Gen. Goldfrapp the Trebuchet's page
11 posts. Organized Play character for Theocrat.
I, General Goldfrapp, the Naked Taldoran Trebuchet of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army in Absalom, do hearby decree the following:
The people of the Inner Sea, you are thereon notified that your subjugation to the Throne of Taldor was not absolved just because you ceded, created, joined or otherwise declared yourself independent of the Greater Taldoran Empire. An illegal act, is still an illegal act.Simply writing, stating or otherwise declaring independance does not absolve your governments loyalty to the greater Empire of Taldor. As such, I insist that you petition your government to ask for mercy upon your heads and join the greatest nation on Golarion. Our coffers are still full from the first time we ravaged your fields and plundered your women.
As the swinger of my great personal Trebuchet, wielded cumbersome-ly, in my halfling sized hands, I call forth all those true to the Empire to join me in my Trebuchet Tower, in Absalom, where I hold great sway over my trebuchet, to form the leaders of the legions of the Trebuchet Army. We shall cross the Inner Sea with like sized, like minded and the rightly, enlarged Trebuchet Army to establish the Taldoran Dominance of the past and to fully express to the world citizens that the Naked Taldoran Trebuchet General has called the bannermen and they are answering. Together, we shall stomp out the naysayers and fully express our views louder.
The Inner Sea trembles at the Nation that has heroes and in return we offer our pitty.
----- General Goldffrapp of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army of the Trebuchet Army station in Absalom. Noted this date CY 3/13/4713.
Azmyth - you have a file with the Wasp Druid? Herolab or something else? I'd love to use that idea against my PC's.
I, Gen. Goldfrapp the Naked Taldoran Halfling Trebuchet of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army in Absalom, have always felt that the Armies of Exploration were the way to bring Glory to Taldor. I have used the Pathfinder Society in the past to plant the Banner of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army across the Inner Sea and beyond. I've even managed to convince a dragon that while the Banner of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army might not a worthwhile object, my personal Red Faced Panties were indeed an object of desire. With the power of a true faction, we might be able to scry upon them and find where the dragon placed them in his hoard. When we do that, I'm certain that we will be able to finance another Army of Exploration to conquer said Dragon, ridding the world of another vile beast and using his hoard to bring the nobles of the various lands into greatness.
Thus, I, Gen. Goldfrapp the Naked Taldoran Halfling Trebuchet of the Taldoran Trebuchet Army in Absalom do pledge my Trebuchet Army, my Shaft of Taldor and my Titles to the Sovereign Court.
As the founding Venture-Captain of the Las Vegas Lodge, I am glad to see one of my trusted 'cultist's' earning the mantle and "reigniting" the Las Vegas PFS scene. Chris often has too many cool ideas with which to keep up. While I agree that NeonCon will be missed, there is so much more than the VGD. I had sessions going at Little Shop of Magic and Avatar. Avatar was deeply disappointed that PFS wasn't represented at Free RPG Day (but I did run JP's NeoExudos FRPGD module). I'm sure Venture-Captain Chris Clay will have session at VGD set up and he's always looking for good GM's (which Ian, we've gamed with enough that I know you know the rules pretty well - and while I've not had you as a GM, I'm sure you know your GM stuff pretty well too!).
With Venture-Captain Chris in the hot seat, we players and GM's need to show that Vegas can sustain it's Las Vegas Lodge without NeonCon and to do that we need games to be run. Even if you run a home game - let Chris know, he might be able to support you in one way or another. Worse case (for me), he knows where I live, knows my library and will offer my WifeFIEND a few dollars cash for my books, mini's, maps, and gaming toys and he'll 'lend' you those.
Theocrat Issak
PFSTheocrat gmail
I General Goldfrapp the Naked Halfling TALDORAN Trebuchet of the TALDORAN Trebuchet Army in Absalom suggest that everybody join the Army.
Get enough prestige, hire a herald to announce you and leave TALDAN Army flags behind at each location being explored that hasn't been claimed by another faction. Claim new territory, claim new regions, claim unexplored caves and expanses all in the name of TALDOR.
