Clegg Zincher

Gladiator Haggar's page

18 posts. Alias of Eric Stelle.

Grand Lodge

Necromancy School

Specialist Bonus: You can control 8 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level. If you prepare spells of your opposition schools, excess undead immediately become free willed and do not return to your control when you regain this bonus. You choose which undead are released.


Granted, control does not imply that you can summon/create that many but, in theory, you could have a 4th level necromancer specialist that has acquired 32 HD of whatever undead they can find running around with his own personal zerg?

Would it be "Control" in the sense of the Control Undead spell (i.e. Undead don’t attack you while under your command.) in that Saving Throw would be Will negates and Spell Resistance applies for intelligent undead? Casting the 7th Level Control Undead spell only allows 2 HD/Level so the Specialist Bonus exceeds that - I can't imagine that is the intent.

Does it seem balanced and appropriate to have that scenario be possible in the rule set from a "letter of the law standpoint"? Granted, as DM, I can nip it if I want to.

Searched the forums for this but did not see any similar posts. I would value any thoughts on this. Thanks!
