About Germon FalleyasStory of Germon Falleyas:
Germon Falleyas was born to a noble family in the country of Magnimar. Germon was a bright and charismatic young man and spent most of his life training in war and leadership. His brother Eden Falleyas was only a year older than he and they were the best of friends inspite of their difference in vocation. Germon was destined to be a general and Edan was destined to be a great wizard. However the two boys often dreamed of facing the enemies of their nation together. Things changed one day when Germon met a drow female working as a healer within the darker parts of the city. It was an oddity for a drow to be “compassionate” towards others, even to the point of extending healing to those in need. Germon was only eight and was exploring the unique reaches of the Magnimar capital when he stumbled into the darker parts of the city. There he was mortally wounded by a rabid dog and had stumbled upon the drow Healers hut. Suspanna was an outcast of drow society. She and her daughter had renounced the drow gods and were exiled as a result. Her daughter, Xayla was a skill ranger who would often collect the ingredients and supplies her mother required. The two lived down in these dark reaches hiding from the government as well as their own kind. The two had saved Germon and cured him of all his ails. Germon stayed with them for a bit. He had never heard of or had seen drow before and was interested in hearing more about these people. As Germon grew he visited them frequently. They had informed him of all details of the society. They even taught him the language as well as their secret sign language. Germon grew quite fond of the two as he got older and drew inspiration. The only thing that bothered Germon was that drow of this kind, had no place where they were easily accepted. Both their home and other lands often saw them as dark, evil, and untrustworthy creatures to be shunned, feared, and in many cases, killed. Years went by and Germon had grown into a strong and valiant young warrior. His brother had become a talented wizard. The two had finally been aside to aid one another as they patrolled the lands of Magnimar. Germon continued to meet with the two drow and share his aspirations for the future. Germon had become quite the idealist and constantly pushed for change whenever he saw oppression. Even in its slightest amounts. Germon wanted a world where people’s suffering wasn’t the cause of social stigma or governmental control. This was what he had hoped to achieve and to a degree, his ideals were starting to get across to some folks. One day things changed. A noble caravan was destroyed by a drow raiding party. The nobles first born was among those counted dead. The noble was a rival to house Falleyas name Sir Raphael Yarward. House Yarward was a strong noble family of great knights and generals. Yarward had three sons, his eldest, the late Ganzel Yarward was a lieutenant in the army, his second was Brandal Yarward captain of the royal guard, and the third was a respectable watchman named Christian Yarward. Raphael was outraged at the death of his eldest son that he purposed a crusade to fight the drow. It took a bit of pushing and in the end the ruling party was hesitant. Raphael did the only thing he could. Put out a bounty on drow. It took some effort but another two drow raids later, the motion got approved. That is when one of the patients of Suspanna turned on her. The man was poor and desperate and he told Sir Raphael about the clinic run by drow. Raphael took a contingent down and stormed the clinic. Suspanna held off the knights while her daughter escaped. Suspanna was captured and brought before Raphael. However, the peasant whole told him about the clinic also said there were two drow. Raphael had accused Suspanna and her daughters as being spies. Telling the other drow raiders when important caravans were to set out from town and what their guard was like. Of course the court didn’t listen to the drow. The attacks were growing frequent and there was no other feasible reason for a drow to be on the surface. The court ruled her guilty and sentenced her to death. Germon caught wind of the trials too late to be of much use. He had only told his brother about the drow and no one else. Germon grieved for the loss of his friends. It was not long after that when one night, Xayla showed up at Germon’s window. She had come seeking a place to hide and plan her escape from the city. Germon agreed. Xayla stayed with Germon for a couple of weeks and only Edan, Germon’s brother, was made aware of her. Things went south again. One of the house servants discovered the drow female in the house and freaked out. Out of instinct, Xayla lashed out and killed the servant. Xayla still struggled with her nature and was appalled by what she had done. She fled the house into the streets but the commotion she caused brought the city guard down on her. However, at this time, Germon and his brother were on their way back when they saw the guard attacking Xayla. Germon instinctively drew his sword and leaped to her aid. In the frey, Germon forgot his place and cut down a member of the city watch. Suddenly Germon realized the severity of the situation. The watchman was the youngest son of the Yarward family, Christian. Now things were worse than imaginable. There was no choice but to flee the city. Germon had to flee and without proper provisions. In spite of what transpired, Germon’s brother would not leave his side. The two men grabbed Xayla, and ran. They ran and ran until they lost their pursuers. Germon knew house Yarward and the spiteful head of the family. He knew the hunt would never end for revenge. The only way to solve the issue would be to make himself untouchable. It was time for Germon to start a new. It would be a long hard journey but Germon was determined to see it through and see a place where he and his brother could make things right. Now for the specifics: Class/Profession:
Germon is a cavalier of the order of the shield. It is his firm belief to protect all regardless of their stance in society. His last known job was acting as a lieutenant in the army but now he is a renegade and other than his skills, he has no assured method of supporting himself. Time to find a new job. Rough personal description::