Your Greatest Asset in Absalom,
Gen. Goldfrapp the Naked Halfing TALDORAN Trebuchet of the TALDORAN Trebuchet Army in Absalom.
Darn Tootin' Rootin' Right I Care.
There is only one real faction.
The General Goldfrapp the Naked Halfling TALDORAN Trebuchet of the Trebuchet Army in Absalom Faction.
And so people know, you are not allowed to make bigoted, hateful or racially insensitive statements on Paizo's forums. So if you say negative things about Taldor or Halflings or Naked Trebuchet's - you are violating the policies of Paizo's forums and I will report you.
Of course, Qadiran's suck and don't fall under any of the Paizo protections.
For the Glory of TALDOR!
General Goldfrapp the Naked Halfling TALDORAN Trebuchet
Hi all -
All I have to say is: Gen. Goldfrapp the Naked Halfing Taldoran Trebuchet.
With the picture as a pin, a picture on my GM Screen, a t-shirt, my Bag of Holding with him embroidered on the front and the same on my jacket, I clearly WIN.
Social Standing? I'm a frickin' naked halfling (and when not, I'm wearing bikini briefs with a smiling face on them). What feats or traits would make up for a naked halfing that comes into the lodge riding a lion with the Taldan colors? I went to the Oppara opera house - it was suggested that I wear something nice, so I wore my undies. I cannot think of any feats or traits that would help my social standing when in those situations (even from WotC/3PP for 3.5). Some might if I wasn't naked, but then I wouldn't win.
At some point this is still a role playing game - in which we should immerse ourselves into our roles. At NeonCon I saw this so many times - JP was awesome in his voice and overall declarations as a cockroach (I mean qadirian). Slavery is legal in PFS and certain regions - roleplaying and owning one are in the rules (armory guide) - you don't need a slave owner feat or skill. Some classes might give you that 'edge' however. I only call myself a General now that I'm a Battle Herald.
Save that feat or skill for some attack / damage dice.
Be Well. Be Well Naked.
Theocrat Issak
With Hyrum now in charge and Goldfrapp now adding a level of Battle Herald to his other myriad classes (Rogue 3, Fighter 2, Druid 1, Bard 1, Cavalier 1 and Battle Herald 1) I'd like to see this how this is modified for PFS play.
Additionally, the Inspiring Command stacks with the Bard Inspire Courage ability - but is that also vice-versa?
With the new CIV V map maker - I can only hope that someone puts Golarion together (or at least the region we know) and makes a few of the nations. Now that would be an awesome Civ V mod. And would allow TALDOR the ability to re-establish its conquering ways and once again DOMINATE the Inner Sea and put Absalom under its heel.
Goldfrapp the Taldoran Trebuchet
I suppose more info might be needed.
Golfrapp is a Halfling. Thus the Lion is a suitable mount for the Cavalier class.
But even with that, I think I'm missing the finer point.
From Druid 1 + Boon Companion (+4 levels) the Lion is a 5th level AC (with all the extra feats, skills and ability adjustment that comes with it). Does the Cavalier aspect increase the Lion to level 6? Or is it that the Boon Companion sets one class as the AC grantor, does that mean that the Cavalier aspect won't increase the lion?
I do appreciate the thoughts and advice.
Hi all -
I have a character that is multi-multi-multi-class.
3 Rogue, 2 Fighter, 1 Bard and 1 Druid. With the Druid at 7th level, I took Boon Companion giving my Lion some bonuses.
Now that I want the PrC Battle Hearld, I need to take a level of Cavalier.
How will the animal companion aspects stack or not stack from the two classes as well as the Boon Companion feat.
If I lose my companion, am I able to get a new one within 24hrs or must I wait via the Cavalier aspect (I understand the waiting of 1 level for the benefits from the Cav). Does the Animal Companion go up a level from the Cav or only if I take another level of Druid?
I'm all about taking multiple classes because that fits the Goldfrapp method (and with a 10 Wis, the only reason to take Druid was for the Animal Companion) - and with no reworking of PC's in PFS, it's staying.
I appreciate the feedback and rules - as some of it might or might not jive together the way I would prefer.
Goldfrapp the Naked Taldoran Trebuchet.
Theocrat Issak