About Gelborn_2014
formerly a gunsmith in Her Majesty, Duchess Alkenstar's, Ducal Armory. As a member of her staff I was also secondary one of her guards as all who serve the Duchess must fight in her defense. As in irregular I got training in Heavy Armor and the use of Combination Firearms, the standard arms of Her Majesty's household because it was both the innovation of Alkenstar firearms and the formal weapons used in the courts of other nations to protect their sovereign.
I had to leave Her Majesty's service rather quickly after a mistake that compelled me to sell my property and get a fast and quiet ticket out of the Impossible Lands. I hold no grudge the mistake was my own and it was Her Majesty's duty to make an example of me, but as a city of outlaws I was given my chance to escape in an informal exile.
I came to the city of the world, Absolom, to make a new start. I knew many who had left Alkenstar for Absolom in the past and sought them at the Society. I only intended to offer my craft to produce guns for the society, but I something seemed have gotten fouled in the paperwork or maybe someone embellished their recommendation to much because instead of orders I've been getting summons to missions and no one seems to understand I am not an adventurer