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happykj wrote:

"Enlarge person" is the effect that make you one size larger

"Disguise self" is the effect that disguise your appearance

If you are enlarged, the "disguise self" disguise you as the larger one, if the enlarge effect end, then your size is reset, and the "disguise self" will not maintain the enlarge effect.

"You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between."

If not, then you are using the "disguise self" to seem more than 1 foot taller while you are actually a medium size character.

Disguise self makes 1 one foot taller of the size you were when the spell is cast, unless there is a specific rule that says the "abilitating" effect has to remain always active for the rest to not dissipatethen the large disguise is still active even without enlarge self.

The rule exists for feats for example, but i've never seen it for spells and making the rule up is not RAW.

zza ni wrote:

"but if you cast enlarge you can appear as a creature of a size bigger than yours. Then you can decide to dismiss enlarge and you are still left with a large disguise"

No, if you dismiss the enlarge you can't keep the large size disguise. the same way that losing any prerequisite make you unable to use the effect that require it. lowering your str below power attack requirement mean you can not use power attack for example.
the disguise allow a larger form only when enlarged. dismissing the enlarge make the larger form 'shrink' the same as would happen to anyone who has enlarge on him and have it dismissed.

Why can't you?

I haven't seen any rule specifcying it but read about the Shillelagh Precedence stating the opposite.

But the Shillelagh Precedence doesn't fit perfectly in this case since it's related to what happens when you don't meet the spell requirements anymore but in these case he requirments are met.

The rule're talking about is for feat requirements, nothingin the Disguise self spell says the effect is not sustained if your shape changes.

Rueles as written it seems to me that you could even polymorph into a huge creature while holding a disguise self spell active that makes you look like a medium orc.
Even if the huge form would make the disguise useless it would still be active.

Greetings people, i've been looking for an infinite size combo that i could use to make a massive character, beyond colossal.

I believe i found one that works RAW and i would like your opinion.

As the title says the interaction only works RAW and it's obviously unintended for a character to increase in size indefinitely, so please let's have this in mind during the conversation.

The basic idea here stems from how Disguise self works when paired with Enlarge.

If you use Disguise self you can only appear as a creature of your size, but if you cast enlarge you can appear as a creature of a size bigger than yours. Then you can decide to dismiss enlarge and you are still left with a large disguise, this is the basic principle that i'll be using.

For the combination we need 2 levels in Vigilante with Malleable Flesh and 1 size increasing effect of our choice.

Malleable Flesh (Su) (Chronicle of Legends pg. 7): Whether through mutation or alchemy, some vigilantes have flesh that is as moldable as clay and as fluid as ink. A vigilante with this talent gains the shapechanger subtype and the compression universal monster rule. In addition, the vigilante can alter his appearance as disguise self, except that the changes are physical rather than illusory. However, aspects of the vigilante’s aesthetic persist in all forms, halving the bonus on Disguise checks gained from this effect and from seamless guise. At 12th level, the vigilante can pass through narrow openings, even mere cracks, along with any item he wears or carries (to a maximum of his light load).

The big difference here is that Malleable Flesh is not illusory, your character truly becomes one size larger and this allows the pc to repeat the process indefinitely until a satifsying size is reached since the character is not under any spell increasing it's size or polymorph effect.

Would this be a viable solution to bend the existing rules of the game into realizing my concept wihout the need of any kind of homebrew?