HP: 42/0
Bloodied value: 21
Surges p/day: 10
Surges remaining: 10
Per surge: 10
Death Saves: 1
Temp hp: 0
Action points: 1
XP: see above
Basic melee attack: Carrikal / Attack +9 v AC / 1d8+6 damage (Brutal 2)
Basic ranged attack: Dejada / Attack +4 v AC / 1d8 damage / 10/20
Racial Features:
Cast Iron Stomach: +5 save v poison
Dwarven Resilience: take Second Wind as a minor action
Dwarven Weapon Proficiency: proficient with hammers
Encumbered Speed: encumbrance doesn't affect speed
Stand Your Ground: forced movement reduced by 1; immediate saving throw to prevent being knocked prone
Class Features - Feats:
Tactical Presence: When an ally you can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a bonus to the first attack roll of that attack. The bonus equals half your Intelligence modifier (+1).
Inspirational Attacker: The target of your inspiring word regains additional hit points equal to your Strength modifier if it is adjacent to an enemy you have hit during this turn.
Far Hearing: For a moment, you can hear even distant whispers. (Minor, Psionic) Personal. Effect: Choose one square you can see that is within 10 squares of you. Until the end of your next turn, you can hear as if you occupied that square.
Wolf Pack Tactics: You attack your enemy with a well-placed blow, allowing a comrade to get into better position. (Martial, Melee, Standard, Melee.) Target: One creature. Special: Before the attack, an ally adjacent to you or to the target can shift 1 square as a free action. Attack: +9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8+6 damage.
Inevitable Wave: You and your allies charge a foe with the relentless power of the incoming tide. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature +9 vs AC, damage 1d8+6 damage. On a hit, until the end of your next turn, any ally who charges the target deals +2 extra damage. Special: when charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Second Wind: (Minor) use healing surge as minor action to gain 1/4 total HP
Inspiring Word: You call out to a wounded ally and offer inspiring words of courage and determination that invigorates your comrade. (Minor, Martial, Healing) Close Burst 5, Target you or one ally in the burst. Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain 1d6 additional hit points. Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Battlefront Shift: As combat breaks out, you give a quick call, urging an ally to move or spurring yourself to take action. (No action, Martial) Close Burst 3, Target you or one ally in the burst. Trigger: you roll initiative. Effect: the target shifts half his or her speed.
Takedown Strike: You sweep or shoot through an enemy’s legs and knock it to the ground—hard. (No Action, Martial) Melee 1, Target the triggering enemy. Trigger: you hit an enemy adjacent to you with an attack. Effect: The target takes +4 extra damage from the triggering attack, and you knock the target prone.
Shielded Assault: You attack cautiously, protecting yourself and nearby allies with your shield. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature. +9 vs AC, damage 2d8+6 damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC, and your allies gain a +2 power bonus to AC while adjacent to you.
Inspiring War Cry: As you strike, you shout a fierce war cry that heartens a nearby ally. He immediately attempts to shake off whatever condition troubles him most. (Standard, Martial, Melee) Target 1 creature, STR vs AC, 2d8+6. One ally within 5 squares makes a saving throw.
Lead the Attack: Under your direction, arrows hit their marks and blades drive home. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature. +9 vs AC. Hit: damage 3d8+6 damage and until the end of your next turn, you and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a +3 power bonus to attack rolls against the target. Miss: half damage and until the end of your next turn, you and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against the target.
Endure Pain: You grin and bear it, shrugging off the pain of a new wound. (Immediate Interrupt) Personal. Trigger: you are hit by an attack. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance to all damage equal to 7.
Preservation Shield: (Minor) You and each ally within 5 squares gain temporary hit points equal to the number of healing surges you have remaining.
Items - Wealth:
Magic Items:
Preservation Shield
Potion of Healing
Plate Armour
Dejada (+ 10 rocks)
Adventurer's Kit (belt pouch, backpack, bedroll, fire bow and tinderbox, lantern, 10 days rations (eaten), 50' rope, waterskin)
Weight: 106
Capacity: 200
130gp in ceramic coins
16 survival days for trip after the elf slums
STR 19 (+5)
CON 15 (+3)
DEX 15 (+3)
INT 3 (-3)
WIS 11 (+1)
CHA 8 (+0)
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +3
AC 15, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception+1
Speed 8
Beak: At-Will, Standard Action. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.
