
Gerrik's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Name: Hearthguard
Alignment: NG
Preferred Alignments: LG/NG/G/LN/N
Role: exploration, mining, smithing, alchemy and other professions.
Player Roles Accepted: Almost any

On griefing and random pvp: We are opposed to it and we will not allow it in our guild.

Goal: To create an environment conducive to advancements in smithing, alchemy, mining, etc...

Mission statement: We are the the Hearthguard, we will put the protection of our hearth and home above all else! We will pride ourselves on craftsmanship and good natured fun. We expect to take crafting very seriousley and aim to ensure that the name of Hearthguard is synonomous with fine craftsmanship. We will be a community oriented guild; We will watch out for each other, we will work for each other, and we will do all in our power to protect those of our order and our allys. We are a team! We know the value of good friends and what it means to band together to achieve a common goal. Loyalty and business go hand in hand; our word is our bond, we always follow through on deliveries of goods and payments. Honor in busniness is honor in life!

Note: This guild was started partly in thanks to the communities of the "Pathfinder Society Online Collective." If you are a member of PSOC and wish to join the guild; you may find there are people you already know in the guild.

Recruitment: We are currently actively recuiting; however, if you wish to join, please make yourself known here in the thread as we are currently in the process of choosing a forum in which to recruit prospective members.


Alright heres the deal. I know about poisons pretty well; however some of this rules on them are quite unclear. Here's what I need to know.

1) inhaled poisons stack and can be inflicted at the same time. What i need to know is how many doses of inhaled poison are you allowed to stack together before you would have to make a second attack to deliver more.

I found this on another thread:
"Firstly it says: Multiple doses of poison stack, (notice it does not say multiple doses of inhaled or ingested poisons stack) it is referring to any and all poisons. If you are hit with multiple doses of the same kind of poison they stack, it doesn't matter what type of poison it is.

Secondly we have the sentence that is throwing you off: "Poisons delivered by injury and contact cannot inflict more than one dose of poison at a time, but inhaled and ingested poisons can inflict multiple doses at once." I believe what is throwing you off here is the way you are interpreting the bolded sections. I take this to mean that you can only inflict one dose of injury/contact poison per injury/contact or per attack. However, if you pack three doses of inhaled poison into a vile and then throw that into someone’s face, he will be inflicted be all three doses in a single attack. Same with ingested, you can load up three or four doses into one drink. You can only put one dose of contact or injury poison on a weapon though. And so you can only deliver one dose at a time. But they do still stack with each other as per the first sentence of the quote as well as the example at the end of the quote."

In a roleplaying perspective what the character would be doing is "packing" several doses of the same poison into a singular container. But as far as mechanics are concerned I have not found anything that reveals exactly how many doses you can pack into such a container. So lets say i have 20 doses of small centipede poison that I crafted for 30g a dose and then changed the property to inhaled via the master poisoner ability available to the poisoner rogue archetype and combined all 20 doses into a single flask. When I throw the flask (considering this is possible), the unfortunate creatures caught in the 200ft cube of this massive cloud of poison would have to make a dc 49 fort save or take 20 points of dexterity damage. Is this right????

All im looking for is some clerification on exactly how this is supposed to work or a ruling one way or another if this is legal or not.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Through the years I have played a managery of mmorpgs and so far there are very few that differ when it comes to fighting NPC monsters or "mobs" as some people call them. These fights are often times dull and repetitive. What I want to know is would it be possible to program these monsters to:
1) all do something different (i.e. Tactics and strategy for beating players). Include some movement. Things get a little more interesting when the goblin youre fighting all of a sudden zips behind you ans buries a dagger in your back as opposed to standing in the same place and hitting each other every couple of seconds. When NPC start thinking like players is when things get interesting.
2) reduce the predictability of encounters to provide more of a challenge to players. I cant tell you how many times ive run the same dungeon over and over and over and the same orc does the exact same tjing evertime. It just feels like a merry-go-round without the merry.

The worst and best feeling you can get as a player is the feeling that you are going to die and coming within a hairs bredth of being defeated only to find yourself a cut above the creature at your feet.

Is this something that would be possible in the PFO mmo.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

I have played too many MMO's and watched the in game economy get completely thrashed due to online gold farmers and spam bots. Strict rules against selling in game currency for RL currency have proven to be innefective with other MMO's.

I wanted to start this thread to brainstorm some ideas that we could use to keep gold farmers out of PFO and keep the in game economy healthy and ever-flowing. I really like what this game is starting to look like and I really don't want the whole thing to go down because some people can't understand the concept of EARNING somthing as opposed to buying it.

Not to seem self-serving or anything, but it seems like the best defense against this type of an issue is other players. Perhaps some type of rewards system could be used to give incentive to players to report these individuals.

I know when I played WOW these guys would basically make a level 1 character run all the way into town... spam their marketing spiel and then logout and delete the character then start the process over again with a new one to keep themselves from being tracked. You could put a time lock on character slots you are allowed on a server to discourage this, but I can see how that would be not only annoying, but inconvenient.