
Gennerik's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Marathon Voter. 44 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Marathon Voter Season 8

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So, having survived the cull (I was lucky enough to see my item on my 6th vote), I have to say that my thoughts on voting have changed pre- to post-cull. I think a large part of that goes back to actually thinking about what other items survived. Going by the (mostly) complete list of items that survived and looking at a number of items that I would not vote for and a number of items that I couldn't believe didn't make it, I started to think.

At first when I submitted my item, I thought it was elegant and unique, and would surely make the top 32 (I'm sure many of us thought the same). Since then, I slowly became less confident in my elegance (though I haven't seen another item like it), and realized that some of my wording is clunky, and I even missed stating something. So I probably won't get in the top 32, probably not even in the top 100, but I do feel incredibly humble at getting past the cull. I've realized just how difficult it is to design an item that will truly appeal to the masses.

Each of us has a different play style, and things that seem overpowered to me may fit perfectly in someone's campaign and seem awesomely fun, and things that seem perfectly balanced to me may be overpowered or boring to someone else. So with this change in attitude, I've decided to not have auto-down-votes, and to take the time to become familiar with rules that I'm not already. So good luck to everyone still in this year, and to those that sadly didn't make it, learn from this year, and I'll hopefully see you next year. It's hard to make such a broadly appealing item, and everyone that entered should be proud of at least taking that step.

Marathon Voter Season 8

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Eric Morton wrote:
Steven Helt wrote:
Alright. Imma need Treyson and Gennerik to drop and gimme fifty. These jokes will not stand.

...run through the gauntlet.


♫♪ YeeaAAHHHH! ♫♪

Hopefully not a spiked gauntlet... I hear those things hurt. Especially when properly staffed.

But seriously, we need to get this thread back on track before we ring in the new year.

Marathon Voter Season 8

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michael patrick wrote:

My item gives a +1 bonus plus some features. I compared its price to other items in the same category and power level and it seemed to add up. If there is a problem it may be in the way the system determines the cost of magic.

And if you actually did your homework and found it to be a good tradeoff and well-balanced, then awesome. But I feel a lot of people didn't, and they end up tacking on the +1 because it's required, not because they actually thought it out.

Marathon Voter Season 8

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This is my first time hearing about the competition. I just learned about Pathfinder earlier this year and bought the core rulebook. I got an email a few days before the competition ended, and have always wanted to try and get my foot in the door, so I entered an item. I definitely plan on entering in future years, too.

Marathon Voter Season 8

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Why do so many of these armors that sprout wings and grant flight seem to have perfect maneuverability? It makes no sense to me. If you're going to be able to perfectly maneuver, don't give me something as clumsy as wings. Just give me a badas.. er, awesome aura, and let me zip all over the place....

Marathon Voter Season 8

3 people marked this as a favorite.

26. Take a squadie's turn in XCOM.

Also, Feros, you're my hero for appropriately quoting Flowers on th Wall for 4 thing you can do.