Glen Luff's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


I'd love to see some monsters that play with anti-magic!

Heck, anti-magic breath weapons maybe?

Could you please cancel Order # 2497015 ? Thank you!

Very cute. Now to get a printed version!

Wow, these spells look super rad, gonna grab this ASAP. I'm sure my players will you hate you for it!

Death is kind of a big deal, in my opinion the price for a res should be extremely high. This isn't just "my character is sick" this is "my character took an arrow to the brain". As someone said earlier, if reviving your character becomes easy why bother using tactics in fights? May as well just zerg rush the enemy.

Although this is important for new players in my opinion if you're going down the route of multiple servers, I'd suggest some servers being marked as "friendly" and others as "indifferent". The latter being extremely loose on the rules of scamming and associated behaviours. Why? Bandits, thieves and nasty organisations in general are a majour part of Golarion. By offering the opportunity to play in an "indifferent" server players can explore different paths of their characters and this could lead to some very interesting player interactions and politics.

Hey, I would really appreciate it if all of the Pokemon card items were removed from this order. This is mostly because I didn't know from the product description that the boosters included aren't vanilla Heartgold/Soulsilver. Sorry for the inconvenience.