Ghaleonausa's page
Organized Play Member. 25 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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a buddy of mine regularly says that the most powerful thing in any RPG is the player characters, be cause they are the only thing the GM has no control over.
Didn't the feat come out first, when there was no divine caster with a familiar, this should be updated to include shaman, especially since familiars are not strong.
wondering if anyone has come across a goblin mini that is using fire, and I mean casting a spell not holding a torch, hoping to find a prepainted one since I am a terrible painter
Goblin barbarian of the titan mauler archtype, I like the image of a goblin dragging around a greatsword
i know this is a late post to this but, it seems that the aura is better than powerful justice, the aura allows allies to gain all benefits of smite, where as powerful only gives them bonus damage, not seeing how it is better.
so I had the idea to use Hero's defiance in combination with shield Other, there by allowing a paladin to cast the hero's defiance on the target of the shield other spell.
looking for feedback.
Also, dont' forget that Harrigan is very Evil as well, he could except their offer and then just triple keelhaul the whole group of them, after all he has important thing's going on and would not want or need this kind of trouble.
and surely we have all seen pirates of the Caribbean. in the 3rd movie Jack Sparrows Father " keeper of the Code" is quite strict and unforgiving about not following the code
there is a goblin gunslinger in the S&S game I am running, he took the pistolero archtype, with the goblin gunslinger feat, which allows for using a Medium sized pistol in one hand with no penalty. then with adding Dex to damage rolls at lvl 5 he is pretty solid.
these are great, curious what the "dominator" looks like
feeling the same as everyone else, definitely thinking about subbing for IG, it sounds very fun so far my only regret is that none of my players are willing to GM, so I will have to settle for seeing this AP from the GM side of the screen
one thing I did was not tell my players up front that they were going to start press ganged, they found out the hard way.
been wondering something and have not been able to find an answer. If a paladin changes gods is it considered a ethos violation, the character i am working on would be a paladin following the LG god Ragathiel (god of Vengence), he is seeking vengence for the death of a loved one and ragathiel spoke to him, but once he has brought defeated the villian of his background, he then is going to want to redeem himself and follow a more rightous path, (ie follow a different LG god)

Jason S wrote: I've been running the campaign in Pathfinder, with the help of free Pathfinder NPC conversions, and it's been great. Hasn't been a problem at all.
If you're running in Pathfinder you absolutely need to use the free conversions, or it will be too easy.
The real crux of the issue is whether you want to start playing Pathfinder or if you want to stay with 3.5.
Personally, I think Pathfinder is a much better (and balanced) game system with lots of fun options that 3.5 didn't have. And it's current, which means I get to enjoy playing PFS (so I don't have to GM all the time).
Most of the changes in Pathfinder were done to character creation (and re-balancing spells), so the combat and skill systems are almost identical. Basically anyone who knows 3.5 can play Pathfinder with no coaching.
Having said that, some of the changes are subtle (Ex. Sneak attack now affects almost every opponent), so it's likely you will be making some mistakes for awhile, but it's not a big deal.
Either way, welcome to the boards!
this was a very well written reply and i found to be informative, and as a GM that ran a Group of PF charatcers thru the original RoTRL AP, yes they are stronger and most encounters were not a challenge. also agree about D20PFSRD, found several good conversions that aided me.
I am looking forward to starting my group on this AP, one in particular i think might not make it past the first night.
Ultradan wrote: Russell Akred wrote: I wanted to have some handout material for the directions to Xin-Shalast. So far I have this, a page telling about the dwarves discovery of the city.
Vekker's Notes page 3
I'm not sure if I'll do the other pages.
Just took a look at your work...
Did you happen do do more of this?
Ultradan also just looked at this and agree it is amazing, and helps with a dilema i have been having, some of the encounters with the rune giants look a tad brutal, especially the room with 6 of them and the room with 2 plus the champion, this subtle note about looking for giant killing dwarves might tip off my party to go and grab some giant bane weapons.
Nephelim wrote: Do you have that chart posted somewhere? It sounds fantastic. I agree, this chart sounds like a fun addition, would also like to see and maybe use a copy, if alright with you
rocksolo wrote: Aside from a couple choices this set looks outstanding!!! I feel the bloodbug and the rat swarm are both a bit of a repeat as they have been done twice by WoC. Instead why not give us more of things never done before such as a giant crab or hammerhead shark which are both in the S&S adventure path, or better yet another pirate cant have too many of those. Otherwise kudos on a great looking set I plan to get many. is there anywhere to go to see the whole set, I am curious what the potential mini's are?
I am hoping this thing comes out as a individual model, my buddy has 4 of the 5 evil dragons and is only missing green, would be a great gift for him, but not great enough to but the whole case first.
Forever Jester wrote:
Name of PC: Return of Polosalthius Thunderfist
Class: Stonelord Paladin level 7
Adventure: Yeehaw, Hillbilly Ogre house.
Catalyst: 2 ghosts(?) and the Big Mamma
Story: A long fight in the hallway before Big Mamma, the Wayang Rogue initiated the fight by opening the door. Polo rushed in as quick as he could and stood strong for the entirety of the fight. He held the ghosts at bay until they were defeated, then it came time face the ogre, health down to 16, severely damaged strength and Dex (From spiders poison and lots of bad rolls), Polosalthius advanced upon the Ogre mage before being slain where he stood.
I was looking forward to the encounters in the house, however the Cavalier in my Party took one look at the House and said
"Screw That" he then convinced the party to torch the house and open fire on anything the tried to escape.

