Grayst Sevilla

GearTen's page

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So let me get this straight. Everyone here is wanting fixes to classes from a book dated to be released a year from now. But everyone is perfectly ok with no fixes to classes being released in a Advanced Class Guide a month from now. i would like to think those fixes should have been in this upcoming release. but meh. And really has anyone learned from history of gaming ? Let a company swing a bat for you and it will be far more broken than before. woops now that this is to nerfed. we have to nerf the rest! Unchained should should be totally new concepts and gaming elements not more classes and junk that i have in 15 other books.

To be honest i could care less about class fixes. Or what feat and or spell needs to be readjusted.I only care about one thing.And
I know this might be reaching but. How About some in depth role playing mechanics.Something to which there seems to be a lack of. It might actually give The Coast a run for there money. Considering it is there only selling point.I for one would love Something that breaks my Min maxer's away from the constant number crunching and daydreaming about what they will choose a level so and so.

Keep drinking the cool-aid subscribers and thinking that this is a good thing.I have all the core books and that means with this new policy there will be nothing more for me to care to buy. that means less profit overall down the road. sure you say the pdf's will be available but both you and piazo tend to forget we are not living a pirate free internet world. are you that obtuse to believe someone who cannot afford subs or feels jilted by this policy will actually pay for the pdf? a fools paradise i say. So now any new gm's will be forced to go digital. So tell me why should anyone after this buy any hard copies knowing that half there collection is going to be digital. Might as well go all the way.And fyi pick up one of your books and read where it was printed and made. Piazo is not paying as much as you would like to believe they are for those printed books. In the end this is not economically a sound decision and i know im not alone in this... spoiler alert printed in china.

As a new DM. It took me almost 2 years to complete the entire core rulebooks collection. And was slowly working my way to finishing everything else including all the adventure path series. And now to find out that your company will be discontinuing 5 of those paths is abit disheartening. Some of us do not have the resources or funds to drop down on a subscription and if they started late like I did those people are going to miss out on some already good print items. The last time I saw this happen in a company it was because that company decided to start printing another edition. This is not wizards of the coast all over again is it. Because if it is you should consider firing the guy who thought that this was a good idea.