Claws: At-Will, Standard Action. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Pounce: At-Will, Standard Action. Effect: The crodlu can move its speed. Whether or not the crodlu moves, it can use beak and claws, making each attack against the same target. If both attacks hit, the target also falls prone.
Alignment: Unaligned
Mount Rules
Mount Requirements
To be a mount, a creature must meet two requirements.
• Size: The creature’s size category must be larger than its rider’s. For instance, a mount for a Medium creature must be Large or larger.
• Willing: The creature must be a willing mount. The mount is considered an ally to its rider and the rider’s allies.
Mounting and Dismounting
The most common ways for a rider to get on or off a mount are using the mount and dismount actions. Uncommon ways include teleportation and jumping.
Mount (Move Action): The rider mounts a creature adjacent to it and enters its space.
Dismount (Move Action): The rider dismounts, moving from the mount’s space to a square adjacent to it.
Rules for the Mount and Rider
A mount and rider follow these rules while the rider is mounted.
Space: The rider and mount both occupy the mount’s space and are considered adjacent to each other. However, the origin square of any of the rider’s powers and other effects does not change to the mount’s size. Whenever the rider uses an effect that has an origin square (such as a melee, a ranged, a close, or an area power), the rider first picks where that square is located in the mount’s space, and the effect uses that origin square (the rider still shares the mount’s space for the purpose of triggering effects, such as opportunity attacks). For instance, if a Medium rider uses a close burst attack power, the rider chooses a single square within the mount’s space, and the burst emanates from that square. This rule means that if the burst targets each creature within it, rather than each enemy, it can hit the mount.
Initiative: The mount and rider act on the rider’s initiative count, even if the mount had a different initiative before the rider mounted it. The two continue to act on the same initiative count after the rider dismounts. A monster and its mount have separate turns, whereas an adventurer and his or her mount have a single turn.
Actions (Adventurers Only): An adventurer and his or her mount have a shared set of actions: a standard action, a move action, and a minor action. However, they each have their own free actions. The player chooses how the two creatures divide up the set of actions on the adventurer’s turn. Most commonly, the mount takes a move action to walk or shift, and the adventurer takes a standard action to attack. The adventurer and the mount also share a single immediate action each round and a single opportunity action each turn. If one of the creatures can’t take actions, the shared set of actions is still available to the other creature. If either creature is dazed, that creature can take only one of the shared actions.
If the adventurer dismounts, the two still share one set of actions on that turn, but have separate sets of actions on subsequent turns.
Mount Attacks: The mount takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. While not being ridden, a typical mount (such as a riding horse) rarely attacks on its own, unless it has been trained for battle, is defending itself, or feels unusually protective of its rider. Left to its own devices, a typical mount avoids combat.
Charging: When the rider charges, the rider and mount move up to the mount’s speed and then the rider makes the charge attack. When the mount charges, it follows the normal rules for a charge.
Squeezing: When the mount squeezes, the rider is also considered to be squeezing.
Targeting the Mount and Rider: Even though the mount and rider occupy the same space, they are still separate creatures and are targeted separately. For instance, an attack that targets only one creature can target either the mount or the rider, not both. In contrast, area and burst attacks can affect both mount and rider, since the two are in the same space.
Provoking Opportunity Attacks: If the mount’s movement provokes an opportunity attack, the attacker chooses to target either the mount or the rider, since the two of them move together. However, if the mount or the rider provokes an opportunity attack by using a ranged or an area power, the attacker must target whichever one of them provoked the opportunity attack.
Forced Movement: If the mount is pulled, pushed, or slid, the rider moves with it. If the rider is pulled, pushed, or slid and the mount isn’t, the rider can have the two of them move together. Otherwise, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in the destination space of the forced movement.
Teleportation: If either the mount or the rider is teleported, the other does not teleport with it. If the mount is teleported without the rider, the rider is dismounted and falls prone.
Falling Prone: If the mount falls prone, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the now-prone mount. However, if the mount is flying when it is knocked prone, it instead falls. The rider isn’t dismounted unless the mount lands and falls prone itself. A rider who is knocked prone can immediately make a saving throw. On a roll of 9 or lower, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the mount. On a roll of 10 or higher, the rider is neither dismounted nor knocked prone. A rider who voluntarily drops prone falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the mount.