
GentleFist's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Yes you are right everything is subjective. If the school board was just concerned with the curriculum there were plenty of other options to consider. Banning books with a point of view contrary to the accepted norm is counter productive and quite frankly dangerous.

I challenge you Steven to take an honest, long look at history from a different perspective. If you look at the Columbus example from the side of the indigenous people you might understand why they feel the need to study history from the perspective they have been.

Ethnic studies is very important as it provides a much needed additional side to learn from. As a caucasian male who's family left the Ukraine in 1917, my perspective is naturally skewed in that direction. I avoid that perspective being the only one I think about by reading books with opinions contrary to my opinions.

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Nothing scares me more as a banned book list. Once the state tells us what to believe democracy is over.

I am up here in Canada but this still frightens me to no end. First SOPA and now this.

Hitler was democratically elected...and apparently his ghost is roaming the halls of Tucson's schools!

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hunter1828 wrote:

Hey folks! For a very limited time, you can download Inkantations: A Sourcebook of Tattoo Magic & Body Art for FREE (a $5.99 value) from DriveThruRPG by clicking this LINK

Change up your Pathfinder campaign by adding some tattoo magic in 2012!

Thank you so much for doing this! I will be posting a review on my blog as soon as I get a free moment!

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I just feel Pally's are a lot more concerned with rules than Jedi are. Jedi have a strong personal code, but they really don't care about breaking laws if they feel what they are doing is right. I always thought Jedi were CG, not LG.

Confusing a Paladin with a law abiding citizen is a common mistake. A Paladin lives by his code and not by the law of the land, the same as a jedi. A paladin will not hesitate to break an unjust law if it conflicts with his code. A Lawful character doesn't blindly follow laws, otherwise it would be pretty tough for a Lawful Evil character to be evil. I have always characterized the Jedi as Lawful, Lawful Good for the Jedi and Lawful Evil for the dark side.