
Glenndo's page

28 posts (60 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


KnightErrantJR wrote:

I almost forgot, unless anyone has any objections, I'd like to try out the extra hp at 1st level sidebar. Personally, I'm not a huge fan (I kind of like fragile 1st level characters), but I thought in the interest of playtesting, I'd give it a shot and see how it works out.

I'm thinking the straight +6 hp for everyone

And how sad is it that I downloaded the PDF for the first adventure, the conversion notes, and the all of that onto a folder at work, "just in case?"

Wow, I'm ganna have a crap load of HP now. Second, this game has given me a reason to GO to work, so don't feel to bad! :)

So I guess we got a pretty well rounded party! Fighter, wizard, rogue, cleric, and. . . bard! Can't wait to see what the big equipment surprise is! Hopefully we all are limited to using whips, how fun that would be!

Foghorn wrote:
With Glenndo there going with a fighter, you can switch me around to a Face/Combatant. A minor change, yes, but still a change. Also, when we gonna get more info on starting equipment? I'm interested in what exactly you meant earlier by "had an idea"...

OK, Bryce was thinking about playing a rogue, but went a different route, so it all works out. he should be getting on today to introduce himself I think.

BTW, for those who don't know me. My name is Glenn, and was part of KEJR and Darkmeer's group back in Champaign. I'm living in Cleveland now as an engineer. Nice to meet you all!

Ok, got my character ready to go I think. Profile is up. He's a dual wielding fighter.

Also, my co-worker Bryce will be joining us in the game. Not sure what he's planning yet, but he'll be on soon to let you know.

Sorry, it took me a bit of time to get on. Let me take a second look at the Alpha 3 rules today, and I'll get back to you. Of hand I'm thinking of a straight up fighter. A merc whose party and employer recently bit it, and has been doing small time enforcer work since.

kahoolin wrote:
I sometimes suspect George is just not that great and he got lucky with Star Wars. REAL lucky.

I whole-heartedly agree with you on that one. I think it was some decent acting and novelty that got the first star wars going. I shudder now any time I see Lucas' name attached to a project.

fought the imp

online at www.paizo.com\docbrown\nosehairbegone

the "Gems for

the dank lair

a fresh pair

Kosivo0121 wrote:
kikai13 and myself agreed to wait for the perfect moment to blow the whole thing in his face, but we have to wait for the best possible moment to ruin his game for him. it's going to be great.

Simply beef up on some direct quotes about cities and recite them word for word as he most likely would before he gets a chance. Then tell him you wish to go to such and such city to meet such and such guy to get such and such item (all three such and such's being people, places, things, hes never mentioned). Then start every fight citing what button you push to attack or what motion you wish to emulate on the directional pad.

menagerie of shambling

took a major

Facial Hair Afficianodos

I think maybe the best option that wouldn't FEEL to the players like you are trying to counteract their tactics is to simply try to prevent them from entering the final battle fully prepared.

If the final room is up ahead, and they decide to rest, have them ambushed at night. If the BBEG knew they were preparing themselves for the fight to come, wouldn't he try to surprise them when they least expect it? He doesn't have to just sit there and wait for them. If they leave the dungeon and camp out in the woods, the BBEG can attack them there. If he loses then they still have to deal with any guards or monsters he has left in his dungeon. Or if things are going poorly for him he can try to run away and fight in the security of his dungeon later on. Either way he has seriously disrupted the teams sense of security, and it is likely the heroes have used some of their silence spells, leaving only a few to deal with through dispels and the like. Better yet, have the BBEG cast silence on the heroes and have his best strike team move in for the kill. Why wouldn't he try to support his best agents in their mission.

Hope this helps. I like to use NPCs like PCs. Let them pop in and help the lesser teammates with a few spells now and then, and they seem more realistic in my opinion.

pre-teen roper games

the styrofoam golem

But I digress,

at least his

Ethics for the

This was a bittersweet victory for Meriden Greystag. He finds out the woman he loves is alive but crazy. Determines he can cure her of said craziness. Finds out that in the process of curing her she has no recollection of him whatsoever. He doesn't think he can go through that process again, so is considering just letting things take their course. Besides, he's got some big fish to fry, and a spelljammer to steal (or re-acquire rather!) Meriden knew there was a reason to align his church with some influential power groups.

Perhaps some more direct interaction with other mages might do the trick, and continue the role-playing aspect in an interesting way.
Here's a few things I thought of.

I think the trick may be two simply get your player to want other spells and then perhaps he'll find uses for them later.

1. Perhaps your group can come upon some old spell book of some sort that outlines how to create some sort of golem and useful weapon with special abilities. However, the item requires some non-evocation spells to create it (perhaps some small ones like spider-climb or featherfall). Since the book is so rare, you wouldn't want to show it to someone else. Or maybe it belonged to another wizard who is intently looking for it so you wouldn't want to advertise that you have it.
This is probably better suited to a wizard, but might work for a sorcerer if the spells required are low level.

2. Perhaps you can offer to your sorcerer a low level swap out of some battle spells that aren't really useful anymore. After a while, something like burning hands doesn't pack as much punch at higher levels, and it might be possible to convince him to take some non-battle spells to replace ones he barely uses anymore. I think this is a valid thing to do, without bending the rules. Once hes got this new spell, say it spider-climb, uses will come up, and if its between expending a limited use magical item or a single spell from the party sorcerer, the party in general will say cast it!

3. Another possibility would be to give him in one adventure a magical item that mimics one of these different spell types. He might find himself using it quite often in certain situations and maybe next adventure will consider taking it.

4. Golems. :)

Hope this helps, I love playing spellcasters specifically for their versatility, so I see no shame in GENTLY curbing someone to see another aspect. If you saw a barbarian player never use rage, you would certainly suggest to him that it might be worth a try!

Gwydion wrote:
It's a shame you're up in Cleveland! I'm a few hours south of you in Columbus. There are some good games in the area, but they are hard to get involved in. If you happen to find yourself in the Columbus area, we always have room at one of my games!

I appreciate the invitation!

Hello, I don't think the original poster is still watching this thread so I am temporarily hijacking it.

I have been in the Cleveland area for about 3 months now and am looking to set up a group for 3.5 D&D or SWRPG to play about 1 every other week or so, preferably on weeknights (but occasionally on weekends is ok). I had a group back at school and am going through quite a nasty withdrawal from gaming!

A little about myself, I am 25 years old just out of graduate school and have been playing RP games consistently for about 6 years, though I dabbled a bit as a teen. I moved to Westlake for a job and am interested in all types of gaming, including SW minis, and historical war gaming. If anyone is interested in contacting me for any of this, you can reach me at glennghawkins@yahoo.com.


What about spicing up the deal with non-monetary gains. Keep the general bounties low, but say the highest kill rate group is invited to a party with some high nobles in their honor or some such. Even a small congratulatory title. This way your adventurers won't be so upset about a low bounty for game balance since they are awarded with rp type gains.

I just moved to the Cleveland area from Illinois (see knight errant's campaign journal for my group), and am looking to join a group. Every other week would probably be a good thing for me. I'm used to weekdays in the evenings but can be flexible. Send me a note at glennghawkins@yahoo.com.

I have experience with D&D 3.5, Spycraft, Shadowrun, SW RPG, and also do SW minis, if you are in to that. I've only run a few games in the past year, but am always willing to come up with something.


Boo! Being a former member of this group I can tell you all they are alot of fun. Hope you guys find a replcement for me. Take care!