
Geroblue's page

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I still feel it is about communication. I hosted gamers in my house for years. Never had a problem because we talked to the gamers each time about what was allowed and what wasn't allowed. Not everyone attended each time.

If we were short of something, we let everyone know. Even put a sign on the fridge 'the potato salad is for a barbeque tomorrow, please don't eat any of it'.

The hosts got mad, but apparently didn't verbally communicate. They sohuld have. It is very easy to do so. Don't presume everyone knows how you want your home to be used by guests.

We tell guests, there is the fridge, help yourself, with the above exception. We even cooked food, or ordered pizza, for when all of us gamers were short of money to bring snacks.

No one was expected to go hungry while the rest of us ate. That would be very rude.

Edited a typo on one word.

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Interesting subject. I DM, seldom play. One of my players, a woman, takes no prisoners. She has been told she plays her female characters as if they were men. Of course, what she does is play them like adventurers, not quiet and shy townsfolk who never leave town.

One of the other female players is a quiet player. But has more than once made a male player back off and properly share treasures found. She wouldn't allow him to take all of them for his player character.

He evidently thought my sisters would be push overs and go along with what he wanted the game to be. :-)