Gokker's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


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Lanathar wrote:

There is no official errata

There is no link to errata because there is no official errata

There is no official errata because the game has only been out 6 weeks

None of the potential errata issues mentioned on one of the Pathfinder Friday episodes are utterly game breaking from what I recall.
Have you had your players debate certain apparent rules changes?

If so which ones because there were only half a dozen (or so) even mentioned on the twitch episode. So anything beyond that is natural rules debates

And typing "Pathfinder 2 errata" got me this as the first link: https://www.enworld.org/threads/pathfinder-2e-errata.666921/

It has the answers you are looking for. But there isn't a single location on the Paizo boards because of the reasons i mentioned above

Okay. I'll use the enworld site.

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Is there a single location that contains all current errata for second edition? If so, why is it so hard to find? And where is it? If not, why? I am trying very hard to give second edition a fair try but when there are debates amongst players that a rule has changed or been clarified it would be VERY USEFUL to have a single location to go to to get the latest official ruling.

Awesome. Thanks.

I recently won a $10 voucher at DieCon. I have made a purchase on the website. It appears that I redeemed the voucher but my credit card shows that it was charged for the full price of my order. Did I do something wrong?

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The Only Sheet wrote:
Torbyne wrote:
But every time i look at picking up HL to help out with character creation i balk at the extreme cost of getting all the packs to match my hard copies. i get that they need to make money to keep going but the cost just isnt worth it to me. I know a few players that use it and they are resigned to dropping down more money every time they want to make a new character... its just not for me. I will subscribe to all the Starfinder products but will be skipping out on HL again for this one.

There are free character managers around that can be used should you prefer not to dish out $ for such. TOS CORE is an example for CORE characters (available in the Paizo store).

The Only Sheet

Is there a time frame for when TOS may have a StarFinder specific sheet?

I have seen posts for Hero Lab and PCGen concerning StarFinder. But what about TOS? I know it will take some time to create a spreadsheet as complete as their other ones but I was hoping for a ballpark time frame. Can anyone provide some information.

The Saltmarsh 6 wrote:

Hi all sure this has been asked before but i cant find a thred on it

Can a rouge use sneak attack more than once in a round if he has more than one attack due to level or twf

As a House Rule, I do not allow multiple Sneak Attacks during a single round. I rule that Sneak Attacks are similar to Vital Strikes where you are waiting for that single precise shot each round to maximize damage.

Again, this is a House Rule and the rogue hates it.

The ½-Orc should cut the hand off of your shaitan and have it grafted on. Make sure it is the same hand because he doesn't want two left hands. That would make it hard to find a pair of magical gauntlets.