Geoffrey Peart's page

2 posts. Alias of Galnörag.


Hey all, just creating a discussion to hopefully raise some profile in the forums.

Gryphcon / Gryphcon shadow is a great little con in Guelph that has a wealth of gaming, including ours, so I hope folks will join us next weekend!

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Harleequin wrote:

One of the things I've enjoyed but been surprised about, is how its not an issue being a girl in a RPG gaming group. Most times I'm the only girl in the group but no-one has batted an eyelid.

I know RPG playing is very much seen as a geeky guy thing but I think more women are giving it a go.

Quick survey... who here has a girl in their group... and is she treated with the respect she unquestionably deserves!! ;))

The answer I wish I could give:

"I game with humans, some of the humans are different than some of the other humans, but they are all humans and treated with dignity and respect."

aka, it shouldn't matter...

But in reality, today it does, and we need to encourage people towards behaviour like tolerance, respect, and dignity.

In my core gaming group we have one girl who plays, although currently she isn't in either of the primary campaign. In our monthly open PFS night we have probably 1/4 of our registered players as girls, but at our next session almost 1/2 of the attendees are girls.

I'm a bit melancholy on this subject, having read a long article on the subject that is making its rounds on social networks. It detailed the authors personal experience through 20-30 years of harassment, and assault at gaming stores, conventions, and online. I was horrified when I read the article, but not surprised, and I've made a new conviction to speak out against the small intolerances that enable the big ones.

p.s. I'm making a point of posting this using my own name, and not my avatars, this isn't an issue hiding from will make better.