Germon is a kind hearted and inspiring boy who just wants a place where people can be at peace. He aims to create this and preserve it once it is built. Germon has great people skills and cares for others a lot . He is intelligent and inspiring. He is very open minded and often skeptical of hearsay. This may be considered a strong suit but he suffers from naivety. This is one thing he did not learn growing up. He always likes to assume the best out of people and never wants to assume the worst. The whole reaction to the drow raids came as a shock to him. He is now a bit more aware that people need to be trusted less. This lack of understanding is Germon’s biggest weakness. Will he overcome it? We’ll have to see. Rights and Wrongs:
Germon is a goody-two shoes. His main enemy at this point is oppression of any form. Those who take advantage of others or judge others wrongly based on race, status, selflessness, or simply because they can are wrong. Germon won’t kill a foe who has surrendered. Germon is usually quite honest and often only tells lies to protect others. His view on stealing can go so far as not even taking gear off of a corpse. Honest work for honest pay. Treasure hunting is different though. Usually if Germon takes something from someone else, it would either be for the sake of survival for himself or others, to return to its rightful owner, or if he finds something of sentimental value, he would return it to the next of kin. Friends and Foes:
Germon has a few people who looked up to him back home. Most noteably would be his combat instructor. He is a man that Germon could talk to about anything, save for the drow in the city. That man also had a critical view on the kingdom as well. However, after what Germon did, murdering a noble, and fleeing the city with a fugitive, it is not likely Germon has any friends at all. If anything, Germon has made enemies of the entire land of Magnimar. Germon is likely to be labeled as a traitor and deserter. Not to mentioned the vengeful Sir Raphael Yarward. This man was reviled to be ruthless and a bit obsessive and not only did Germon kill one of his sons, but he was with a drow. In Raphael’s mind, every drow must die for the death of his eldest. So if Germon wasn’t hunted for being a deserter and a murderer, he would be hunted out of shear spite for what transpired. Germon’s family weren’t the loving kind, they cared more for their face in society and would likely disown Germon and his brother, even join in the hunt to clear their names. Right now, Germon’s only friends are his brother Edan Falleyas, and the drow castout orphan Xayla. At this point, all three were in the same boat and now they needed to rely on each other to survive. Goals:
Three short ones: 1. Germon must find a safe place to reside 2. Finding work, anything, but some form of income for the time being 3. When ready, Germon will want to find an adventure to bring him fame and fortune to start on. Medium Goals: 1. To earn fame and to regain his lost nobility 2. To rally like minded individuals seeking to make a better place for all Long term goal: To raise a flag and begin a new nation fir him and those who seek peace of mind at home. He kind of wants to be king of his own land. A benevolent chap. Quirks and Mannerisms:
Germon has a habit of being a naïve dreamer. He talks big and foolishly sometimes. Only difference is that he has people believing he can pull it off. However, his major weakness is how little he got out from a life of being pampered and blind to the true hardships of life. He’s prone to do stupid things not completely understanding the term “Consequences” Hopefully he’ll learn before it gets him killed. That’s what Xayla’s there for. To keep our boy in line and from doing stupid things. Crunchy Bits:
GERMON FALLEYAS CR 1/2 Male Human Cavalier 1 CG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +2; Senses Perception -1 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex) hp 11 (1d10+1) Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 20 ft. Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +5 (1d3+4/20/x2) and Sword, Bastard +6 (1d10+4/19-20/x2) and Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+4/20/x2) Special Attacks Shield's Challenge +1/+1 (1/day) -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 18, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 15 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Bastard, Precise Strike, Weapon Focus: Sword, Bastard Traits Armor Expert, Natural-Born Leader Skills Acrobatics -2, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Linguistics +2, Perform (Oratory) +3, Stealth -2, Swim +0 Modifiers +4 Ride while riding your bonded mount., Shield's Skills Languages Common, Drow Sign Language, Undercommon SQ Animal Companion Link (Ex), Tactician (Precise Strike) 3r (1/day) (Ex) Combat Gear Chainmail, Sword, Bastard; -------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES -------------------- +4 Ride while riding your bonded mount. (Ex) Cancel your armor check penalty of -4 while riding your mount. Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion. Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty. Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat. Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target. Shield's Challenge +1/+1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +1 to hit your target if the target attacked someone other than you. Shield's Skills +1 (Ex) +1 to Heal checks for others. Tactician (Precise Strike) 3r (1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of your Tactical feats to your allies within 30'. Equipment:
Germon ran off in a hurry, He didn’t have much on him when he fled either. He wore standard issue Chainmail and did have a sword. When he killed the guard he had dropped his shield. Retrieving only his favored bastard sword, Germon fled on his steed. In all, He and his brother have NO MONEY, they each have a horse, Edan’s is a simple light horse. Germon only has a waterskin, a bastard sword, and chainmail. NO survival gear of any kind. The only well equipped member of the party would be Xayla and she doesn’t have much to share. |