
Giles le Renard's page

39 posts. Organized Play character for Halgur.

Full Name

Giles le Renard


HP 27/28| AC 19(21) | F +5 R +10 W +6 | Perception +6 | Hero 2/3 | speed land/climb 20


Active Conditions: |


M awakened mouse | Swashbuckler 2 | ◆◇↺ |

About Giles le Renard

Giles le Renard
Male awakened mouse swashbuckler 2
Heritage climbing animal
Background insurgent
Perception +6
Languages Common

Acrobatics(T) +8
Arcana(U) +1
Athletics(T) +5
Crafting(U) +1
Deception(T) +6
Diplomacy(E) +6
Intimidation(T) +6
Lore-PFS Lore(T) +5
Lore-Warfare(T) +5
Medicine(U) +0
Nature(U) +0
Occultism(U) +1
Performance(T) +6
Religion(U) +0
Society(T) +5
Stealth(T) +8
Survival(U) +0
Thievery(T) +8

Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +2
Other Items +1 rapier, leather armor, adventurer's pack, dagger, starknife, dread ampule, minor healing potion x2, wayfinder
AC 19 (21 with extravagant parry); Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6
HP 28
Speed ground 20 feet climb 20 feet
Melee [1] +1 rapier +9 Damage 1d6+1 (+2 or +2d6) p
Melee [1] dagger +8 Damage 1d4+1 (+2 or +2d6) P, S
Melee [1] Starknife +8, Damage 1d4+1 (+2 or +2d6) P, S
Melee [1] jaws +8 Damage 1d6+1 (+2 or +2d6) P

Ranged [1] minor dread ampoule +8 (thrown 20 ft., alchemical, bomb, consumable, emotion, fear, mental, poison, splash), Damage 1d6 Ment +2 Mental splash
Ranged [1] dagger +8 (thrown 10 feet, Damage 1d4+1 S
Ranged [1] starknife +8 (thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d4+1 P

Ancestry Feats You're So Cute
Class Feats Extravagant Parry, One for All
General Feats
Skill Feats Dirty Trick, Impressive Performance, Lengthy Diversion
Other Abilities

Chronicles and Boons:
