Shade of the Uskwood

Madhippy3's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (66 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.


It is reasonable it got eaten by animals really. 500 years is a long time.
But that is rather boring.

I had her skeleton be a spellcasting minion of Belcorra for the final boss!

Its certainly okay to tailor a gift for them. Him buying something for them is the equivalent of a gift card. An item with thought put behind it is special.
Mayor: I remember you saying you were having a hard time with flying enemies in there so as thanks for saving my daughter I got you these!

Proceed to hand 4-6 scrolls of Fly or Air Walk.

Let the PCs know the town actually is getting to know them.

Well to start I would have their be a level cap on the players so that they can be over leveled for everything but the last floor, or at least everything but the last room. Let her be elite, thats an easy adjustment and the players can end the game a level higher than intended, thats not the big issue.

Lets get one thing out of the way. No bullet sponges. We don't like them in video games we don't like them here. That said consider how much damage on average they seem to be doing throughout the last floor and give her at least three rounds of HP assuming no crits. If the party crits they will understand that the fight wasn't fast they just got a lucky blow.

If the entire party is dog piling her and dealing damage three rounds should feel right to them. Fight will naturally be longer as PCs miss or focus on other targets and that will feel natural too.

If you really need a buff raw numbers only make things interesting where a fight would be one sided. Numbers should be used in service of a dynamic fight. Fortunately Belcorra is a spellcaster. She knows who the PCs are. Adjust her spell repertoire to counter to them. Not completely, its only fair the sorceress should be able to change one spell a week with Retraining. Obviously NPCs don't need to play by PC rules but its a pacing thing. There is a benefit to getting to her faster.

But even if she never learns more optimal spells, she has a lot of tricks with that many spells. If you think there isn't enough add some next rank slots but fill them with Heightened spells not new spells. Her slapping at them should be the last option, so many monsters just slap at the PCs spells add something different every time.

Also it is a big room, play smart and keep her mobile. You said they have good gear so maybe they can fly by now, but my groups never have enough flight and their is always a wisp or spellcaster hanging out by the ceiling which frustrates them.
Play her like she wants to win. If a mistake is made have it be natural

The room has a hazard in the lines. You want to make it more challenging without just putting Belcorra on steroids? Lets buff the hazard. DC maybe 2 higher (like elite) and add another debilitating effect.


Honestly it seems like Legacy wizards would have been a bigger problem since most of them insist of magic schools. I don't see what fundamental part of the game Oracles are breaking which is so much worse than Wizards.

I suppose the Remaster is stronger, but it is hard for me to even be motivated to check because what does it really matter, I am not making a choice. I either remaster or don't play my oracle at all and that isn't a real choice.

I never thought of the complexity of Oracle as a bug. It is in the APG I figured it was feature. Something different for the players looking for complexity for complexities sake. It helped tell a story not win a battle more Sorcerer or Cleric and people who played Oracle long enough to have strong feelings about Oracles get that. We weren't asking for more power and less flavor. For min-maxers its okay, but there are definitely some of us who would like the opportunity to play the flavor.

So I guess the question is why do the names need to be the same in Remaster so that it overwrites the Legacy? What purpose does that serve? Instead of Mysteries and Curses, could PC2 call them Divine Contradictions and Blowback respectively? Any name that doesn't overwrite the old mechanics would be nice.


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Ravingdork wrote:

I held off on posting the following for 24 hours, because I was convinced that I was misunderstanding something fundamental and didn't want to have an emotional knee-jerk reaction without the full picture. If what others are telling me is true, I now feel that it is justified outrage.

Pirate Rob wrote:
I'm concerned with new players in the last 9 months who have gotten above level 1, from whom AcP is still a very limited resource who happened to build an alchemist or Oracle as their first character etc.

Guess where some of my players fell in this debacle?

Alex Speidel wrote:

We made it very clear when we first posted the Remaster Guidelines that characters would not be granted a second rebuild. Players who elected to build characters using classes slated for a remaster should have been aware that they would not be granted a rebuild.

Level 1 characters may still freely rebuild as usual. Higher-level characters will require a purchased rebuild.

After years of trying to get my friends to try out Society, I finally got them to give it a go a short while ago.

Now I'm going to lose them all because of this ridiculousness. I'm going to send you guys the number to our new oracle player and YOU can explain to him the reasoning why he's getting shafted. Said player is pretty influential with the others too. This is going to kill our entire play group! And I'm not going to be the villain that breaks the news to them. If the Society team isn't going to be at all reasonable about this, then they can be the ones to tell them.

Why on earth would Paizo allow free rebuilds for Player Core 1 characters, but not Player Core 2 characters? Absurd!

