Desert Giant

Goliath, War Scion of Ragathiel's page

599 posts. Alias of Ashe.


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HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Sorry to hear, but understand. As said before it is a great game. I will be here if you return. Hit me up :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Ah a step in the right direction. Glad your back CT

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Ready to go.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

We bought flooring 2 years ago now. Still have the master bed room and bathroom to do. I feel your pain. Never enough time. I get why my parents always did so much stuff, they had nothing better to do. We have way more distractions in life now :) Take the time you need man, I will be here ready to slay some giants :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

What up, I'm ready :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Nope spontaneous healing is (EX), if it were (SP) then yes for sure. Fast Healer works with rest or magical healing.

It is CT that decides on the table, but we were the most active hence why we are the highest level. Having a bard would be nice since the player that just dropped was a bard. Xanay and myself have dipped Warlord so we provide the early Golden Lion stuff. Not saying you can't just letting you know.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

No worries CT. Just happy you wish to continue. I have a blast playing Goliath. :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I forgot about being enlarged and my reach when I placed. I moved to threaten some around the scepter. Quassine you may want to adjust if I got in your way.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Yeah Governor is closing offices at Noon under state of emergency. We had/have plans to travel this weekend so if the the Tropical Storm / Supposed to be Hurricane when it makes landfall tonight leaves us without power you may not hear from me for a few days :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Don't put that burden on him. If I die know it is not your fault Brother Quassine. I would give my life to protect any of you any time. I chose this path we take now. I am disappointed in you Xanya. Now prepare get rid of all doubt and focus on what is to be done. Let's go."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Hopefully step back into the shadow realm. With the great scepter and the lesser scepter and knowing the names of the other at cliffport he can teleport out once in there.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

The plan was always for Q to grab the scepter. The original plan was for Goliath to go in as a distraction, talk fight dance tell them a story whatever just give you guys time to grab the scepter and get back out. Now with the portal closing behind us it may close on this end as well and ruin the plan. We will see.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"That was not the plan. The scepter must be captured at all cost. This is your mission Quassine. If I have to give my life in the fight so you get away then so be it. I will die knowing I have saved the dwarves."

Why the sudden change in plans?

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6


Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I'm here always will be take your time.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

'm traveling for work tomorrow and won't be back until Thursday evening so I may not post until Friday.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I gave you bulls strength. Sorry it wasn't clear.

"I suppose your right sister. It is a dirty tactic but they have overwhelming numbers and strength so I see the value in it."

Yes last action as we begin to move will be Defending the pride 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 = 10. There we go.

Current: AC: 37 || CMD: 46 || Str: 34 || Base Line Attack: +21 3d8+1d6+32 17-20x2

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"I will stay visible and buy what time I can for the rest of you to gain position. Now if we are ready let us go. I can give you strength sister but not your mount."

Sorry only two bulls strength. Long Arm give the now Huge Goliath a 20' reach. :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Sounds good, have fun.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Haste is round/level spell you should note your casting it last as we step through, and if Quassine wants to be hasted he should cast invisibility right after.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"I will stay visible to serve as the distraction. Move swiftly my brother."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Then we fight. Quassine you will need to make your way to the scepter. Even if we die here if we can destroy that thing then our lives are not given for nothing. Prepare yourselves."

Spells Being Cast:
::I hope/assume I will have a Mage Armor from one of are Arcane Casters: (+4 AC)
Magic Vestment: (+1 AC)
Enlarge Person: (+2 Strength, Weapon Damage 3d8, -2AC)
Bulls Strenght: (+4 Strength)
Iron Skin: (+4 AC)
Shield of Faith: (+3 AC)
Deadly Juggernaut (No bonus Yet)

Current: AC: 33 || Str: 34 || Base Line Attack: +21 3d8+1d6+32 17-20x2

"Brothers and sisters it has been and honor to call you such. I will defend each of you with my life if I must. Now let us do this in Goodwins name."

Ready to step out when every one else is.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I hate posting not from a computer. That is why I don't post on weekends. I did finally get a smart phone this past weekend, but that was so I can go catch all them damn pokemon.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

The map may help a little, but it seems like everyone jumped ship. We went from the most active table to the least.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"It seems it is time. This does not look good, but where can we go from hear? The way back is shut. It is forward or trapped here. It is either a stealth attack if we have means to go invisible. Or we charge in now. Alternatively we play the role of selling the dwarves out. Having escaped with the scepter, We believe they have information on our last master that they were using against us making us combat the scout units. I don't like this as it involves lying and underhandedness. Neither am I good at or have a taste for, but I am not so naive to not see they can be a tool on the field of battle. What say the rest of you?"

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Goliath nods and leads the way through the tunnel.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Cool :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

My parents are coming to stay for the week. So the wife and I are taking a staycation. We will be doing stuff around the house and hitting the beach and stuff with them so my posting will be spotty and way down from my normal rate till next Friday.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Posting daily as always. Just waiting here hope CT is doing better.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I have 2 bulls str prepared. Can't make any promises I don't always take time to cast upon myself just like the last fight. I fought with no buffs just the true strike to get the scepter.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Seems foolish to go away when we exhausted ourselves to return to help defend this place. It would have been better to have these things destroyed then to mettle with them like this. All that has no bearing now. Let us take the fight to them, since the Thane will see no reason. I am ready."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I'm by no means unhappy. I will post as often as CT and the game allows but the current mission is focused on Quassine and CT with the loremaster so they have to move the game along.