Name of PC: Vincint
Class/Level: Human Oracle 9
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Mokmurian shaking his little finger.
Story: The Group had finally come to the climactic battle with the Stone Giant Mokmurian
The fight was going in mokmurians favor after some choice locations with the Reverse gravity spell and TK to send silly charging barbarians back into the same reverse gravity field, the party Oracle came up with the idea of silencing the Giant, but rather than casting it on the giant instead cast on the greatsword being used by one of the barbarians, followed up with the party sorc casting fly on the barbarian and several rounds of the already flying giant trying to stay out of the silence field, on one of those turns he cast disintegrate on the poor oracle with the history of failing saves and POOF one pile of dust was all that remained.
Name of PC: Bernie
Class/Level: Gnome Wizard ( Illusionist) 11
Adventure: Sins of the Saviors
Catalyst: The Scribbler
Story: the party was fighting the Glabrezu when the Scribbler decided to join the fray
When the fight first started everyone except for the dwarven barbarian passed their will saves against his fear aura, the dwarfs placement caused her to run further into the ruins and not out, she ran one room south into a room that is described as being covered in blood and bloody bits. The dwarf was also in possession of an item that allowed for teleportation but to only specific locations, on the dwarfs turn she teleported to thistletop ( party had converted into a keep). Now dwarf has no way to rejoin the fight. After a couple rounds the Scribbler d. doored to a different room. The Gnome went to the south room looking for the dwarf and found only walls coated in blood and gooey bits all over the place. ( this player is my best RPer in the group) he quickly through up an illusion making it look like a dead end to spare his allies the sight of what looked like the dwarfs grisly end. The party assumed that the dwarf had ported out and wanted to keep looking while waiting for her to come back. After another hit and run by the scribbler the group took a break to eat, I spoke with the dwarf player and explained that the dwarf would not have any chance of making it back in time. But I wanted her to play the scribbler so as not to be board all night, she liked the idea. She read up on him, I explained his tactics and we resumed play. The scribbler used his disguise self spell to look like the dwarf and after d. dooring to the staircase joined the group. ( the players assumed I cheated and let her come back early) the Gnome being the only one that had seen the bloody room walkup to the dwarf shocked and amazed that she was still alive only to be greeted instead by a hug but some flatfooted attacks from the scribbler. He ran to the back of the room and the scribbler target the large cluster of players with his confusion spell, the Arcance archer ( ftr/mage build), the healer, and the illusionist all failed their saves, next round the archer gets confused and opens up on the poor little gnome next to her.
Good Bye Bernie, next rounds she reduces healer to 7 health and the Sorc casts Hold person on the archer to keep her from killing party members. The who time this was going on the party’s second barbarian was fighting and finally killed the scribbler.
My wife is playing a fighter (archer archtype)/ wizard to get arc archer
however she has the trait that allows looking for traps so she is able to dish out good damage at range, handle non-magical traps, and a dip into the arcane. we have found that fighter archers blow away ranger archers all the time. in the archery topic that is.

Name of PC: Hunter Thomas
Class/Level: Human Druid / 8
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Rocks falling on head
Story: the party had come face to face with the Jotunblood Hill giant Lokansir, after the parties barbarian found herself buried under ruble, the Druid shapeshifted into an earth elemental to try and dig her out ( not healing fomr first earthquake or the club upside the head he had taken) only to get crushed by the next Earthquake spell, Alas poor hunter was not long for this world, and
Name of PC: Thrall( yea I know)
Class/Level: Half-Orc Fighter / 8
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: A very big Club
Story: same encounter as above, Left with only 7 HP to his name and a 5' adjust from Lokansir, this 1/2 Orc thought it would be smarter to back away and pop a potion or 2, only to get taken out by a 35 point club attack.
Name of PC: Eddrick Mornay
Class/Level: Human Cavalier / 6
Adventure: Hook mountain Massacre
Catalyst: Large Rusty Hook
Story: after winning the heart of Shelelu this noble warrior started forming plans for his future with the woman he loved, they had recently captured the goblin fort of thistletop and was having it rennovated, and discovering that his beloved Shelelu was now pregnant, Eddrick decided that after he helped his freinds free Fort Rannick from the twisted Kreegs that he and Shalelu were going to retire and raise a family properly, however in the final battle with Jargaath, Eddrick was distracted about all these events in his life and failed to raise his shield in time to prevent the large rusty hook from driving thru his skull, and there his dreams and plans spilled on the floor at the hands of an inbred ogre.