If nobody objects, I'll bot Amaria...
Exchanging nods with the doctor, Amaria rises and steps forward, as Dr. Van Herzog takes his seat. Amaria's golden holy symbol of Erastil hangs just below her throat.
"Thank, you Dr. Von Herzog. Ladies and gentlemen of the court, let me continue our story. Yesterday, we traveled to Karb Isle to check out what was was left of the hospital. There wasn't much left: The fire pretty much destroyed the main structure, and all that was left was a pile of burnt timbers. We poked around anyway, and found that the hospital's cellar was pretty much intact, all things considering. We then poked around the cellar, and found a few things that are relevant to the case. First of all, we found several vials of alchemical reagents that were labeled with 'Vorkstag and Grine Chymic Works,' which establishes that those grave-robbing alchemists had regular dealings with the hospital. Second, and more interesting... we found the decapitated head of Dr. Brada himself!"
Amaria then presents several bottles labeled with Vorkstag & Grine's buisiness, and, in a large bell jar, Dr. Brada's head.
"Ms. Elaide, who has already addressed the court this morning, is a priestess of Our Lady of Graves. Using the holy power of Pharasma, Tara questioned the head of Dr. Brada, and we learned some very interesting information concerning himself and Mr. Vorkstag. I have here a transcript of the information told to us by Dr. Brada's head, which I submit as evidence. However, I believe it would be best to hear this story straight from the horse's mouth. I call to the witness stand the alchemist Vorkstag. And, my lords, I ask that I be allowed to treat this witness as hostile to our case. I will be asking Mr. Vorkstag the same questions, and the court can use the transcript of Dr. Brada's head as corroboration of the testimony of this witness."
With guards escorting him, Vorkstag takes the stand. Amaria asks him a few brief questions establishing his identity.
I am going to do a single Diplomacy check for her questioning of Vorkstag. The questions she will ask are below. I am assuming that he will confess... if that's not the case, we can retcon the scene.
"Mr. Vorkstag, We have evidence to show that you were at the Sanctuary on the night of the fire. Under penalty of perjury, were you indeed there?
"Dr. Brada owed you a great deal of money, did he not?
"For what did Dr. Brada owe you this considerable sum?
"So, you were at the Sanctuary to collect on this debt, correct?
"But Dr. Brada had no intention of paying you, did he?
"And the two of you argued, yes?
"And the argument turned physical?
"And in your struggle, you knocked over a pair of oil lamps?
"And the resulting fire is what consumed the hospital?
"And you fled the scene, did you not?
"But you were not dressed as yourself, were you?
"You donned a disguise, correct?
"And this disguise... was that of the Beast of Lepidstadt, was it not?
"So, when the caretaker testified that he saw the Beast flee the burning hospital... it was really you, correct?
"So the Beast had nothing to do with the fire at all. He wasn't even there, is that not the case?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
"No further questions, my lords."
Amaria nods to Bert and takes her seat.