Gelanin's page

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My group usually does the following:

4D6, must keep 3 highest of each roll.
1 reroll of a single die while rolling (so say you got 6, 6, 1, 1, you'd typically reroll a 1, but if you got a 6, 5, 3, 1, do you spend your reroll on the 1, or gamble and wait and see if you get a 6, 6, x, x to reroll ?)

Also, depending on the powerlevel of the game, we also set a minimum total bonus for a character. Usually around +4 to +6, so if the total bonuses do not add up to the level set, they may reroll the entire row of stats.

Would looking at rod-creation help ?

It sort of sounds like he wants to create/make a "one-shot" metamagic rod with 3 charges, that doesnt "recharge" every day.

Anyone able to clear up my confusion around this ?

I'm trying to wrap my head around crafting and special materials.

I notice that some materials like Adamantine and Mithril has a "Item Cost Modifier" while other materials like fire-forged steel has an "Item Price Modifier"

Now, the questions are as follows.

If i as a crafter have an Adamantine bar worth 1200GP, could i use that to create a Masterwork weapon, or would the bar of Adamantine have to be worth 3000 GP before it could be turned into a weapon.

I.e, do you as a crafter pay 1/3 the the "Item Cost Modifier" in raw materials for crafting Adamantine items, or the full cost. And IF you pay the full cost, would the normal price of buying an actual made item from a shop be twice the "Item Cost modifier" ? (ignoring the base weapon cost).

And is there a difference between "Item Cost Modifier" and "Item Price Modifier" when it comes to crafting items based on this materials ?

And just a quick followup question.
I assume the crafting time is still based on the "full cost" and not based on the 1/3 cost.

Thanks for any help clearing up this confusion for me.