George 4's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

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Today the group I was playing with completed 0-1E and 0-1F. We were very frustrated when playing with 4 players between the loot, the plunder and random cards (for completing 1E) there were 12 opportunities for upgrades but only 3 cards used for upgrade. We had two or three cases where we had level 1 cards but there was nothing in any of the players decks that were improvements.

It appears the that class decks are too small. It is especially annoying in the fighter class deck to notice that there are 13 spells and several magic items that are only usable by Flenta. Basically 1/6 of the already too small fighter class deck is not usable by Valeros.

If there is another set of class decks it should be larger and more focused. It might be better to have 3 character instead of 4 to make more of the cards in the class deck usable by all the character in that class.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

I think one of the biggest changes that needed for organized play is to add more cards to the blessing deck for 5 and 6 players. The huge difference between organized play and playing SNS at home is your control over what decks other people are playing. If you are playing SNS at home you can work out with your friends what characters go well together and make a strong party.

In organized play you have to take who ever shows up. If someone pays $20.00 for a deck then they are going to want to play that character. It is possible you are going to have 3 people who all want to play Flenta in a party. In addition, it is not going to take players long to figure out the odd of success are much better with 3 or 4 players. They will start actively discouraging a fifth or sixth player from joining a table. (This happened to me at GenCon when I tried to join a table with a Generic ticket and was told they had 5 players and did not want another player)

In addition, with 5 players you get at most 6 turns and with 6 players you get at most 5 turns. A couple of folks watching our last game noticed that fact and called it "Another reason why they would not play the Pathfinder Card game". It is making it hard to get new players. We should be adding 5 more blessings to the blessing deck for 5 players and 10 to 12 more for 6 players.

Lantern Lodge

When we were playing the Skull and Shackles OP scenarios at GENCON we filled out recording sheets. Will these sheet ever be reported on our character?

(it doesn't really matter I just want to know if my characters are starting at the base level on the 24th)

Lantern Lodge 2/5

On the card game Chronicles sheets, I assume the goal is to reuse the chronicles sheets.

Is the intent to have one chronicles sheet with all you successes and then have all your failures on supplemental sheets?

So if I fail the first time at SS 1.1 Ghosts of the Deep, that would go on my failure sheet and the second time I play it and win that would go on a success sheet?

Then if I fail twice at the SS 1.2 Lone Shark before winning, the win would go on the success sheet, the first failure would go on sheet failure 1 and the second would go on failure 2?

Is that the general plan?

It was not clear at all in the FAQ.

Lantern Lodge

My son and I succeed at Brigandoom and at the bottom of the scenario card is text "Reward: Each character draws a random item from the box".

What is the point of drawing an extra item? Aren't we supposed to rebuild our character decks to match the numbers on the character card? Wouldn't we just have to return this item to the box (or at best trade it for an item that we got in our initial deck)

All three of the starter set scenario rewards look fairly useless.

I assume I am missing something.