No matter how much Paizo devs are adamant that they gave amble warning to everyone to use your Remaster rebuilds responsibly, there is a very real danger that they could make a hostile environment at a table which is one of the few things they absolutely must avoid for the health of the community. It is only reasonable every class gets the privilege to have their mechanics preserved in the legacy version. The only decisions which are truly unacceptable are ones which hurt the community and I agree with Ravingdork that this risks that. Alex acknowledges the remaster for Alchemists and Oracles is highly recommended because features will stop working as intended. Paizo is saying clear enough the class will being technically playable but is being broken. Paizo is potentially putting players in a difficult position which might make more toxic table. Even the chance of that must be avoided.


You misunderstand me. They keep the Legacy, but they do not keep pre-erratas. For example the cantrips that all got errated in the remaster so they got a second damage dice and no spellcasting modifier for damage. Those spells don't exist anymore. Legacy Produce Flame is 2d4. Legacy Ray of Frost same thing. Its a small example but it goes to show if they do an errata the sites which show official rules won't save what is being overwritten.


Its heartbreaking this being rolled out as an errata and not just an option. Wizard got a big rework with remaster but we can still be proper legacy wizards if we choose to be.
This change is going to effect Archives of Nethys and Foundry VTT which change to match the erratas. You won't be able to find the old Oracle outside of your physical APG. Thats not right, we shouldn't be erasing the old Oracle.

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No happy about that, because whatever these articles are they aren't worth buying the adventures again for me, but whatever...

Thanks for letting me know.

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Archives of Nethys says there are "setting articles" in the books, and I would like to read them but I cannot find them.
From Hands of the Devil I have been looking for "Among the Will O Wisps" and "Warpers of Flesh". Also it reports there are four Will O Wisp monster Variants I cannot find in the book either, though I suspect they exist in the lost Among the Will O Wisps.
Are these in the Hardcover version?

Archives of Nethys says there are "setting articles" in the books and I would like to read them, but I cannot find them.
From Eyes of Empty Death I have been looking for "Ghosts of the Inner Sea"
Is this in the Hardcover version?

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Unless I missed something Hasbro/ WOTC aren't forcing the Paizo to drop the SRD, its just Paizo and many others no longer trust Hasbro/WOTC to keep the SRD content free to use. Paizo is choosing to make the ORC because of the OGL which a lot of businesses have used in their own work could not longer be trusted to stay available.
The backlash to the OGL change was massive and Hasbro/WOTC rolled back the changes but the damage is done.

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Just my two cents. This ruling is really annoying in Foundry VTT. You can turn off if players learn their success or failure automatically but it really defeats the point of how useful the automation is. It might not be an illegal ruling but it is an irritating ruling and I wouldn’t play at that table anymore.

The way I see it is Strike is an Encounter Mode action anyways. This might come up in an encounter and you have to adjudicate but a lot of the examples I am seeing I think happen more often in Exploration Mode where we intentionally don't get stuck in the weeds about specific actions.

I don't think many of these feats such as Shattering Blows, suggest the text for Strike is wrong. I think you can certainly still attack things in Exploration Mode without following strictly the rules for Strike. If the GM wants that to be Force Open thats understandable because they rules are more clear, though personally I think Feats like Shattering Blows does suggest making Attack Rolls as if they were skill checks is intended. Downtime of course also doesn't care about the particulars of Encounter Mode. Demolish a house with a sword? Well honestly I expect I would tell my players this is more likely to end in a damaged sword than a properly broken house, but more importantly you cannot look at that Downtime Activity in a vacuum. Thats Kingmaker and the Critical Failure effect makes it clear you have workers who presumably are not all adventurers with greatswords.

You might be right, but Paizo will from time to time give you more XP than a fight is worth. I cannot rule that out. That said though this does seem fair to me, Ive never seen as many TPKs as the final fight in Menace Under Otari. Its WILD how this one dragon can tear a party apart. Its attack is so good Draconic Frenzy into recharged breath weapon tears level 2 parties apart. It could be level +3

Somebody had an idea about keeping Voz in the plot longer as the final boss for this book, and I didn't agree when I first read it, but the idea has grown on me and I've been looking through the posts for about an hour now and just cannot find this post again.
I really wanted to review the post again because my memory of it is kind of fuzzy. I believe the idea is you find her at the Ring and have your confrontation there. She might have made a bargain with the Barghest to raise a few of his goblin "worshippers" as a trade to get past. I don't remember what happens to the other encounters this would interfere with.

Anyone know what I am talking about? Idea haver still checking on this thread? This is driving me mad.


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Except that isn't how being permanently blind in PFS or the base game works. There are liberties given to building PCs with permanent disabilities so they can also be represented in out high magic epic fantasy story game.

A able visioned character suddenly losing sight because of the blind condition is treated differently to a character who has had long term blindness well before adventuring. This is not using semantics to wriggle out of consequences. This is the rules. This is the efforts made for inclusivity.