No worries CT post when you can. I have no plans on going anywhere.

On posting on weekends: I will never be an active weekend poster. Could I? Probably but I choose not too as I am busy doing things with the wife and friends.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

So back to town and the game dies again. I'm here like always but not activity. I cant' move us past where we are at as we are waiting on the actions of an NPC to give us direction. Others also are not posting anything they wish to do. These visits to town kill the game. This is not a sandbox group. Seems we need to be railroaded.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Goliath will go and aid in getting needed supplies.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"There destructive power is the form of an explosion of fire. It will do nothing to the fire giants that wield them. It could take out some the rabble, but do nothing to the real threat. It would take the power away from them and prevent it being used against the us. That alone would make it worth it. What do you need to do such a thing?"

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Opening a portal to a greater scepter is exciting but risky as well. We know the giants have powerful magic and the giantess we took down took all our effort before she put one of us to rest. Even if the portal got us to the one running the show, he would most likely not be alone given what is going on. Maybe instead of a portal we could trace a way back to the source to scry or gather information. Though if a portal could be sustained a smash and grab to jump through and retreat with a greater scepter could prove to be very beneficial. If the Thane is so obsessed then he knows what the giants come for. The hammer may not be what we should focus on then. How may I assist you at this time Loremaster?"

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

We only have one Scepter plus the one he already has. Group 5 has 2 scepters.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Hello again Loremaster Cronin. We have learned much of these Scepters since our last visit. The giants value them and have sacrifice many in attempt to regain them."
Goliath will explain what we know of the scepter here.

"We killed what I presume was one of their great warriors. She spoke of the Fellhammer. What she spoke was troubling to say the least. By her words it seems a full attack is not their plan even though they think they could crush the city easily. A harpy from one of their scout teams traveled with us a bit as we tried to teach her the way of our master. She was under the impression the attack imminent. I fear they know the location of the hammer. We need you to request permission of the Thane for us to check on it and guard it. We also need to know what it is capable of encase it falls into the giants hands."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Father created you for a purpose and you have kept us together. Having wisdom matters not if no one seeks it, but having purpose gives you meaning. Yes let us go see the Loremaster."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Yep meet with Tolhemia and go see the loremaster.

"Good morning Tolhemia. Any developments over the night? If not we should go see the Loremaster. We don't know how much time we may have."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Cool, I have no other plans for the night. Will copy and paste level 6 when we move to the morning.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Level 6: Swashbuckler 6, Monk 6, Cleric 6

+1 ability Increase to Str

+1 BaB, CMB, CMD

HP: +17 1d10 max, 5con, 1FCB, 1Feat

Saves: +1 Fort, Reflex, Will

Skill Points: +5
+1 Perception, Sense Motive, Arcobatics
+2 Survival

Signature Item: Added Impervious

Combat Expertise 6th, Improved Trip(monk), G Weapon Focus(weapon), Combat Style Master(weapon)

Abilities: Charmed Life 4/Day

Spells: +1 2nd, +1 3rd

I will copy and paste the new Goliath when we move forward.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Goliath will nod and thank those that lead him to the area. He will then seek out a space and start to reflect on his past battles and how he is to improve himself.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

yeah I hate the days when work gets in the way of my posting. :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"It seems they have give us enough space here for me and others to reflect upon what they have learned. Maybe it would be best for us to stay within the confines of the city then for the night. We still only have speculation of what the giants plans may be."

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

Unless I can do so inside? I wasn't sure how much space or quiet we needed. Either way works.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"I agree Tolheimaia. Based on our last effort I think these scouting parties are a distraction. Even if there is a battle that too will be a distraction. We know the prize they seek now. We would like to come with you to visit Conin. We have this other scepter. If he is the ally you think he is we may uncover what we need to know of the fellhammer. For now we will rest. I have to meditate on my abilities and what I have learned. Until the morning sister." He raises his hand as a gesture of saying goodbye.

Goliath will set up and stay outside the city tonight meditating on his abilities. (going to level 6). He invites his brothers and sisters to stay with him.

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

I hope your not put off by Goliath. He is kind of a dick and speaks very matter a factly and in black and white. He is zealous. He is modeled after the virtuous hero's that goodwin would have told him stories about. Just giving you this disclaimer as the others have had as well. His attacks are in character and not me attacking you. Just because he speaks down to his brothers and sister doesn't mean he doesn't love or want to protect them. He just feels he knows better and compromise is a bit of work for him :)

HP: 102/102 | AC: 23 (Current 37), T: 19 (Current 19) , FF: 18, | Fort: 12, Reflex: 8, Will: 11 | CMB: +16, CMD: 36(Current: 46) | Init: +11, Perception: +13 | Panache: 6/6 | Channel 6/6 | Hero Point 3/5 | Charmed Life 4/4 | Ki Pool 6/6

"You witness one bargaining with the life of an innocent. You know of the keeping of the Harpies and what they are forced to do for them. Also they have sent bands to murder our own brothers and sisters and you still can't know of their evil? You are correct. You should not preach or speak of the words of Goodwin for you do not understand his teachings if these things escape you."

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