Glospey's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Well, this took some digging to find! I was hoping to find a couple of seats for a friend and I. Is there a Discord server that might be a bit more active?

Regardless, I'd definitely be interested in playing. What are you using for a platform to run the game? (I am assuming this online.)

skizzerz wrote:

Nope, it's a random monster. Things you grab from the box are always random unless the card specifies otherwise.

Rulebook p12 wrote:

Unless a card says otherwise, drawing means taking a card from the specified source and adding it to your hand. If no source is specified, draw it from your character deck. When you draw a card from a facedown deck, such as a character deck, a location deck, the blessings deck, or any other deck the game tells you to create, draw from the top of the deck. When you draw a card from a faceup pile, such as your discard pile, the blessings discard pile, or any other pile the game tells you to create, draw a card of your choice. When you draw a card from the box, unless you are told to draw a specific card, draw a random card of the appropriate type by shuffling the cards you’re drawing from and drawing the top card.

This applies to actions other than drawing—for example, if you’re told to bury 1 card from your deck, bury the top card; if you’re told to bury 1 card from your discard pile, you choose the card.

Great! Thank you.

The way it's worded, it seems the weilder can choose the monster to exchange it with. That seems really powerful! Does it really work that way?