. I have at least 5-6 interested people, as well as just being introduced to a group that has a home-brew pathfinder game going that I was entirely unaware of.
SO, who was interested in taking part in such an endeavor with me? So far, I've been helping them all to make characters, but I was hoping to run a few of them through the intros pretty soon

Anywho, hope to hear from you all soon, and I hope the games have been going well. I miss you all, seriously

Liberty's Edge

Guys, I got some really bad news.
One, playing for me in the next couple weeks may be out as I get acclimated to my new apartment, as well as trying to deal with an insane schedule at work that no one yet has been able to explain the reasoning for...

Even worse, when my schedule finally DOES get a change for school time, it seems like there was no way for me to get off the graveyard shift without being stuck work noon-8PM on Saturdays.
Believe me when I say I fought tooth and nail for, at the very least, an "every other" Saturday schedule... but it's looking like I lost the fight.
I am still hoping that I will be able to make evening games, even if I can't show up till 6 or later pretty much every night. Maybe this will be good incentive for me to get the Sylva area group up and running...

Anywho... yea, my presence at the games will be greatly diminished, and no one is more upset about that than I am

Liberty's Edge

dinketry wrote:

APL PFS Obituary

Goln "Goon" Leapstep. Halfling Alchemist 2/Gunslinger 1. Shadow Lodge faction.
Killed in Action, 7/14/12.
Failed to prepare Reagent of Feather Fall prior to crossing that burning bridge.

I really need to update my info. Alchemist 5/Gunslinger 1.

Also, even though it was not me playing that lost the character, I have started to think of ways around this particular danger in the future, one that is more "Goon-esque" than feather fall. I'm thinking a grappling hook bullet with a rope attached? I can be Batman!

Liberty's Edge

StrangePackage wrote:
I'm sure that either Goon or Arvandor would be glad to handle WCU duties.

Indeed I would! In fact, I was thinking about trying to set up a small club here, or maybe see if the current WCU gaming club (depressingly titled "Whee Game") would let me set up a branch for table-top gamers

Liberty's Edge

StrangePackage wrote:

Speaking of WT involvement, I think it's high time we mobilized some of the very talented clipartist and graphic designers on here to begin creating those flyer inserts for Pathfinder books sold at WT and maybe also at That Other Gaming Store We Don't Talk About (TOGSWDTA, for short [though that's not really short, is it?])

As I recall posted at TOGSWDTA, there was a Pathfinder Society flier. It would probably serve our interests quite well at this point, with whatever minor changes we needed to make. Who made that? Do they still have a copy? What kind of changes might we make to it now? Or do we want to wait until we have our very own website?

I admit I'm not good with photo-shop for graphic design type stuff, but I can certainly do some artwork for us, if someone else can transfer that work onto a flyer. That, or we could just steal some Paizo images <_<

Liberty's Edge

Aravandor wrote:
BTW Goon: I have your mini, chronicle sheet and character sheet. PM me and we can work out a time and place to meet. I can come by WCU pretty much any time after 6pmish. Or I could scan and email your papers or just meet and give it to you on the 21st or whatever. Let me know.

Sometime in the next couple days would be great. I don't actually need the character sheet, but the rest would be nice, especially as I wont be able to make it on the 21st. I'll be home, so let me know whenever you're back from work and have a second

Liberty's Edge

Question: Did Goon earn XP, gold, or anything on the chronicle sheet for Saturday's game, as he was apparently resurrected? If not, that's cool, but, if he did, I need to level up

Also... how exactly does the whole "raise dead" and negative level thing work? How much am I going to be spending on restoration spells and such?

