Gezza "Redfingers" Viir
NG Human Male Wizard 5 (wood)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 dex)
hp 27 (5d6+5FC)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5
Spd 30'
Melee +4
Ranged +4
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 13*, Cha 12
BAB +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats (2) scribe scroll*, spell mastery (light, charm person, polypurpose panacea, color spray), skill focus (heal), nature magic, craft wand*, combat casting
Skills (7) Climb +5*, Craft (carpentry) +13, Heal +12*, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (local) +12, Linguistics +10, Profession (sailor) +7, Spellcraft +12, Swim +9
Spells/Day (4/4+1, 3+1, 2+1 DC 14+level, Conc +13)
0th level:
1st level:
2nd level:
Spells Known:
0th - all (except mending), know direction stabilize
1st - (7) alter winds*, animate rope*, charm person*, color spray, hydraulic push, vanish, polypurpose panacea, monkey fish, keep watch, mage armor
2nd - scorching ray, levitate, prot from arrows*, entangle*, gust of wind, track ship
3rd - tree shape*, wind wall*, fireball
Special Abilities: arcane bond (familiar), arcane school (wood), opposition (metal), cantrips, flexible enhancement (+2 to Dex, Con or Wis), splintered spear (7/day, +6 ranged, 1d6+4 damage +1 bleed)
Traits: ship's surgeon, seafarer
Languages: Common, Draconic, Polyglot, Orc, Aquan, Halfling, Auran, Terran, Osiriani
Possessions (x gp) wizard's kit (21 gp), artisan's tools (5 gp), surgeon's tools (20 gp), spellbook, spell component pouch, healer's kit (8/10 uses remaining)
Stat Math:
Str 14 (5 points)
Dex 14 (5 points)
Con 10 (0 points)
Int 16 (10 points +2 racial +1 4th)
Wis 11 (1 points)
Cha 12 (2 points)