
Gilly Geitmenn's page

155 posts. Alias of Delmoth.

Full Name

Gilly Geitmann


Found it! 1/1, Ray of Frost 1/1, Martial Flexibility 3/5, Knockout 1/1


CN Male Bariaur | Brawler 5 | HP 46/59 | AC 21, Touch 14, FF 17 CMD 24, 28 vs trip, 25 vs grapple | Fort +9 Ref +7 Will +1 | Init +2 | Perception +4 | Speed 40ft | Conditions:




Basket Brawler

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Gilly Geitmenn

Crunchy bitz:

Gilly Geitmenn
Male Bariaur Brawler 5
Chaotic Neutral Large Native Outsider (Bariaur, planar)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +4
AC 21, 14 touch , 17 flat-footed (+5 armor, +2 dex, -1 size, +1 deflection, +2 dodge, +2 shield)
hp 59, (5d10+25)
Fort +9, Ref +7 Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Ranged Dan Bong +6 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2, 10ft)
Ranged Sling +6 (1d6+4, 20/x2, 50ft)
Melee Gore (primary) +8 (1d8+6, 20/x2)
Melee Gore (secondary) +3 (1d8+2, 20/x2)
Melee Unarmed (attuned) +9 (2d6+7, 20/x2)
Melee Flurry (attuned) +7/+7 (2d6+5, 20/x2)
Melee Dan Bong +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2, 10ft)
Melee Madu (leather) +8 (1d8+4, 20/x2)
Melee Tekko-Kagi (cold iron) +8 (1d8+4, 20/x2)
Power Attack -2 Attack, +2/4/6 damage
Combat Expertise -1 (Madu)/-2 Attack, +2 dodge to AC
Fighting Defensively -2 (Madu)/-4 Attack, +2 dodge to AC
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +10, +11 (+13 w/Dan Bong) grapple, +12 disarm w/Tekko-Kagi, +14 disarm with w/Tekko-Kagi vs slender bladed weapons, +12 sunder w/Tekko-Kagi vs slender bladed weapons ; CMD 24, 28 vs trip, 25 vs grapple
Feats Simple Weapons, Brawler Weapons, Light Armor, Shields, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Toughness
Found it! - 1/day when someone asks the Xaositect where they’ve lost something the Xaositect may make a wisdom check with a DC of 10 or higher as determined by the GM, if the check is made the Xaositect knows the location. The item must be truly lost, if it was stolen or moved by some outside agency this ability fails. What the Xaositect knows may be as vague or as specific as the GM wants.
Magical Talent - 1/day cast Ray of Frost
Skills Perception (5) +4, Sense Motive (5) +4, Escape Artist (5) +6, Craft (baskets) (5) +4, Handle Animal (5) +4, ACP -2/-3
Languages Common, Bariaur
Brawler’s Cunning If the brawler’s Intelligence is lower than 13 it counts as 13 for the purpose of qualifying for feats.
Martial Training Counts as a fighter and monk for qualifying for feats.
Maneuver Training +1 CMD and CMB vs grapple
Brawler’s Strike Unarmed strikes count as magic for purposes of DR
Close Weapon Mastery Treat close weapon base damage as unarmed strike damage of a brawler 4 levels lower.
Gear MW Leather Lamellar (390), MW Heavy Wooden Shield, Backpack, Belt Pouch, Blanket, 50ft Rope, Soap, Trail Tations (5), Waterskin, 95 gp of baskets and basket weaving material, bag of holding type I, 163.48 gp, stone of recall, white icosahedron (elemental endurance), Dan Bong, Madu, Tekko-Kagi, Sling, 20 sling bullets, 20 cold iron bullets, 20 silver bullets.
Special Abilities
Powerful Charge When charging and attacking with a gore attack the bariaur does 2d8 damage adding 1½ their str mod.
Martial Flexibility As a move action 5/day for 1 minute gain benefit of combat feat he doesn’t possess but qualifies for.
Brawler’s Flurry As full-attack action, a brawler can flurry. When doing so he has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, with any combination of unarmed strikes, close weapons, or monk weapons. He does not need two weapons to use this ability.
Knockout 1/day can knock target unconscious. Announce attempt then attack, if target fails Fort DC 16 or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds, each round target can make a new save to end the effect.

Floofy bitz:
Concept 1: A lifetime ago Gilly’s herd was destroyed by a giant attack, including a young doe he was sweet on. He tried to put himself into the dead-book by joining up with a mercenary group touring the Blood War. Miraculously he failed.

Concept 2: Gilly was saved from becoming just another addle-cove in the Gatehouse by a passing githzerai juggling a dead chicken, a torch, and a clear bottle made of some soft clear material with strange white lettering on a red background. The githzerai pointed at a pile of discarded basket reeds and Gilly became a top-shelf basket-maker no two of which were the same. This is when he joined the Xaositects.

Concept 3: After a pointless bar brawl where Gilly took several hard blows to the brain-box a dark of the planes was revealed to him. He turned his head at an odd angle and saw a wall that no one else could see. He goat kicked the wall, breaking it, and through one of the cracks he saw a bearded man pulling some of the strings of his life.

People Ties

1. Ties-People-Up: A former fellow chaosmen. She was bitten by a mutated drider and gained all the abilities of a drider, or so she says. Every night she will go out and abduct a random sod, she even got Gilly once, ties them up in rope, and leaves them with a bow for a harmonium patrol (or reasonable equivalent).

2. Arcadia of Arcadia’s Cauldron: A human potion maker. One day Gilly wandered into Arcadia’s Cauldron with a basket made of wicker (masterwork). He carefully put the basket on Arcadia’s head and used the distraction to steal a potion. When he drank the potion his skin and fur turned blue for a week.

3. Vuohi - A bariaur that Gilly doesn’t know, but a leatherhead asked Gilly where he was assuming Gilly knew him. Gilly told him to pike it with his hooves.

4. Grubber Morevice - A tiefling bubber and drinking buddy. He served with Gilly in the unnamed mercenary company serving in the Blood War.

Bonus People: Delmoth: The mysterious bearded man Gilly saw through the wall. He is able to dictate Gilly’s actions with a word, and Gilly hates him for it.

Secret from Party -- If another party member has lost something, Gilly knows where it is and won’t tell them. Otherwise he hides his past involvement fighting in the Blood War since he had to turn stag on a fellow mercenary to escape. I’d prefer the former than the latter since Gilly was intended to be light hearted comic relief and for some reason I keep adding dark brooding history.

Secret from Gilly; Zeige from his herd on Ysgard and whom Gilly was sweet on as a buckling survived the giant attack.

Character Goal: To get mazed for becoming un-factol for a day.

Party Goal: Ice Cream Party!

Player Goal: To avoid getting kicked in the face by Gilly, oh and to be Chaos not just a part of Chaos.

Fear… That he’s a poser.

Flaw! Will frequently use chaos speak.

Perk! May occasionally peer into the mysterious broken wall to gain insight on what to do if the party is stuck.