Liberty's Edge

So, a couple things:
1) I hear you all got me killed. I hate you all
2) I hear you all pooled together to get me resurrected. I love you all.
3) I better have gone out in a blaze of glory. I want to hear the story later. also, curse my work schedule

and 4) It looks like I'm going to have to back out of the game on the 21st. It's looking like it going to be the busiest day at work I've seen yet, and they've scheduled me for 10 hours, starting 2 hours earlier than normal. I don't want to risk starting that 6-8 hour long module and having to leave before the last battle again, and I would show up for a regular noon game, but it would leave me without much sleep at all before that shift, which seems like an entirely bad idea. And so, I think I'll just be doing to responsible thing and skipping that one day entirely. If, however, we end up with any games thursday night, or any other night this week or next, I would be more than happy to jump in, or even work on running one

Liberty's Edge

I, for one, would prefer part 2 at 5:30 on the 4th, unless they finally change my schedule. But, I'm just one voice. If the rest of the crew wants to start at 12:30, I can make sacrifices.

Also, with that schedule being the case, I guess I'll stay signed up for Diamond Gate, and hop in for Everflame on the 21st, if there's room

Liberty's Edge

Ok, so back to the game planning... QfP #2 is NOT being run this upcoming saturday, but the all-day module IS? Do I have that right?
If so, I'll head over to the warhorn site now

Liberty's Edge

I really wanna do that everflame thing on the 21st, but I believe we're doing part 2 of the quest for perfection... are we not? If not, I would gladly join. I may have to be their early, but I bet we'll finish up a bit early, as well, at which point I can run home and grab a nap

Liberty's Edge

So, I went to the warhorn site, registered, clicked on the "subscribe to feed" button... and I'm getting a page full of HTML code...

I'm not computer literate enough to know what the hell that means O_o

*edit* Nevermind, got it.

I signed up for Diamond Gate, but I'm still willing to run an intro if needed

Liberty's Edge

And if Granyt has to work, I'll do it. Assuming, that is, that we have enough new players that need it, or pros that have new character they want essentially free XP for

Liberty's Edge

So, lack of official response leads me to believe this does not, in fact, work with firearms. Is there a place I can go to make a suggestion for future errata? I feel this would in no way unbalance the game, and would make a good bit of sense for intelligence characters that take the time to train with guns

Liberty's Edge

If someone is working on throwing together that list of games for the coming weekend, put me down to run one of the intros, if we have enough new players. I'm going to use my days off to get all those PDFs as well as buy a few more, do a ton of research, and get some prep-work down. It's about time I start carrying my own GM weight around here

Liberty's Edge

feasible, but more difficult, especially if you're using a musket. The point was, it is much EASIER to get multiple shots with the others.

As for the general rules, all I ever found there was "GM discretion", that's why I was wondering if there was any PFS-wide consensus about it, or if it had been discussed at all. Even if a couple of my local GMs allowed it, I wouldn't want to show up at a game somewhere else and be accused of cheating by another PFS GM down the road

Liberty's Edge

I found the feat to make my Geisha Assassin work!

Basically, you raise someone's opinion of you to ally or friendly, then you get to shiv them
*insert evil laugh here*

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but after some fairly thorough searching, I was unable to find it:
Does the Focused Shot feat work with firearms in official Pathfinder Society rules?
The feat itself says "Bows and Crossbows", but this was in the Advanced Players Guide, before Ultimate Combat introduced guns into the Pathfinder world.
Also, the balance issue seems to favor bows and crossbows over guns as far as being overpowered, as both of those weapons have more chance of multiple shots fired in one round than a gun, therefor gaining more benefit from the + to damage than a gunslinger.

I keep hearing "GM Discretion" when I ask folks, but I'd like to know if there is an official errata or comment from Paizo about this particular case.

My Alchemist/Gunslinger would really appreciate knowing ^_^

Liberty's Edge

Pyro Goon's Incendiary Services: If it exists, we can probably set it on fire! Just 25 gp per immolation

Liberty's Edge

So, if I make the Geisha, who's up for a tea ceremony before we enter the big bad's room?

Liberty's Edge

Granyt wrote:
Goln "Goon" Leapstep wrote:

New character concepts to work on:

Knuckle-dragger, mafia enforcer type barbarian
Be original with this one. Make it a gnome instead of a half-orc

I was actually thinking either a dwarf, or a human from the Puddles. Maybe another halfling...

Liberty's Edge

New character concepts to work on:
Knuckle-dragger, mafia enforcer type barbarian
Asian Bard/Ninja, eventually shadow dancer, geisha
Silver Flame, lawful good Inquisitor, essentially a secret assassin of the church

hmm, which to make first

Liberty's Edge

Jake Dodd wrote:
Stupottery wrote:
ask Jake i am sure he would be possibly interested...

Wow, did that make any real sense?

But what Stu was trying to do was give me permission as our current home game GM to skip out on Carrion Crown. I will be at tWT around 5pm (I work until 4pm) regardless or what game will be run or played. It sounds like you are looking for a GM so I will have all of my stuff with me if you still need one upon my arrival.

I'll be there! We'll see if we can gather any more folks as well

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of mid-week games: I got Thursday off (My only day in an otherwise 12 day streak) and I'm looking for a good excuse to head into Asheville. If some folks have some time Thursday afternoon/evening, I would love to get a game together. I plan to buy some modules and some more GMing materials while I'm there, but I don't have anything to run just yet (havn't had time yet to do much reading on the GM process without some help)
BUT, if some lovely and wonderful GM out there is bored that day...

Just sayin <_<

Liberty's Edge

So, How did the rest of that game end up last night? I really wanted to be there for the end of it

Liberty's Edge

I tell ya what: If you make it 2 on Sunday, I can be there.
the 2 hours or less of sleep that I would get to be there at noon is just too little for me.
If that's not too much of a stretch, I'm game!

Liberty's Edge

ben schweizbach wrote:
anyone interested in playing sunday the 1st?

I can't make promises, since it will depend on how exhausted I am after work saturday night... but I'm fairly certain I could make a 5-9 or 10 game that night

Liberty's Edge

If I did not already have set plans, Stupottery, I would totally be there. Wednesday and thursday nights I'm almost guaranteed to be free.... usually.
More of these in the future?

Liberty's Edge

Basic rule of thumb: If it A) Comes from a 3rd party source or (B) Has anything whatsoever to do with even the possibility of crafting or (C) Allows a creative alchemist to find ways to cheat death...
then it is probably not allowed <_<

Liberty's Edge

What be this Quest For Perfection series? It sounds... interesting

Liberty's Edge

In the interest of setting an example, Thorynn, I have signed up at the link you posted *salute*

Liberty's Edge

Aravandor, I would be more than willing to carpool if you'd want to meet somewhere right on the highway. I usually have enough time before work to make a quick stop at, say, a gas station or some such off one of the exits. I wouldn't mind driving my cozy, air-conditioned, fuel efficient little put-put car for us if that works for ya.

As for the GMing and the sign-ups, the biggest thing I've found for myself is that signing up for a specific table is hard for me, since I usually just want to help fill out the tables that are there. I'd rather just sign something saying "I'll be there as a player" or some such

Liberty's Edge

StrangePackage wrote:
Just as a thought- I know several folks, like Arvandor, Leej and Goon, come from far over the mountains. Have you guys considered carpooling?

Isn't really an option for me, since I have to run right from our games to work. Maybe after the summer, depending on how my work schedule changes

Liberty's Edge

I am currently working on building up my materials to become a GM a little more frequently. Right now, MOST of my finances are being saved for a move I'm going to have to make at the end of July, but after that, I can work on collecting materials and modules and minis and such

Until then, I can become something of an official GM for Intro 1 and 2 for new players, if you all would like. Those are fairly easy for me to run, as I know them, and they're not terribly rules-intensive, and I'm always a fan of creating new characters (to apply GM credit to) as well as helping newer players with their own.

I'll try to get some PDFs and begin bringing my laptop to all the games from now on.

If I start doing this, though, would one of you veteran GMs mind sitting down with me before a session and going over how all the society reporting and crediting for sheets works and such? I admit I have not done a lot of reading on the subject, but I'd pick it up better by having someone go through the process with me.

