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![]() Erik Mona wrote:
I eagerly await the previews... ![]()
![]() KaeYoss wrote:
WotC also never was soliciting Preorders from the general public on their own web store for the Minis line, that had one shot promos, I have never liked Wizkids "brick" promos and sad to see Paizo jumping on that band wagon with this license. Complete listings were generally know a month, in many cases more than a month before the release (yes some were spoilers) but there were multiple sets know about months in advance of release, due to the lead time of production compared to distribution KaeYoss wrote:
Just consider me crazy as I don't like limited edition promo figures, or not being an informed consumer. ![]()
![]() Huge Black Dragon, Troll, Succubus, Frost Giant, Vampire, Dire Rat, Male Gnome Fighter, Chimera Are the only ones I count as known, untill you show me a source vague hints are not a source.
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
Please start giving out more previews/pictures and or a list of the 40 miniatures in the set. I am interested in buying a case (or more) however I want an Idea of what I am purchasing. I want the breakdown of the Commons, Uncommon, and Rares as well as the make up of monsters to "Heros" and if there are any miniatures I am very interesed in getting, or ones I have no intrest ing getting. If I don't want half of the set I want to know that Before I pre-order a case, so as to make an informed purchase, currently I can not make an informed choice and have not pre-ordered.With a cut off date of October 1st to get in on the pre-order Dragon, with no information as to what is in the set, it seems very shaddy to make someone put up $275 not knowing, What they are getting, other than the chance to buy a dragon, at a price point we don't even know yet either.
![]() I plan on doing some minor customizing, got scads of old Mage Knight figures with various wings from the gargoyley things, to sucubi, and dragon thingies, that i am going to clip of and put on some other human mini. Haven't decided yet which mini, becuase we are still in "Here be Monsters" or what ever the adventure is called. So i have some time to figure it out, but one of the tieflings is high on the list of options. ![]()
![]() I am playing a Kobold Rogue now, who just made it to 7th level. I'm having a lot of fun with him.
If you are worried about the Koblod being too wimpy, check out this on the Wizards page. Kobolds: Playing to Their Strengths They help to push the little nippers up a smidge but they are still an underdog. ![]()
![]() RPG4LIFE wrote: Ghengis, heres a link to the site which has alot of great pics and upcoming miniatures. www.easternfront-studios.com Thank you for the link, though i had it bookmarked, it just doesn't say much. They mention in the Dungeons Dressing area of the Forum on that "06/01/07 - 12:03:15 AM - greets all this is going to be the name of our new resin line to be launched this month with the first pieces being...". You seemed to have been in contact with them which is why i was wondering what was up becuase that was just about a month ago, and no items are listed in the store, and before that they were talking back in Dec 2006.They also aren't up in the Paizo section. So just wondering when they will materialize, what the price will be, etc, and it's not there. ![]()
![]() RPG4LIFE wrote: Im told Eastern Front Studios who are part of the Paizo store will have unpainted and prepainted "Dungeon Dressings" soon at half the price of DF. Question, (can't seem to find an answer on the EFS page) Will the Unpainted and Painted be the same price, and which type is the one that is "half the price"? Got to say that one of the reasons i say DF is worth the price is i don't have the time to paint. Thanks for the info (they are now bookmarked) will keep an eye on these, can always use more Deco Ops for my adventures, and the ones on there don't look too bad, all depends on price point. They do have a stron selling point that they are resin so points there already. ![]()
![]() MK and DF are the only two i really know of off the top of my head. But MK's line up of items (which are now out of production) is far smaller than that of DF. MK came out with two packs of things for fantasy, and 2 for modern, and DF is continually expanding there line of prepainted items. While it is a bit pricey the quality is well worth it, and for me the savings on time. I tend to also use "toys" as addations to terrain, and that is the only other stuff that is really pre-painted. Some of the stuff like Heroscape terrain items, and other toys are in some cases pre-painted (and can be very cheap). Unless you count cardstock which isn't painted in the first place, but other than the custruction time required there are no painting skills needed and they can be quit sturdy if built right. You may be able to tell i have used lots of different types of terrain in my games. ![]()
![]() We are finishing up the Bully Wug Gambit hopefully on Thursday. TINH was the worst the first fight on the boat, very nearly TPKed them, but one finally got lucky and they survived, after that they got a bit more paranoid, Parrot Isle made them really dislike Vanthus, and after the Guild they wanted to hunt him down. They actually did something similar to what one of the other DM's mentioned a few months ago, they by pure chance (rolling dice as left or right etc) ended up going pretty much directly to Rowyn and after that fight high tailed out out, with only taking out about 8 Lotus Dragons. So far they are still a major force in the town and will be reocurring thing based on some other things they have done. So not sure how that is going to play out. The Cove, was pretty freaky to them, i think i played it up enough to get them creeped out, and now the no longer want to bring Vanthus to justice they all want to kill him. The group has gotten pretty big, 2 Wizards, a Rogue/Swah, a Fighter, a Driud, a Warblade, and a Healer, all but 1 a PC. I think they are enjoying it, so in that respects it is good. ![]()
![]() erian_7 wrote:
Er i think you mean Herbicide becuase a pesticide is any thing that "destroys, repelles, or mitigates any pest", a very broad term that includes toxic compounds directed at bacteria, nematodes, insects, rodents, and others as well as weeds. The weed is where i think you want to go becuase a herbicide is a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants. But oddly many herbicides are based on plant hormones, Agent Orange the classic herbicide is a mixture of two syntetic plant hormones (2,4-D and 2,4,5-T) that are in many plant growth formual powders you can buy at garden shops, when used in small amounts they Help the plant. But Hi Morgens... Did my post over at WWG start this thread? |