
Gen0c's page

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a quick question, is nualia really supposed to hit for 1d10+14 on a lvl 3 character or is this a typo. seems quite much and will most likely one or twoshot them

edit: ah, i see, probably because of the consecrated weapon. wish you would mark 3rd party stuff, since i dont really wanna use that. most of it is blatantly broken.

I've took a look at your character creation guidelines for the campaign, they have quite a bit more in terms of stats than mine (we did 20 point buy). Also the equipment is pretty much standard in terms of starting gold. So your encounter suggestions might actually be a bit much for them. I can't tell you the stats right away since i don't have the sheets with me. I'll probably stick to the usual CR calculations and maybe increase the difficulty a bit ad hoc.

Probably some advanced templates and such. In case of the Vargouille, the armor for an advanced version is a bit much, AC 19 is really hard to hit for a 2nd level character (14+/65% misschance for a BAB 2 +3 STR character).

How would you balance AC? What hitchance should a character usually have?

Well, i have to veto my last comment, i think i might just use your list.

My Party consists of:

- Summoner (APG Variation, not Unchained)
- Redeemer Paladin
- Bones Oracle
- Druid
- Witch
- Alchemist

Do you think this party will have much problems with your suggestions? I probably will have to balance on the fly regardless, but what do you think of this party comp and their capability? Should they handle a bit of difficulty even if not minmaxed?

Ah, understood. But i think i will keep the normal cr2 vargouille. My party consists of mostly new players, so i don't wanna overwhelm them right from the getgo. But this is definitly helpful. Thanks again, great work

Thank you so much, i recently started RotRl with a 6 player party and this is exactly what i needed.

A quick question, the Vargouille encounter, the stats you've posted are for the Advanced version, in the 6 player section you said to put up 2 Vargouille. Did you mean 2 regular or 2 advanced? Two advanced seems a bit much, but i'm just curious.