Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Geena's page

6 posts. Alias of Dramatis Personae.


Mike O'Neill wrote:

All I know is I'll be damned if she didn't look like Olivia Wilde.

Come on...


<Geena heads up the stairs packing a clip while she walks, looking really great in her flight suit.>

No worries.

Mike O'Neill wrote:

"You could, like, handcuff someone too...."

<Trails off. Looks embarrassed.>

The zip straps are biguns. Can make a 20 inch diameter loop.

"I used them to zip the handles of the double doors in Queen Victoria High School yesterday - used three of them - kept me from getting eaten... or worse. I was substitute teaching."

To Mike: "I'm Geena. Born here in Van, probably gonna die here, too, looks like."

<Long uncomfortable pause, she rubs the little hearts on her AK.>

<She pulls out a bag of thick zip straps and hands them to Mike.>

"These are handy, have some. Saved my life last night."

"Hey, kid."

She doesn't look much older than Mike, if at all.