Cayden Cailean

Godsdog10's page

69 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

What would you call a Cleric of Droskar? Droskarian? Droskarite? Just curious...Thanks.

Hello and greetings to everyone. Recently stumbled over the whole Pathfinder/Paizo products trying to put together something for 3.5 campaign now that 4.0 has arrived. I am VERY impressed, not only with the quality of the products I have seen, but the fact that they are GIVING some of them away. I will probably continue to use all the 3.5 stuff I already purchased, but DEFINITELY incorporating Pathfinder supplements and adventures into my game! The feeling I got when reading through D0 and D1 took me back 20 years to those initial feelings I had when I first became a DM! Excitement, chuckling,'s all there! Ok, now that the gushy happy butt-kissery is dispensed with... =p
I plan to pretty much base my game in the Hollow, and wondered if anyone had any advice or could direct me towards another Paizo adventure to fit in between D0/D1 and D1.5 that would fit in with the setting there? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again Paizo, for re-instilling my (jaded) sense of wonder with your creative and exciting adventures that have a strong roleplaying-encouraging setting!