Liberty's Edge

Amazing game tonight! And I'm really happy to see that kind of turnout!

It's getting to the point where we might really had to set up our up website with places to sign up for tables. Like you said up there, this is a great problem to have!

Also, Bovie(sp) and Goon FTW

Liberty's Edge

Question: After GMing last saturday, how do I go about applying that to a character? Do I need to get a copy of the rewards sheet from somewhere? I'm sort of at a loss for how that all works, but I'd like to level up my Sorceress with it

Liberty's Edge

Hey folks! Great time at free RPG day, and thank you for your patience, to those who were in the game I was running. I had a lot of fun doing so, and I'm going to start collecting some items and learning how it all functions (I hope) in order to be someone who can run in the future.

As for this weekend, with the 2 times for games... I would love to show up early so that I was not in a time crunch when it came to having to leave by a certain time... but I think I would be falling asleep at the table.

That being said, I don't think we've had a whole lot of problems finishing by the time I have to leave at night, unless we get unreasonably delayed

So, anywho, sign me up for this Saturday for one of the 5 PM games. If there's room at the sewer dragons table, I could always bring everyone's favorite boom-stick wielding halfling along. If that's full, I would happily play one of my other characters at another game as needed.

See you all on Saturday!

Liberty's Edge

see you all in an hour or so. OFF TO ASHEVILLE! Can't wait to see the new place

Liberty's Edge

I don't have a truck, but I'm willing to help this friday at WT for a few hours if needed, as long as it's after 3-4 (need to sleep some time).
As for free RPG day, sign me up for playing in the new campaign at 5:30! If I get there any earlier, I'll just scope stuff out or have fun with the GURPS or DCC people.

So, all things according to plan, we are meeting this saturday at WT, and then next Saturday for free RPG day?

Liberty's Edge

Sorry I've been absent from the forums. Work has been... wow... painful. Trying to get used to this sleep schedule on top of the insane amount of physical demand that I am simply not used to (see: WAAAAY out of shape).
Someone asked what I was doing: I'm one of the beverage servers on the casino floor.

Anywho, welcome to all the new people I saw posting! Hopefully I'll get to play with all of ya soon. I'll try to be there on Saturday, even if I have to rush at 10 no matter where we are in game.
I'll see you all then

Liberty's Edge

So, guys, I just got my schedule for work, and I'm fairly sure it's going to be semi-permanent. It has me working at "12 midnight" on Saturdays... which actually means being clocked in before 11:45.
What this means for me, seeing as it's at the Casino in Cherokee, is that I would have to leave the games pretty much AT 10, with not a lot of wiggle room.
So, I was wondering, could we get the meeting time to be a little bit earlier for people getting their characters set up, and actually get started at 5 or 5:30, as opposed to he 6 or so that we usually get going? It may seem selfish to say so, but I can think of a few other people this might help out as well.

Liberty's Edge

Hey guys! Sorry I've been absent from the forum here. GeekOut was amazing, and I'd like to see what the event did to our numbers come next gaming session, heh.
I'll be getting my actual schedule for work soon, and though I asked for Saturday nights and Sunday morning's off, I can't be sure it will end up that way, it being busiest on weekends and all. But, here's hoping.

Liberty's Edge

So, I lied, I will not be there this weekend.
On top of being swamped with projects/papers right now, I honestly cannot afford the gas to drive to asheville at the moment <_<

Liberty's Edge

If people wanna start getting ideas for what characters are around before-hand, I've got the lvl 3 Alchy/Gunslinger, lvl 2 druid, and a fighter tank, cleric undead killer, and tattooed storm sorcerer I have not gotten to play yet

Liberty's Edge

I'll be there this time, I should think.
Maybe I'll play my newly lvl 2 druid!

Liberty's Edge

still deciding on that MACE west thing or this. I do happen to have some small amount of chump change, now...

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